

1星价 ¥32.9 (7.3折)
2星价¥32.9 定价¥45.0
  • ISBN:9787300281803
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:332
  • 出版时间:2020-06-01
  • 条形码:9787300281803 ; 978-7-300-28180-3


常春藤英语,英语就是这样练成的 1. 语言地道。精选主流英语国家的语文素材,突出英语的原汁原味。 2. 选材适宜。按照新课程标准的“人与自然、人与社会、人与自我”三大主题要求选录文本。 3. 难度适中。文章的内容将按照由易到难的顺序排列,使其在难度逻辑上层层递进,符合学生认知规律。 4. 实用性强。根据中考及高考题型,每篇文章后设计了有针对性的技能练习,使本书更加符合新课程标准中培养学生英语学科核心素养的要求。 6. 辅助内容齐全。精编版增加了背景知识、难句赏析、课文译文等板块,帮助学生更好地理解课文、补充相关知识。


本书根据《常春藤英语 四级(上下)》两本书进行修订,从中选取难度相对较低的文本,并增加重新收集和加工的新文本。每篇文章的前面设有导读,文后有品读助手和参考译文。其中品读助手包括背景知识、难句解析等。难句解析部分解析细致到位,能帮助学生理解文章中的长难句和语法现象,从而加深对整篇文章的理解。 每篇文章独立成篇,互不影响,语言流畅,通俗易懂;每篇文章后面都设计了一定数量的阅读理解考察题,以检查读者的阅读能力和对文章的理解水平。 通过阅读本书,读者还会学到相关的英语知识,巩固和扩大词汇量,培养英语语感和阅读习惯,提升人文素养。本书旨在扩大读者视野,丰富英语知识,全面提高英语阅读能力。


Lesson 1 Volcanoes
Lesson 2 Soccer Blues
Lesson 3 Run-DMC
Lesson 4 Sunday Culture Shock
Lesson 5 Rock'n'Roll Camp
Lesson 6 Houdini
Lesson 7 The Dirt on Soil
Lesson 8 Silliness in Space
Lesson 9 Sharing Music
Lesson 10 One Great Wall
Lesson 11 Dan and the Dolphin
Lesson 12 The Hamster from Room 144
Lesson 13 The Rabbits
Lesson 14 The Soldier and the Horse
Lesson 15 Bees
Lesson 16 The Swan
Lesson 17 The Traveller and the Lion
Lesson 18 The Old Man and His Donkey
Lesson 19 The New Year
Lesson 20 Dreaming of the Harvest
Lesson 21 The Whale
Lesson 22 Communication Between Parents and Teenagers
Lesson 23 The Dog with the Lantem
Lesson 24 A Child's Angel
Lesson 25 The Foolish Monkeys
Lesson 26 Echo
Lesson 27 The Leopard
Lesson 28 The Honest Woodman
Lesson 29 Story of a Dog
Lesson 30 The Ice Hotel
Lesson 31 The Bear and the Children
Lesson 32 A Wall of Names
Lesson 33 All about the Farm
Lesson 34 What the Leaf Said
Lesson 35 Mamma's Present
Lesson 36 The Widow's Lamp
Lesson 37 Ralph Wick
Lesson 38 His Good Angels
Lesson 39 The Fox and the Ducks
Lesson 40 The Young Teacher
Lesson 41 The Storyteller
Lesson 42 Harry and Annie
Lesson 43 Perfectly Imperfect
Lesson 44 Tommy and the Crow (Part I)
Lesson 45 Tommy and the Crow (Part II)
Lesson 46 Jack and the Beanstalk (Part I)
Lesson 47 Jack and the Beanstalk (Part II)
Lesson 48 Grandfather's Bear
Lesson 49 The Birds' Christmas Tree
Lesson 50 Bird Friends
Lesson 51 Poor Davy
Lesson 52 Johnny's First Snowstorm
Lesson 53 Castle-building (Part I)
Lesson 54 Castle-building (Part II)
Lesson ss Through the Snow
Lesson 56 Words Play Magic
Lesson 57 What Is Folk Music?
Lesson 58 Working for Peanuts
Lesson 59 What Maggie's Penny Did
Lesson 60 Things to Remember



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