

1星价 ¥43.3 (8.7折)
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  • ISBN:9787122289902
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:264
  • 出版时间:2022-09-01
  • 条形码:9787122289902 ; 978-7-122-28990-2




**章 概论001 Chapter1 Introduction **节食品安全的概念和现状001 Concepts and current situation of food safety 一、食品的基本概念001 Basic concepts of food 二、食品安全的基本概念001 Basic concepts of food safety 三、影响食品安全的危害因素002 Hazard factors of food safety 四、食品中有害物质的来源003 Sources of hazardous substance in food 五、食品安全问题的危害和影响004 Harmfulimpacts of food safety issues 第二节国家食品安全管理体系004 National food safety management system 一、食品安全管理体系004 Food safety management system 二、国家食品安全管理体系005 National food safety management system 三、国家食品安全管理的原则和原理007 Guidelines and princeples of the national food safety management 四、国家食品安全监管模式及发展趋势008 Supervision patterns and trends of the national food safety management 第三节食品安全风险分析010 Food safety risk analysis 一、食品安全风险分析概述010 Overviews of food safety risk analysis 二、食品安全风险评估012 Food safety risk assessment 三、食品安全风险管理016 Food safety risk management 四、食品安全风险交流019 Food safety risk communication 第四节食品安全事故应急管理023 Food safety incidents emergency management 一、食品安全事故023 Food safety incidents 二、国外食品安全事故应急管理经验025 Lessons of food safety incidents emergency management in other countries 三、我国食品安全事故应急管理027 Food safety incidents emergency management in china 第二章 国际食品安全管理体系认证033 Chapter2 International certifications of food safety management system **节HACCP033 The HACCP system 一、HACCP体系的产生及发展033 Origin and development of HACCP system 二、HACCP体系的基本概念和原理035 The key concepts and principles of HACCP system 三、HACCP体系的应用038 Application of HACCP system 四、HACCP体系的认证046 HACCP system certification 第二节ISO 22000 054 The ISO 22000 system 一、ISO 22000食品安全管理体系的产生及发展054 Origin and development of food safety management system ISO 22000 二、ISO 22000食品安全管理体系的关键要素054 Key elements of ISO 22000 food safety management system 三、ISO 22000:2005标准的主要内容056 Main contents of ISO 22000:2005 standards 四、ISO 22000与HACCP的比较058 Comparison between ISO 22000 and HACCP 五、食品安全管理体系的认证060 Food safety management system certification 第三节FSSC 22000 066 The FSSC 22000 system 一、FSSC 22000认证的背景及发展066 Background and development of the FSSC 22000 certification 二、公共可用规范(PAS)的主要内容068 Main contents of PAS 三、FSSC 22000认证范围与标准069 FSSC 22000 certification scope and standards 四、FSSC 22000认证流程071 Procedures of FSSC 22000 certification 第四节其他食品安全管理体系认证073 Other Food safety management system certification 一、IFS国际食品标准认证073 IFS international food standard certification 二、BRC全球食品安全标准认证075 British retail consortium global food safety standard certification 三、美国SQF 1000/2000食品质量安全标准认证076 USA SQF 1000/2000 food quality and safety standard certification 第三章 美国食品安全管理体系078 Chapter3 Food safety management systems in the USA **节食品安全现状与存在问题078 Current situation and issues of food safety 一、美国食品安全现状078 Current status of food safety in the USA 二、美国食品安全体系中存在的问题079 Main issues within the USA food safety system in the USA 第二节食品法规与主要标准081 Food regulations and standards 一、食品安全法律体系的形成082 The formation and progression of the legal framework for food safety 二、美国食品安全的立法程序082 The legislative process of food safety in the USA 三、食品安全法律体系的主要内容084 Main contents of the food safety legal framework 四、美国食品安全法律治理的新发展—美国《食品安全现代法案》084 New developments in food safety law governance in the USA 五、美国食品安全技术法规体系现状086 Current status of food safety technical and regulatory systems in the USA 六、美国食品安全法规和标准体系的特点086 Features of the USA food safety regulation and standard system 七、食品安全法律体系的问题及改革087 Existing problems and reform of the food safety legal system 第三节食品管理087 Food management 一、食品安全起始计划与食品安全管制系统087 Food safety initial schemes and food safety control systems 二、美国食品安全管理体系的基本架构087 General framework of the USA food safety management system 三、美国食品安全管理的主要方式090 Main approaches to food safety management in the USA 四、美国食品安全管理新动向092 New trends of the USA food safety management 第四节食品监管093 Food supervision 一、食品安全监管体系093 Food safety supervision system 二、美国食品安全监管体系的基本原则096 General principles of FSMS in the USA 三、美国食品安全监管体系的特点097 Features of FSMS in the USA 第五节实验室检测098 Laboratory testing 一、政府实验室098 Government laboratory 二、第三方实验100 Third-party laboratory 第六节信息、教育、交流和培训101 Information,education,communication and training 一、美国食品安全体系的信息公开制度和交流制度101 The establishment of the USA FSMS information disclosure system 二、美国食品安全教育体系105 The USA food safety education system 三、食品安全培训109 Food safety training 第四章 欧盟食品安全管理体系110 Chapter4 Food safety management system in European Union(EU) **节欧盟食品安全及其管理体系的发展与现状110 Development and current status of food safety management system in European Union 一、欧盟食品安全概况110 Overview of food safety in European Union 二、欧盟食品安全管理体系的发展历程111 The development process of food safety management system in European Union 三、欧盟食品安全管理体系的发展趋势113 Development trend of EU food safety management system 第二节食品法规与主要标准113 Food regulations and major standards 一、欧盟食品法规113 Food regulations in EU 二、欧盟及其主要成员国的食品标准122 Food standards of EU and its members 第三节食品管理125 Food management 一、欧盟食品安全管理机构及其职责125 EU food safety management agencies and their responsibilities 二、部分成员国的食品管理128 Food management in some EU member states 第四节食品监管129 Food supervision 一、欧盟食品安全监管的特点129 Features of EU food safety supervision 二、欧盟食品安全监管的具体制度131 The specific food safety supervision system in EU 三、欧盟主要成员国的食品监管132 Food supervision in major EU member states 第五节实验室检测133 Inspection or testing system 一、检测物质134 Test substances 二、欧盟食品安全实验室检测系统134 EU food safety laboratory inspection or testing systems 第六节信息、教育、交流和培训135 Information,education,communication and training 一、信息收集与分析135 Data collection and analysis 二、信息交流135 Information exchange 三、安全教育与培训136 Safety education and training 第五章 英国食品安全管理体系137 Chapter5 Food safety management systems in UK **节食品安全现状与存在问题137 Current status and issues of food safety 一、英国食品安全现状137 Current situation of food safety in UK 二、英国食品安全存在的问题139 Current food safety issues in UK 第二节食品法规与主要标准140 Food regulations and major standards 一、英国早期食品安全法律制度(13世纪开始)140 Early food safety legal system in UK 二、英国现行食品安全法律制度(1990年至今)142 Current food safety legal system (from 1990 to present) in UK 三、其他专门性法规145 Other specialized legislation 第三节食品管理146 Food management 一、明确的权力主体146 Clarify the power subject 二、完善的标准保障制度148 Improve the standard security system 三、先进的风险分析及危机处理机制150 Advanced risk analysis and crisis management mechanism 第四节食品监管151 Food supervision 一、英国食品安全监管体系的完善演化历程151 Evolution of food safety supervision system in UK 二、英国食品安全监管的有效措施153 Effective measures for food safety supervision in UK 三、英国食品安全监管的特色154 Characteristics of the food safety supervision in UK 第五节实验室检测156 Laboratory testing 一、主要检测机构156 Major testing agencies and institutions 二、检测流程与结果质量分析157 Testing procedure and quality analysis of results 三、主要特点157 Main characteristics 第六节信息、教育、交流和培训158 Information,education,communication and training 一、英国食品安全的信息可追溯系统建设及信息公开制度158 The establishment of the food safety traceability system and the information transparency system in UK 二、英国食品安全教育现状159 Current status of food safety education in UK 三、高度重视食品安全的宣传和培训160 High attention to food safety publicity and training 第六章 日本食品安全管理体系162 Chapter6 Food safety management system in Japan **节日本的食品安全现状分析162 Current situation analysis of food safety in Japan 一、日本“食品安全大国”背后的教训162 Lessons behind food safety empire of Japan 二、当代日本食品安全管理体系概况164 Overviews of the current situation of food safety management system in Japan 第二节日本的食品法规和主要标准167 Food regulations and major standards in Japan 一、日本的食品法规体系167 Food regulation system in Japan 二、日本的食品标准体系173 Food standard system in Japan 第三节日本的食品安全管理176 Food safety management in Japan 一、日本食品安全的管理机构176 Food safety regulatory agencies in Japan 二、日本食品管理体系中各要素之间的关系179 Relationships among the critical factors of Japanese food management system 三、“从农田到餐桌”的食品安全全程管理和溯源制度179 Food safety management and traceability system covering the whole“from farm to table” process 四、肯定列表制度179 Positive list system 五、日本的食品标签标识管理180 Food labeling management in Japan 六、农食产品品质等级的“身份证制度” 181 “Identity card system” for grading of agricultural and food products 七、日本食品中放射性物质的安全管理182 Safety measures for radioactive materials in foods in Japan 八、日本食品安全事件惩戒措施182 Disciplinary measures for food safety incidents in Japan 第四节日本的进口食品安全监管183 Imported food safety supervision in Japan 一、日本进口食品监管体制183 Supervisory system for imported food safety in Japan 二、日本进口食品监管计划及实施情况184 Imported foods monitoring programme and implementation in Japan 三、日本食品进口程序与要求185 Procedures and requirements for imported foods in Japan 四、日本对违规进口食品的处理措施185 Japan's measures to deal with illegal imported food 五、日本对进口水产品的安全监管186 Japan's food safety regulation on imported aquatic products 六、日本的进口动植物的检疫、防疫体系187 Japan's inspection and quarantine system for imported animal and plant and epidemic prevention system 第五节日本的食品安全检测体系187 Japan's food safety inspection or testing system 一、日本食品检测的相关职能部门188 Functional departments relevant to food testing in Japan 二、日本食品检测的内容188 Inspection or testing contents in Japan 三、日本食品检测的技术手段189 Food testing technologies and techniques in Japan 第六节日本的食品安全教育191 Food safety education in Japan 第七章 新加坡食品安全管理体系192 Chapter7 Food safety management system in Singapore **节食品安全现状与存在问题192 Current status and issues of food safety 一、新加坡食品安全现状192 Current status of food safety in Singapore 二、新加坡食品安全事件192 Food safety issues in Singapore 第二节食品法规与主要标准193 Food regulations and major standards 一、新加坡食品标准法规的发展概况193 Overview on the development of food standards and regulations in Singapore 二、新加坡标准化管理部门194 Standardized management departments in Singapore 三、新加坡的标准法规现状195 Current status of food standards and regulations in Singapore 四、新加坡标准化体系的特点196 Features of Singapore's standardized system 五、新加坡推出新食品安全认证标准196 The release of new standard for food safety certification in Singapore 第三节食品管理197 Food management 一、食品安全管理197 Food safety management 二、食品安全立法体系200 Food safety legal framework 第四节食品监管201 Food supervision 一、食品安全监管部门201 Departments of food safety supervision 二、食品安全监管法律体系202 Legal framework for food safety supervision 三、食品安全监管的特点203 Characteristics of food safety supervision 第五节实验室检测206 Laboratory testing 一、食品安全实验室检测系统206 Food safety laboratory testing system 二、食品安全实验室管理208 Food safety laboratory management 三、实验室服务208 Laboratory services 第六节信息、教育、交流和培训209 Information,education,communication and training 一、食品业在职培训计划209 Food industry job training programme 二、食品法规修订210 Food legislation revision 三、食品从业人员培训210 Training for food practitioners 四、媒体社区的宣传211 Propagation via media and in the community 五、与其他国家城市的合作交流211 Cooperation and exchanges with other countries and cities 六、推出FINEST食品计划211 The launch of FINEST food plan 七、食品安全公共教育计划211 Food safety public education programme 八、新加坡食品安全专业212 Singapore food safety specialty 九、新加坡食品业的鼓励计划212 Singapore food industry incentive program 十、新加坡使用“更健康选择标签”213 Healthier choice symbol 十一、普及转基因食品的公众教育214 Public education for genetically modified food 十二、部分规定和要求214 Some specified requirements 第八章 中国食品安全管理体系216 Chapter8 Food safety management system in China **节我国食品安全现状与存在问题216 Current status and issues of food safety in China 一、食品数量安全方面:供应能力持续增强216 Food security in the aspect of quantity:continuous improvement in supply capacity 二、食品质量安全方面:食品质量不断提高,食品风险隐患依然严峻219 Food safety in the aspect of quality:continuous improvement of food quality with food potential safety risks remaining severe 三、食品营养安全方面:营养保障和风险因素的挑战222 The aspect of food nutrition and safety:challenges on nutrition security and risk factors 四、食品安全综合评价222 Comprehensive evaluation of food safety 第二节我国的食品法规与主要标准223 Food regulations and major standards in China 一、我国食品法律法规体系223 Food laws and regulations in China 二、我国的主要食品标准227 Major food standards in China 第三节我国的食品安全管理体系231 Food safety management system in China 一、食品安全管理体系的构成要素231 Constituent elements of the food safety management system 二、我国食品安全管理体系的现状及存在问题232 Current status and issues food safety management system in China 三、完善我国食品安全管理体系的对策233 Strategies for improving the food safety management system in China 第四节我国的食品安全监管237 Food safety supervision in China 一、我国的食品安全监管体系238 Food safety supervision system in China 二、我国的食品安全监管机构及职能分配239 Food safety regulators and function distribution in China 第五节我国食品安全实验室检测239 Food safety laboratory inspection or testing in China 一、我国食品安全检测机构239 Food safety testing agencies and institutions in China 二、我国现行食品安全监测体系存在的问题241 Current issues of food safety monitoring system in China 第六节我国食品安全信息、教育、交流和培训243 Food safety information,education,communication and training in China 一、食品安全事件及不科学的言论危害243 Food safety incidents and the negative impact of unscientific statements 二、重视食品安全教育培训的普及244 Attention to the popularity of food safety education and training 三、构建食品安全教育宣传体系的意义244 The significance of constructing the food safety education and publicity system 四、加强食品安全宣传教育的对策建议245 Proposals on the strategies for strengthening food safety publicity and education 参考文献247



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