

1星价 ¥178.8 (6.0折)
2星价¥178.8 定价¥298.0
  • ISBN:9787010243528
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:12开
  • 页数:354
  • 出版时间:2022-01-01
  • 条形码:9787010243528 ; 978-7-01-024352-8


本书对每一届冬奥会都做了精彩介绍: 奖牌榜、 、会徽、基本资讯、趣闻摘要,一应俱全;照片,有的让人莞尔,有的让人感到震撼;故事,有的妙趣横生让人捧腹,有的历史感满满让人唏嘘不已……


一部全面呈现百年冬奥史(24届)瑰丽画卷的图书《从夏蒙尼到北京:冬奥百年》在北京-张家口冬奥会开幕前夕将由人民出版社出版。中文版和英文版将同步推出,在全球发行。 本书前23届内容(从法国夏蒙尼冬奥会到韩国平昌冬奥会)由法国《队报》前资深记者杰拉尔·萨雷先生和法国《队报》旗下的加时出版社前社长万尚·劳德特先生主笔,中国《体坛周报》对书稿进行了修订优化并补充撰写了北京-张家口冬奥会部分的内容。中国首位冬奥金牌获得者、著名短道速滑运动员杨扬女士专门为本书撰写文章《让我们激情相约在北京》。中国冬奥组委宣传部部长赵卫东先生领衔本书编委会。 本书既是介绍冬季奥林匹克运动产生、发展、演变历史的科普读物,也是冬季奥林匹克运动故事的精彩集锦。书稿由摘要、综述、故事三部分组成,介绍了历届冬奥会的基本情况、赛事设置、精彩片段以及冬奥历史上的传奇人物。各章内容自成体系又前后联系,通过选取一些有特点、有趣味的人和事,把一部冬季奥林匹克运动发展史描写得活灵活现。整部书稿内容积极向上,励志故事和传奇人物众多,以弘扬顽强拼搏、团结互助、诚信友爱为主线,展现了追求更高、更快、更强、更团结的体育精神。书稿中有很多有趣的章节,如第94页“基茨比厄尔闪电”、第110页“传奇冠军,女子楷模”、第140页“舒斯——冬奥吉祥物”等章节,使这部体育题材图书充满励志情怀。


Chamonix 1924 — The 1st Olympic Winter Games

St. Moritz 1928 — The 2nd Olympic Winter Games

Lake Placid 1932 — The 3rd Olympic Winter Games

Garmisch-Partenkirchen 1936 — The 4th Olympic Winter Games

St. Moritz 1948 — The 5th Olympic Winter Games

Oslo Norway 1952 — The 6th Olympic Winter Games

Cortina d’Ampezzo 1956 — The 7th Olympic Winter Games

Squaw Valley 1960 — The 8th Olympic Winter Games

Innsbruck 1964 — The 9th Olympic Winter Games

Grenoble 1968 — The 10th Olympic Winter Games

Sapporo 1972 — The 11th Olympic Winter Games

Innsbruck 1976 — The 12th Olympic Winter Games

Lake Placid 1980 — The 13th Olympic Winter Games

Sarajevo 1984 — The 14th Olympic Winter Games

Calgary 1988 — The 15th Olympic Winter Games

Albertville 1992 — The 16th Olympic Winter Games

Lillehammer 1994 — The 17th Olympic Winter Games

Nagano 1998 — The 18th Olympic Winter Games

Salt Lake City 2002 — The 19th Olympic Winter Games

Turin 2006 — The 20th Olympic Winter Games

Vancouver 2010 — The 21st Olympic Winter Games

Sochi 2014 — The 22nd Olympic Winter Games

PyeongChang 2018 — The 23rd Olympic Winter Games

Beijing 2022 — The 24th Olympic Winter Games



China’s First Gold Medal at the Olympic Winter Games On February 16, 2002, Yang Yang (A) won the title in the final of the women’s 500 m short track speed skating at the Salt Lake City Olympic Winter Games. This was the first gold medal at the Olympic Winter Games in the history of Chinese sports. A few days later, she won another gold medal in the 1 , 000 m event, being the first short track speed skater to win two individual gold medals at a single Olympic Winter Games. Yang Yang (A) was born in Heilongjiang Province in Northeast China in 1975 , which is known as the land of ice and snow. She had been called “the heart of ice” by her family since she was a child and it seemed that she was destined to be a skater. When she was eight years old, a teacher from the amateur sports school in her hometown discovered her talent for winter sports, thus starting her life’s journey on the ice. Yang Yang (A) made her Olympic debut at the Nagano 1998 Olympic Winter Games. As a talented and extremely diligent athlete, she had very high expectations for her performance on the track. However, she only won the silver medal in the 3 , 000 m relay at the 1998 Olympic Winter Games. This result was terrible for Yang Yang (A), because she had spent almost all of her time at the training ground, aiming to win the gold medal. Yang Yang (A) even considered quitting the sport, but she finally regained her confidence and continued her skating journey. The memory of the Nagano Olympic Winter Games was very painful for Yang Yang (A), but she found a glimmer of hope from that experience. Later, she was surprised by her advancements in technicality and strength. She began to have new expectations for her new self, hoping to have a better performance at the next Olympic Water Games and she never lowered these requirements or expectations. During the next Olympic cycle, Yang Yang (A) swept the World Championships and the World Cup in preparation for the Salt Lake City Olympic Water Games, winning almost all of the individual gold medals. However, the September 11 Attacks on New York in 2001 shocked the world and cast a shadow over the upcoming Salt Lake City Olympic Winter Games. Yang Yang (A)‘s Olympic dream suddenly became uncertain. Yang Yang (A) and her teammates were shocked by such a tragic incident, which made them worry about whether it was safe to travel to the United States to participate in the Olympic Games. It was Yang Yang (A)‘s determination to win the Olympic gold medal that finally shook her out of the shadow of terrorism. The team arrived in Salt Lake City as scheduled and Yang Yang (A) battled for her Olympic dream once again. The 2002 Olympic Winter Games proceeded as scheduled, but Yang Yang (A) was slow in getting into the groove on the Olympic stage. She even failed to own the podium in her favorite 1,500m race. Yang Yang (A) ranked fourth in the 1,500m final, which was another devastating blow for her. However, she didn’t lose her composure or confidence. Yang Yang (A) quickly re-adjusted herself to attend the next 500m final. She believed that the only way to get rid of bad luck was to never give up on new opportunities. Finally, she did it! As Yang Yang (A) crossed the finish line, a new chapter was written for the Chinese history of the Olympic Winter Games. Yang Yang (A) won the first gold medal at the Olympic Winter Games in the history of Chinese sports, the champion of the women’s 500m final in Salt Lake City. Thegood news did not end there. She continued to make history in the women’s 1,000m final and won another gold medal. Yang Yang (A) also becomes the first short track speed skater to win two individual gold medals at a single Olympic Winter Games. Yang Yang (A)’s dream came true through her sweat, tears, fear and most importantly, her perseverance and courage. Yang Yang (A) won 59 world championship medals in 34 competitions throughout her career as an athlete. Yang Yang (A) retired in 2006 and then worked for the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and the Beijing Organizing Committee for the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, which further strengthened her connection with winter sports. After retiring, she joined the IOC Women and Sport Working Group soon afterwards and was nominated as a member of the International Olympic Committee in 2010. Inspired by the fact that some countries in the Middle East sent female athletes to the Doha Asian Games for the first time, Yang Yang (A) is committed to improving the status of women in sports and the opportunities for women in sports. After being elected as the deputy chairman of the World Anti-Doping Agency in 2019, she has been committed to protecting the purity of sports. She has emphasized the role of the World Anti-Doping Agency in preventing, educating and protecting the athletes many times. Yang Yang (A) is also very concerned about the welfare of retired athletes. In 2011, she founded the Champion Foundation to provide vocational training opportunities and support for retired athletes. The foundation also promotes youth sports in schools and communities and has sponsored a skating college in Shanghai. As the current chairman of the Athletes’ Commission of the Beijing Organizing Committee for the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, Yang Yang (A) is making unremitting efforts to let more people experience and fall in love with winter sports and other sports. “Beijing Organizing Committee for the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games attaches great importance to the Athletes’ Commission. They have arranged specific tasks for us, which is a huge recognition for us. The Olympic Winter Games is centered around the athletes. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the athletes’ needs. The athletes’ opinions shall be considered in all aspects from the event organizer to the operator.” Yang Yang (A) said that, “The sudden COVID- 19 epidemic that started at the beginning of 2020 forced many sporting events and activities to terminate. During the past season, some winter sports have gradually resumed. It makes me surprised that most of the athletes maintain good physical conditions and are still full of passion. I believe that they must have overcome many difficulties. I am really proud of them.” Björndalen's "Grand Slam" Norwegian athlete Ole Einar Björndalen performed incredibly in Salt Lake City, winning gold medals in all four events of biathlon. Of course, he also created other impressive records. Björndalen was born on January 27, 1974 in Stranda, Norway. At the Lillehammer 1994 Olympic Winter Games, 20 -year-old Ole Einar Björndalen represented the Norwegian team in the relay race of biathlon, ranking seventh. He was suppressed by other stronger athletes at the Olympic Winter Games and no one discovered his talent. Björndalen gradually revealed his talent at the Nagano 1998 Olympic Winter Games. He was the runner-up in the relay race and then won the title in the 10 km individual event. He won 2 medals in three competitions, including 1 gold medal. Once it had started, his medal-winning journey never stopped.


编委会 赵卫东 杨 扬 蒋茂凝 辛广伟 孙 斌 张敦南 罗争玉 撰稿 [法] 杰拉尔??萨雷(法国《队报》前资深记者) [法] 万尚??劳德特(法国《队报》加时出版社前社长) 赵 威(《体坛周报》资深记者) 远 足(《体坛周报》资深记者) 翻译 田 梦 张 绚 特约编辑 杨占武 赵阳

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