我是医学生:基础医学汉语 练习册3

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  • ISBN:9787561961841
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:144
  • 出版时间:2022-12-01
  • 条形码:9787561961841 ; 978-7-5619-6184-1


《我是医学生:基础医学汉语》是一套在“中文 医学”理念指导下,依据《新汉语水平考试大纲》《国际中文教育中文水平等级标准》《医学汉语水平考试(MCT)大纲》编写的综合性医学专用汉语教材。教材重在提高学习者在日常生活交际和医院日常交际场景中运用汉语的能力,同时也注重提升学习者的文化素养和医生职业素质。 Under the guidance of “Chinese medicine” principle, I Am a Medical Student: Preclinical Medicine Chinese is a series of integrated medical Chinese textbooks, compiled based on Chinese Proficiency Test Syllabus, Chinese Proficiency Grading Standards for International Chinese Language Education and Medical Chinese Test (MCT) Syllabus. The teaching materials focus on improving learners' ability to use Chinese for communication in daily life and in the hospital scene, and also focus on improving learners' cultural literacy and professional quality of doctors. 本教材主要适用于来华学习基础医学专业的汉语零起点医学生,同时也适用于:(1)来华学习临床医学专业的医学生;(2)来华学习中医学专业的医学生;(3)来华工作的医学专家及短期研修的医学生;(4)有汉语学习需求的海外医学生。 This set of textbooks is mainly suitable for international preclinical medical students who are the very beginners of Chinese language, and also for: (1) medical students who come to China to study clinical medicine; (2) medical students who come to China to study traditional Chinese medicine; (3) medical experts working in China and medical students for short-term training; (4) international medical students with Chinese learning needs.


《我是医学生:基础医学汉语》是一套在“中文 + 医学”理念指导下,针对来华学习医学专业的汉语零起点学生编写的综合性医学专用汉语教材。教材将医学生的日常汉语学习和 HSK 应考能力提高相结合,将医学专业知识和社会文化知识相结合,以实现汉语、医学和文化相互融通的教学目标。


总主编:朱瑞蕾 甄 珍 本册主编:甄 珍 编者:甄 珍 朱瑞蕾 李晓婧 张举英 张杏春

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