坚定 : 一个外国人的武汉日记

坚定 : 一个外国人的武汉日记

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  • ISBN:9787509016077
  • 装帧:一般纯质纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:307
  • 出版时间:2021-01-01
  • 条形码:9787509016077 ; 978-7-5090-1607-7


阿德汉·赛义德的日记为我们提供了一个战胜假信息、打赢媒体战的经典案例,对未来一段时期中国怎样讲好自己的故事很有借鉴意义!与此同时,阿德汉·赛义德用简单生动而有力的语言揭示了武汉和整个中国能够做到的原因,对于中国读者来说,他的客观视角也值得大家思考。 ——刘欣 阅读中,我的心在与他的讲述一同跳动,很多的画面仿佛就在眼前。他独有的全球视野,让我们也从当时的情感中走出来,更加理性、冷静地观察和反思全球在疫情中的反应与行动。 ——董关鹏




Prelude Chapter I Before the Storm The Year of the Rat Calm as Usual Hankou: SARS or Flu? Adham, Leave Wuhan Immediately! Chat History in New Year's Eve Am I Still on This Planet? A Night with Thousands of Questions Back to "Treasure" Chapter II Unprecedented Lockdown Stay Where You Are ! Unintentional Gain Campus Life Scream on January 24 My Father Cast out the Wicked and Cherish the Virtuous Trump: We Appreciate China's Transparency Prepare for War Arab Voice in the Battle "Hope Curve" Zhong Nanshan The Things We Need to Know Questions and Answers The Vaccine Appeared? I Would Not Leave Wuhan The Meeting between the Embassy and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs The Fifth Day Go Wuhan! The Epidemic Is a "Devil" The Crisis in Lebanon Streets in Wuhan 1 Streets in Wuhan 2 Fearless Volunteer Public Health Emergency of International Concern Chapter III Truth and Lies Conspiracy Theory 1 Conspiracy Theory 2 Is This a Symptom of New Coronary Pneumonia? From Lebanon to Wuhan Evacuation Ghost City Back to "Treasure" Again Streets in Wuhan 3 Vulcan and Thor (Fire God and Thunder God) Spring Petition Double Standard Superhero Fake News The Second Stage of Isolation Hope Is Ahead! Up and Down Data from February 7, 2020 The "General Fear" -- COVID-19 Chapter IV Dawn Turning Point Resolute and Beautiful Wuhan: Data from February 17, 2020 New Beginning: Data from February 18, 2020 Promise of Victory: Data on February 19, 2020 Why Didn't You Leave Wuhan? The Cost of "Freedom" in The West The Epidemic Spreads to Lebanon Do Not Panic: Data as of February 26, 2020 Maha Is Here Again Nothing Is Impossible: Data from March 2, 2020 Medal of Hope and Love "Sick Man from Asia" Chapter V Warm Spring with Flowers Bloom Believe That Wuhan Will Eventually Win: Data from March 6, 2020 "Chinese Virus" From "Justinian Plague" to COVID-19: Rejecting Racism "My Mum Is II1" First Time Less than 50 Cases: Data on March 7, 2020 Military World Games Will the Son Be Born Before the Father? For the First Time Less than 20 Cases: Data on March 9, 2020 Revolutionary Beard Only 8 New Cases in Wuhan: Data on March 11, 2020 Only Doctors, No Bombs A Community for the Shared Health of Mankind It Is Time to Admit 100 Yuan Will Bring You Back to Life! Chapter VI Why Can China Win? Why Is China's Death Toll Relatively Small? Zero: Data from March 18, 2020 Mother What Is the Secret? Put People First Economy Comes First We Can Say Loudly, We Persevered! The Spring Is in Wuhan


The origin of the writing of this book was the encouragement ofafriend.ShesuggestedthatIwritedownmyexperienceofisolation in Wuhan. She said, “Adham, if we don’t write down this history ourselves, our enemy will write it.” She did capture that to which I am sensitive. I decided not to leave Wuhan in order to convey to the outside world the stories of what happened in this city during the new coronary pneumonia epidemic. Therefore, it was necessary to record in detailthe views I expressed in interviews with various media and the content published on my Facebook homepage, so as to restore the real Wuhan during theepidemic. This book presents what I have seen, heard and thought from December 31, 2019 to March 30, 2020, from the first report of unexplained pneumonia cases in Wuhan to the end of home quarantine. In the book, I will introduce to readers my 68-day home isolation experience through a combination of narrative and discussion. I always like to tell stories in chronological order, rather than frequent flashbacks and interruptions, because it helps to clarify certain key issues, especially politicalissues. Although this book attempts to cover the entire period of Wuhan’s lockdown, there have been too many stories during this period, and I chose the most important stories to tell. This book is an excerpt of relevant posts and data posted on the Facebook homepage during my quarantine period. In order to retain the soul of these posts and data, I did not make any changes to them. Readers can follow the entire process of Wuhan’s control of the epidemic based on the data in the book. Here, I would like to thank all those who contributed to this book, all the comrades and friends who accompanied me during the quarantine period (both online and offline), thank my family, and thank all the people who are mentioned in this book, thank all those who have supported and encouraged me, especially Duha Shams and Mei, you are the driving force behind me writing of this book.



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