  • ISBN:9787522301273
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:24cm
  • 页数:240页
  • 出版时间:2020-11-01
  • 条形码:9787522301273 ; 978-7-5223-0127-3


本书对国际贸易相关理论和政策进行了系统化的梳理, 并结合国际贸易实践的*新进展进行了全面的介绍。主要包括基础知识、国际贸易理论、国际贸易利益、国际贸易政策、国际贸易措施、国际贸易协调组织、国际贸易与外汇汇率、国际贸易与资本流动、国际贸易与跨国公司、国际服务贸易, 以及国际贸易实践等。本书符合我国“一带一路”倡议、对外交流需要与经济、贸易类留学生教育需要, 有较为重要的现实意义, 作为留学生教材, 具备较为严谨的内容、章节设置合理, 英语拼写规范, 场景设置逼真, 具有较好的推广应用功能。


Chapter 1 World Economy 1.1 The Essence of Economic Globalization and the Construction of World Economic Theory 1.2 Causes and Influences of International Flow of Factors of Production 1.3 Essential Points of Factor Flow and Theory Construction of World Economy 1.4 Development Strategies of Developing Countries in the Age of Factor Mobility Chapter 2 International Trade Theory 2.1 International Trade: An Overview 2.2 Classical or Country-Based Trade Theories 2.3 Modern Firm-Based Theories Chapter 3 International Trade Environment 3.1 International Capital Flows 3.2 International Transfers of Technology 3.3 The New International Industrial Revolution 3.4 The International Trading Environment 3.5 On the Surface, Global Economic Growth Appears Firm, Masking Underlying Risks and Imbalances 3.6 Resource-Rich Countries Often Struggle to Tap Into Their Development Potential 3.7 Global Trade Growth Moderates, Amid Heightened Trade Tensions Chapter 4 Protectionism and Barriers 4.1 Protectionism 4.2 Barriers to Trade 4.3 Reducing Barriers to Trade 4.4 Making Trade Policy 4.5 What Can Trade Policy Contribute to Resolving the Economic Crisis? 4.5 Conclusion Chapter 5 Multinational in China 5.1 An Overview of MNCs 5.2 Strategies for Doing Business Globally 5.3 The Business Form 5.4 The Multinational Organization 5.5 International Regulation of Multinational Enterprises 5.6 Home State Regulation of Multinational Enterprises 5.7 Host State Regulation of Multinational Enterprises 5.8 Factors That Influence a Company's Decision to Invest Chapter 6 Business Strategy 6.1 Introduction and Objectives 6.2 Implications of International Competition for Industry Analysis 6.3 Applying the Framework: International Location of Production 6.4 Applying the Framework: Foreign Entry Strategies 6.5 Multinational Strategies: Globalization Versus National Differentiation 6.6 Summary Chapter 7 International Sales Contract 7.1 Fundamental Policies and Values of Contract Law 7.2 Sources of Contract Law 7.3 General Writing Principles Applicable to Contract Drafting 7.4 Using Defined Terms Chapter 8 International Trade Terms 8.1 The Importance of Trade Terms 8.2 INCOTERMS Chapter 9 International Payment 9.1 Different Types of International Payment Methods

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