- ISBN:9787566323699
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 开本:16开
- 页数:220
- 出版时间:2022-03-01
- 条形码:9787566323699 ; 978-7-5663-2369-9
在内容安排上,《国际商法(英文版)(第三版)》兼顾理论性与实用性、全球性与地方性。此书紧扣国际商法的法律渊源,既注重对重要国际商事惯例和国际条约的阐释,也注重主要贸易国家国内法的影响,尤其关注中国相应的立法和司法实践。这使学习者认识到国际商法不仅是国际法亦是国内法,在学习国际商法的过程中,既要有全球视野,也要关注本土法律资源。在论述法律规则的过程中,此书会明确指出相应的法律条款,同时穿插图表和中外经典案例以帮助学习者更好地理解和应用相关法律规则,从而提升此书内容的实务操作性。此书的论述有详有略。对分歧较大的观点,着重阐述通说,对其他观点只做一般性提及,以免对学习者造成不必要的观点混乱性困扰;对重要内容,此书采用黑体字予以突出,以提醒学习者重点掌握和理解这些内容。 在写作语言上,此书力图使语言既严谨、流畅同时又不失活泼。此书的编著者认为,以英语为媒介学习法律,应至少致力于实现三个目标:法律知识的获取、法律英语应用能力的提高、法律思维方式的培养。
Chapter 1 The Legal Environment of International Business
1.1 International Business and Globalization
1.2 History of International Business Law
Exhibit 1-1:Outline of the Uruguay Round Final Act
1.3 Sources of International Business Law
A.International Treaties and Conventions
B.International Business Customs and Usages
C.National Laws
D.Other Sources
1.4 Comparison of Legal Systems
A.The Romano-Germanic Civil Law System
B.The Anglo-American Common Law System
1.5 The Role of International Organizations in International Business
Exhibit 1-2:The Structure of the WTO
Chapter Summary
PartⅡ Law of Business Organizations
Chapter 2 Sole Proprietorships
2.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Sole Proprietorship
2.2 The Law Governing Sole Proprietorships
Chapter 3 Partnerships
3.1 Forms of Partnerships
3.2 Partnership Formation.
Exhibit 3-1:A Sample Partnership Agreement
3.3 Partnership Operation
Case 3-1:Helpin still V.Regions Bank
3.4 Partnership Termination
Chapter 4 Corporations
4.1 Nature of Corporations
4.2 Classification of Corporations
4.3 Corporate Formation
4.4 Disregarding the Corporate Entity
Case 4-1:Salomon V.Salomon & Co,Ltd
Case 4-2:Hoskins Chevrolet,INC.V.Hochberg (1998)
4.5 Corporate Management
A.Corporate Management Institutions
B.Corporate Management Personnel
4.6 Merger,Consolidation and Dissolution of Corporations'
Chapter Summary
Part Ⅲ Law of International Sale of Goods
Chapter 5 Contract for International Sale of Goods (Ⅰ)
5.1 What Is a Contract?
5.2 Classification of Contracts
5.3 Essential Elements of a Valid Contract
5.4 Rules Governing International Sale of Goods
A.United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
B.National Laws
C.Principles of International Commercial Contracts
D.International Customs and Usages:Incoterms
Exhibit 5-1:Division of Incoterms 2010 (Mode of Transport)
Exhibit 5-2:Division of Incoterms 2020 (Mode of Transport)
Exhibit 5-3:Obligations and Charges of the Seller and the Buyer under Incoterms 2020
Chapter Summary
Chapter 6 Contract for International Sale of Goods (Ⅱ)
6.1 The Sphere of Application of the CISG
A.Three Requirements for the Application of the CISG
B.Choice of Law Clauses
Case 6-1:American Biophysics Corp.V.Dubois Marine Specialties
C.Sales Excluded from the CISG
D.Contractual Issues Excluded from the CISG
6.2 General Provisions for Interpretation of the CISG
Part Ⅳ Law of International Intellectual Property Rights
Part Ⅴ Law of International Commercial Disputes Resolution
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