西方文化简明教程/刘春芳 高兆金

包邮西方文化简明教程/刘春芳 高兆金

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  • ISBN:9787561847169
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:306
  • 出版时间:2018-01-01
  • 条形码:9787561847169 ; 978-7-5618-4716-9




Division Ⅰ Greek and Roman Culture Chapter 1 Ancient Greece 1. Greek Mythology 2. The Trojan War 3. Homer's Epic 4. Greek Philosophy 5. Greek Drama 6. Greek Sculpture and Architecture Questions for Discussion Chapter 2 Ancient Rome 1. Founding Myths 2. The Domain of Ancient Rome 3. Significant Figures and Events 4. Roman Literature 5. Religion and Philosophy 6. Roman Law and Constitution 7. Roman Art Questions for Discussion Division Ⅱ The Middle Ages Chapter 1 Christianity 1. Introduction 2. The Origin and Development of Christianity 3. Doctrines of Christianity 4. The Old Testament and the New Testamen,t 5. Stories of the Bible Questions for Discussion Chapter 2 Byzantium 1. History 2. Religion in Byzantium 3. Byzantine Literature 4. Architecture of Byzantium Questions for Discussion Chapter 3 The Middle Ages 1. History of the Middle Ages 2. Feudalism 3. Castle 4. Birth of Chivalry 5. The Crusades 6. The Black Death 7. Medieval Painting and Architecture 8. Medieval Literature …… Division Ⅲ Modern Times

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