  • ISBN:9787307214668
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:306
  • 出版时间:2021-01-01
  • 条形码:9787307214668 ; 978-7-307-21466-8




Pait One 英语课堂教学魔术 1.Three Balls Come from Nowhere徒手变三球 2.Magic Change of a Ball in Shape and Colour蛮球换色 3.Ping—pong Ball and Coloured Silk球变彩纲 4.Draw Cards and Guess the Number抽牌猜教 5.Guess What the Three Cards Say三牌猜教 6.The Sun and the Moon“太阳”和“月亮” 7.Blowing Horizontally-Arranged Cards to Be Vertically-Arranged吹横向列牌为纵列 8.One Deck of Cards Magically Dyed单副牌面变色 9.Two Decks of Cards Magically Dyed双副牌染色 10.Idea Helps Turn Over One of the Cards意念单翻牌 11.Idea Helps Turn Over Two of the Cards意念双翻牌 12.Draw Pictures Separately and Move Them Together 扑克构图迁移之谜 13.Reprint Name Card by Hand徒手改印名片 14.Cards Give Birth to More Cards牌生牌 15.Pieces of Broken Cards Become Complete碎牌复原 16.The Surprising Coincidence惊人巧合 17.Matches or Coins?火柴还是硬币? 18.Ideas Move Coins意念挪币 19.A Coin Itself Enters a Pocket Unnoticed硬币遁形进口袋 20.Pass Love爱传递 21.Qigong Moves Coins气功挪币 22.Change Paper into Money白纸变钱 23.A Coin Becomes an Eraser硬币变橡皮榨 24.A Coin Flying down from the Sky空中飞币 25.A Coin Going Through a Piece of Cloth硬币穿越方巾 26.A Copper Coin Turns into Silver Ones铜币变银币 27.Coins Walk to Get Together硬币舀行聚会 28.Coins from the Sky Immediately Lost and Got空中来币得与失 29.Get Money from the Growth种钱得钱 30.Turn Nothing into Coins翻掌变硬币 31.Pen Lost钢笔消失 32.Distinguish Colour by Sense of Touch触觉辨颜色 33.Replicate Stationery复制文具 34.Crayons Falling from the Sky天降蜡笔 35.Guessing Some Numbers from a Distance千里猜数 36.Use Ears to Distinguish the Telephone Numbers耳果认电话号码 37.Idea Controls the Happening of Something Magical意念控制 38.Read Eyes to Know Numbers读眼知教 39.Control One'S Decision控制决定 40.Change Colour改变颜色 41.Change Empty Match Box into a Full One空盒蛮火柴 42.Change Nothing into a Small Knife in an Empty Box空盒变小刀 43.Magical Change from Nothing to Coins in an Empty Box空盒变硬币 44.Colour Changed&Liquid Lost in the Disposable Plastic Cup塑料杯溶液变化与消失 45.Distinguish Colours of Objects in a Box Through Listening隔盒听音辨色 46.Red Wine Appears in an Empty Bottle空杯变红酒 …… Part Two 英语课堂教学游戏 附录 英语课内外智力游戏及参考答案



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