

1星价 ¥27.0 (6.0折)
2星价¥27.0 定价¥45.0
  • ISBN:9787566420305
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:244页
  • 出版时间:2020-05-01
  • 条形码:9787566420305 ; 978-7-5664-2030-5


☆秉持“英语+商务”的理念,助力培养复合应用型外语人才 ☆选材新颖,突出商务情景与任务融合、“全球化”“本土化”相结合 ☆循序渐进,轻松掌握商务语汇及知识 ☆易学易教,强化商务素材的真实生动性 ☆学考融合,对接BEC、专四、专八考试 ☆巧妙设计问题,培养学生思辨能力 ☆练习设计注重学生参与性和互动性 ☆贯穿职业能力要求,活动设计体现职业性与实用性 ☆宣传中国文化,讲好中国故事,同时汲取外国文化的精髓


  《商务英语阅读(下册)》依据《商英国标》,结合商务英语专业教学大纲要求,以“商务 英语”模式编写,着重夯实学生的语言基本功,兼顾商务知识和人文素养同步提升。《商务英语阅读(下册)》分上下两册,每册12个单元,每单元两篇阅读文章(Text A和Text B)。主题涵盖互联网、广告、电子商务、媒体、品牌建设、企业文化、一带一路等诸多商务活动领域;每单元包含Text A和Text B两篇阅读材料,一篇侧重精读,一篇侧重课后泛读;每篇阅读材料后配以相关术语、重要理论及相应的练习。《商务英语阅读(下册)》适用于高等学校商务英语专业和英语专业(商务方向)的本科学生,也可供商务人士及广大商务英语爱好者参考阅读。


Unit l Job Hunting TlextA Better Salar y& Benefits:Key Reasons Employees Leave a Job Tlext B Playing to Your Strengths Umt 2 Career Plan Text A Developing Your Career Plan Tlext B How to Reach Your Career Goals and objectives Unit 3 Human Re s ourc e Management Text A What Is Human Resource Text B How to Put Employees First & Build a Positive Company Culture Unit 4 Tourism:Brief Introduction Text A The JmpactS of Tou rjsm Jndustry on Host Communjfy Text B The Role of Tourism in Economic DeveIopmenf Unit 5 China's outbound Tourism Text A The Future of Chinese Travel(1) Text B The Fufure of Chjnese Travel(2) Unit 6 Hotel Business Text A The Traditional Hotel Industry Text B KeY Performance Metrics for Every HoteI Unit 7 Business Relations Text A Customer Satisfaction:Differentiate Yourself from the Competition Text B Eight Ways to Motivate YourTeam Unit 8 Business Travel Text A Minding Your Global Manners Text B How to Plan Y0ur Business Travel Unit 9 Business Negotiations Text A What Is a Win-win Negotiation Text B Improving Negotiation Skills:Rules for Master Negotiators Unit 10 Intelligent Manufacturing Text A Coca-Cola Is Using AI to Stay at the Top of the Soft Drinks Market Text B How 3D Printing Could Break into the Building Industry Unit l1 Intelligent Industry Text A A Rising New“Species” Text B Green BelI Unit 1 2 New Economy Text A Smarter and Healthier--Technology.powered Medical Treatment Brings New Prospects to Healthcare System Tlext B Mukesh Ambani Wants to Be India's First Internet Tycoon



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