

1星价 ¥67.8 (5.3折)
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  • ISBN:9787542673596
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:23cm
  • 页数:532页
  • 出版时间:2021-03-01
  • 条形码:9787542673596 ; 978-7-5426-7359-6




本书试图在伦理学视域中对企业道德责任进行规范性研究, 并通过聚焦企业道德责任, 强调以人为本与以儒家伦理为主的社会伦理文化的价值导向, 从而从企业内部和外部两个维度全方位建构当代企业责任的新路径。


I. The Reason for Choosing the Topic
II. Research Significance of the Topic
III. Academic History Review and Research Trends of Related Research at Home and Abroad
IV. Basic Ideas and Research Contents
V. Research Methods and Innovations

Chapter One Responsibility, Moral Responsibility and Moral Responsibility of Enterprise
Section One Responsibility Category and Responsibility Analysis
I. Semantics and Connotation of Responsibility
II. Psychological Analysis of Responsibility
Section Two Connotation and Characteristics of Moral Responsibility
I. Connotation of Moral Responsibility
II. Characteristics of Moral Responsibility
Section Three Definition and Sorting of Corporate Moral Responsibility
I. Definition of Corporate Moral Responsibility
II. Sorting of Corporate Moral Responsibility

Chapter Two The Foundation and Confirmation of Corporate Moral Responsibility
Section One Foundation and Confirmation From Inside the Enterprise
I. Nature of Enterprise and the Requirements of Management Reform
II. The Internal Need of Enterprises to Enhance Competitiveness
III. Realize the Change From Profit Maximization to Optimization
IV. Internal Embodiment of Corporate Sustainability

Chapter Three The Realization and Guarantee of Corporate Moral Responsibility
Chapter Four Cultivation of Moral Responsibility of Modern Enterprises



  姜晶花,A native of Liyang, Jiangsu Province, Dr. Jiang is an associate professor and master supervisor at University of Science and Technology Beijing.  Her main research areas include economic ethics, ideological and political education theory, and etiquette and ethics. She serves as a member of the youth ethics committee of the Chinese Ethics Society, a member of the political ethics committee of the Chinese Ethics Society, and president of Confucian Etiquette Research Association Nanjing. Dr. Jiang has presided over many scientific research projects such as "Research on the Contemporary Construction Path of Corporate Ethical Responsibility and Entrepreneur Moral Responsibility" (16BZX101), a general project of 2016 National Social Science Fund; "Research on the Cultivation of Corporate Moral Responsibility in China During the Transition Period" (CX2213_0352), a project under the 2013 Research Innovation Plan for University Postgraduates in Jiangsu Province (funded by the provincial government); "Popularized Reader of Traditional Chinese Etiquette: A Guide" (15JPJ019), a general project of 2015 Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Sciences Research. She has independently published more than 30 papers and monographs including "Human Nature: The Confusion Between Good and Evil", "City Value and Cultural Ethics", translated and edited "Capital", and compiled "The Reader of Etiquette for Middle School Students" and "Popularized Reader of Traditional Chinese Etiquette: A Guide". Dr. Jiang was a visiting scholar at the China Research Center of Aichi University in 2005 and the School of Philosophy, Fudan University in 2019.

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