

1星价 ¥36.0 (7.5折)
2星价¥36.0 定价¥48.0
  • ISBN:9787560340678
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:21cm
  • 页数:198页
  • 出版时间:2022-05-01
  • 条形码:9787560340678 ; 978-7-5603-4067-8


本书就是一部由国外原版引进的关于算法的数学专著。 本书的中文书名或可译为《图论问题的遗传算法:在清晰与模糊的环境中(英文)》。 本书的作者为Sk.Md.阿布.纳伊姆(Sk.Md.Abu Nayeem),印度数学家,现为印度阿丽亚大学数学系教授。他的研究方向为图论、算法和模糊集合等。


1 Introduction 1.1 Graph Algorithms 1.2 Computational Complexities of Algorithms 1.3 Graph Theoretic Definitions and Notations 1.4 Genetic Algorithms 1.4.1 Components of a GA 1.4.2 General structure of a GA 1.5 Theoretical Foundation of GAs 1.5.1 Schemata and building blocks 1.5.2 GAs and traditional search methods 1.6 Arithmetic of Imprecise Numbers 1.6.1 Interval number and interval arithmetic 1.6.2 Triangular fuzzy number and its arithmetic... 2 Maximum Weight Independent Set of a Graph 2.1 Introduction 2.2 0-1 Integer Programming Formulation 2.3 The GA for the MWIS Problem 2.3.1 Genetic representation 2.3.2 Fitness function 2.3.3 Population initialization 2.3.4 Selection 2.3.5 Crossover 2.3.6 Mutation 2.4 Computational Results 2.5 A summary 3 Minimum Weight Dominating Set of a Graph 3.1 Introduction 3.2 0-1 Integer Programming Formulation 3.3 The GA for the MWDS Problem 3.3.1 Genetic representation 3.3.2 Fitness function 3.3.3 Population initialization 3.3.4 Selection 3.3.5 Crossover 3.3.6 Mutation 3.4 The Proposed GA and its Efficiency 3.5 Computational Results 3.6 A Summary 4 p-center and p-radius of a Graph in Crisp and Fuzzy Environments 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Genetic Representations and Operators 4.2.1 Representations 4.2.2 Initialization 4.2.3 Fitness function 4.2.4 Selection 4.2.5 Crossover 4.2.6 Mutation 4.3 Computational Result 4.4 Fuzzy Network and Different Location Models 4.5 Comparison of Imprecise Numbers

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