

¥31.8 (8.0折) ?
1星价 ¥31.8
2星价¥31.8 定价¥39.8
  • ISBN:9787302610762
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:152
  • 出版时间:2022-07-01
  • 条形码:9787302610762 ; 978-7-302-61076-2




《民航实用英语听力教程》分为上下两册,一共14个单元,每个单元均包括以下几方面:语感热身、听力基础技巧训练、客舱服务过程中涉及的对话、段落理解以及文化赏析等。《民航实用英语听力教程(下册)》以民航乘务服务中的常规活动为主题,内容涉及民航服务的各个方面,比如餐饮服务、转机、海关安检等内容。每单元都设置多个服务片段或情境,将语言学习贯穿其中,并适当拓展旅行及民航的相关知识,素材丰富,体裁多样,语言规范。民航实用英语听力教程(下册) 适合空中乘务专业的学生使用,同时也适用于对空乘服务行业感兴趣的业余爱好者。本着因材施教和个性化教学的原则,教师在教学时可以针对学时设置和学生的具体接受程度来决定教学过程的安排并对教材内容进行选择。


Unit 8 1

Part I Pre-listening 2

Matching 2

Pronunciation 2

Part II Listening In 4

Responses 4

Dialogue: Serving the Food 4

Dialogue: Serving the Drink 5

Part III Listening and Understanding 6

Passage: Mobile Phones are Allowed on Planes — For or Against? 6

Passage: C919, Chinese-made Airbus, Our National Pride 7

Part IV Listening and Enjoying 9

Cultural Perspective: Dining Etiquette in Western Country 9

A Poem: I remember, I remember 9

Unit 9 11

Part I Pre-listening 12

Tongue Twister 12

Pronunciation 12

Part II Listening In 13

Responses 13

Dialogue: Supplementary Reading Material 14

Dialogue: How to Use the Headsets? 15

Part III Listening and Understanding 15

Dialogue: Lift the Screen up 15

Passage: The Entertainment System 17

Passage: Notting Hill 18

Part IV Listening and Enjoying 19

Cultural Perspective: Peking Opera 19

Friends: The One with the Proposal 20

Unit 10 22

Part I Pre-listening 23

Idioms 23

Pronunciation 23

Abbreviation 23

Part II Listening In 24

Responses 24

Duty-free Announcement on Board 25

Dialogue: Price for Items 25

Dialogue: Souvenirs and Gifts on Board 26

Part III Listening and Understanding 27

Dialogue: In-flight Sales 27

Passage: Some Rules on In-flight Duty-free Purchase in CSA 27

Part IV Listening and Enjoying 29

Star Alliance 29

Yoga 30

Unit 11 31

Part I Pre-listening 32

Tongue Twisters 32

Pronunciation 32

Intonation 33

Part II Listening In 34

Responses 34

Dialogue: Service for Special Passengers 34

Dialogue: Check-in for Special Passengers 35

Dialogue: Passenger with an Infant 36

Part III Listening and Understanding 37

Dialogue: Upgrading 37

Passage: Assistance for Incapacitated Passengers 37

Part IV Listening and Enjoying 38

Some Famous Airports in the World 38

Unit 12 41

Part I Pre-listening 42

Slangs 42

Pronunciation 42

Part II Listening In 43

Responses 43

Dialogues: Medical Problems 43

Announcement: Sudden Emergency Announcement 44

Dialogue: The Injured Passenger on Board 44

Dialogue: Is there a Doctor on Board? 45

Part III Listening and Understanding 46

Dialogue: Emergency commands 46

Announcement: Preparing for an Emergency Evacuation 46

Part IV Listening and Enjoying 47

Passage: Film on Pilot’s Heroic Story to Begin Shooting 47

Culture Perspective: Tennis Tournaments 48

Unit 13 50

Part I Pre-listening 51

Opposites 51

Pronunciation 51

Part II Listening In 52

Responses 52

Dialogue: My Luggage in Connecting Flight 52

Passage: Why Book Your Airport Transfer with Us? 53

Dialogue: Free Singapore Bus Tour During Your Transit 54

Part III Listening and Understanding 55

Dialogue: Unaccompanied Minor Lounges For Connection 55

Passage: A Transit Visa 56

Part IV Listening and Enjoying 57

Recruitment 57

Cultural Perspective: Iceland 58

Unit 14 59

Part I Pre-listening 60

Puzzles 60

Pronunciation 60

Part II Listening In 61

Responses 61

Questions: General Information about CIQ 61

Dialogue: My Customs Declaration 62

Dialogue: China Immigration Clearance 63

Part III Listening and Understanding 63

Passage: Peoples Republic of China Duty Free Allowances Summary 63

Passage: Macau?Duty Free Allowances Summary 64

Part IV Listening and Enjoying 65

Passage: European airlines 65

Culture Perspective: Hulun Buir Grassland 66

Keys and Audio scripts 67

Bibliography 136

Appendix 137


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