  • ISBN:9787302573814
  • 装帧:80g胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:260
  • 出版时间:2021-02-01
  • 条形码:9787302573814 ; 978-7-302-57381-4


  《综合英语4/高等学校英语专业人文英语系列教材》立足于“学科性”与“人文性”、并基于“内容-语言融合”理念编写而成,以体系化的人文知识学习和对世界的人文探索促进学生英语语言能力的提高。  《综合英语4/高等学校英语专业人文英语系列教材》包括12个单元,根据外语专业与不同知识领域及社会生活领域的关联度,精选了12个知识领域或社会生活截面,即历史、艺术、哲学、科技、教育、社会、商业、政治、民族、交流与传播、自然与环境、信仰与文化等。


Unit 1 History
Text A Introduction to the Third Edition of The History of Africa
Text B Discovery in Mexican Cave May Drastically Change the Known Timeline of Humans' Arrival to the Americas

Unit 2 Art
Text A Distinctive Functions of Artistic Representation
Text B The Function of African Music in African Culture

Unit 3 Science Technologycience a lecllnolo
Text A The Bioindustrial Revolution
Text B Chromosome

Unit 4 Philosophy
Text A The Meaning of Life: Questions and Answers
Text B Lives of Meaning and Significance

Unit 5 Race and Nation
Text A Ethnic American Literature as Voice of Ethnic Culture
Text B The Importance of Irish Tales in Western European Literature

Unit 6 Society
Text A Consequences of Social Class
Text B Sociological Models of Social Class

Unit 7 Communication
Text A The History of Communication
Text B The Breadth of the Communication Field

Unit 8 Education
Text A The Nature and Development of the Taxonomy
Text B Learning by Degrees

Unit 9 Nature and Environment
Text A Silent Spring
Text B Restoring for Natural Authenticity

Unit 10 Business
Text A Cashless Society: A Huge Threat to Our Freedom
Text B A Brief Journey Through Payments & Ledgers

Unit 11 Belief and Culture
Text A Daoism
Text B Early Christianity

Unit 12 Politics
Text A Which Europe Now?
Text B The Future of the European Union: How to Save Europe

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