Chinas financial system development andreform

Chinas financial system development andreform

1星价 ¥61.6 (7.0折)
2星价¥61.6 定价¥88.0
  • ISBN:9787521835601
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:25cm
  • 页数:306页
  • 出版时间:2022-05-01
  • 条形码:9787521835601 ; 978-7-5218-3560-1


本书为2021年 出版基金项目。本书从中国古代金融入手,梳理了中国金融体制发展与改革的历史过程,通过对涉及中央银行体制、金融宏观调控、外汇管理与外汇市场、银行业改革与监管、资本市场、保险市场、金融监管与金融对外开放等金融领域的各项重大改革事件、改革措施 的背景、实施效果、经验教训的总结和分析,努力勾勒中国金融改革、发展、演变的基本脉络,揭示基本轨迹,探讨中国金融发展与改革如何走出一条符合国情的中国道路。


Chapter 1 China's Financial System Prior to Reform and Opening Up 1.1 Changes of ancient China's financial system 1.2 Financial system of Republic of China period 1.3 The financial system after the founding of the People's Republic of China Chapter 2 The Starting of China's Financial System Reform 2.1 The start of banking system reform 2.2 Restore and develop insurance market 2.3 The start of capital market of People's Republic of China 2.4 The rise of opening up in finance 2.5 The start of the reform of foreign exchange management system Chapter 3 The Exploration Stage of China's Financial System Reform 3.1 Establishment of the central bank system 3.2 Breaking through the traditional financial macro-control mode 3.3 Enterprise reform of professional banks 3.4 Development of non-bank financial institutions 3.5 Financial market reform and up-to-date development 3.6 Reform of foreign exchange management system Chapter 4 Deepening Stage of China's Financial System Reform 4.1 Central bank system reform 4.2 Commercial bank system reform 4.3 Establishment of the policy bank 4.4 Reforming the non-bank financial institution system 4.5 Capital market transformation and development 4.6 Reform of foreign exchange management system Chapter 5 A New Era of China's Financial System Reform 5.1 Deepen the reform of the central bank system 5.2 Joint-stock system reform and interest rate marketization of state-owned commercial banks 5.3 Capital market development 5.4 Rural credit cooperative reform 5.5 Financial regulatory system reform 5.6 Reform of foreign exchange management system and internationalization of renminbi 5.7 Open financial industry to the outside world Chapter 6 New Measures for China's Financial Reform 6.1 Interest rate marketization reform enters a new stage 6.2 Multi-level capital market initial establishment 6.3 Banking market reforms are gradually deepening 6.4 The reform of the renminbi exchange rate formation mechanism has been effective 6.5 Accelerate the reform of financial supervision system 6.6 Accelerate the opening up of the financial industry Chapter 7 Summary and Prospect of China's FinancialSystem Reform 7.1 Summary of China's financial system reform 7.2 The development direction of China's financial system reform Bibliography



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