

¥21.7 (6.8折) ?
1星价 ¥21.7
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  • ISBN:9787576026160
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:128
  • 出版时间:2023-05-01
  • 条形码:9787576026160 ; 978-7-5760-2616-0


致亲爱的小伙伴们 当你端坐书桌前,展阅此卷,即将开启一段奇妙的智力活动时,我们想对你说,在琳琅满目的教辅书丛中,感谢你选择《百题大过关》。 正确的选择是成功的关键。我们很自信,《百题大过关》至少有以下五点不辜负你的选择: **,出版时间长。2003年是百题的诞生之年,算到今年,她的年龄恐怕比你的还要大吧!自问世以来,百题就深受同学们的喜爱,百题的品种数也由*初的4种增至如今的51种。多年的打磨,成就了百题的品牌影响力。在由中国出版传媒商报社发起的中国品牌教辅TOP榜评选活动中,百题曾荣获*具影响50强(专项?




**部分 阅读100题 / 001 The African Elephant / 002 Spring Is Special / 003 Firefighters Are Helpers / 004 Future Plan / 005 Welcome Onboard / 006 Shelly the Snail / 007 Cheetahs / 008 Aunt Lees Pets / 009 Because of Covid19 / 010 A Rubbish Sorting Game / 011 Staying Healthy / 012 Meet Three Friends / 013 Grandpas Farm / 014 We Need Fresh Water / 015 People Need Computers / 016 Mrs Hills garden / 017 Buy a New Car / 018 Our Yellow School Bus / 019 Baby Brother / 020 The School Nurse / 021 Maria Recycles / 022 The Lion and the Mouse / 023 A Thin Man / 024 We All Like Movies / 025 Maria Makes a Snake / 026 Mother Bird / 027 Tourists / 028 Benny the Bat / 029 Apples / 030 Rice Dumplings / 031 They Love Winter! / 032 Who Am I? / 033 Dream Jobs / 034 Chinese New Year / 035 A Map / 036 H1N1 Virus / 037 Which Shopping Bag Is Better? / 038 Saving Lives / 039 The Octopus and the Fish / 040 Art Class / 041 Swimming Safety / 042 Plant a Tree / 043 A Farmer / 044 Peanuts and Popcorn / 045 The Sack Garden / 046 The Best and the Worst Meat / 047 The Big Egg / 048 Fireflies / 049 The Hottest Day / 050 A New Mobile Phone / 051 The Puppy and the Kitten / 052 A Poor Old Man / 053 Fathers Day / 054 Earth Day / 055 The Summer Holidays Are Coming / 056 A Toothache / 057 The New Bicycle / 058 Eight Babies / 059 Try to Sleep / 060 The Wolf in the Hole / 061 Cathy Learns to Listen / 062 A Special Christmas Present / 063 A Postcard / 064 Canadas Tallest Tree / 065 July 18,2017 Saturday / 066 When Dad Comes Home / 067 Carols Umbrella / 068 Bella Has Breakfast / 069 Dan Does Tricks / 070 Money / 071 Dream Time / 072 The Fire on Maple Street / 073 Hang the Bell / 074 The Missing Pencil / 075 Chris Crosses the Street / 076 The Place Where I Live / 077 Two Goats / 078 Whales / 079 Birds / 080 Daves Beans / 081 Hard at Work / 082 A Bird and a Girl / 083 Who Is More Powerful? / 084 The Tortoise and the Hare / 085 Robot Fun / 086 Musical Picnic / 087 Rainy Day Surprise / 088 The Proud Rose / 089 GM food / 090 The Story of the Pencil / 091 Colour Wheel / 092 Pictures in the Sky / 093 First Place Katy / 094 Lily and the Missing Keys / 095 Champ and His Wet Nose / 096 A Visit to the Water Park / 097 The Day I Tried to Cook / 098 Sleepy Bear / 099 My Working Day / 100 Have You Got the Time? / 第二部分 写作50题 / 一、 人物篇 / 001 My Family / 002 My Friend / 003 About Me / 004 My Dear (写写你*亲爱的人) / 005 My Father / 二、 爱好篇 / 001 My Favourite Film / 002 My Favourite Subject / 003 I Love (写写你喜欢的体育运动) / 004 My Dream Job / 005 My Hobby / 006 Music / 三、 动物篇 / 001 My Favourite Animal / 002 My Pet / 003 A Trip to the Zoo / 四、 节日篇 / 001 My Favourite Holiday / 002 The Double Ninth Festival / 003 The Summer Vacation / 004 My Birthday / 005 The National Day / 五、 气候篇 / 001 My Favourite Season / 002 Weather Report / 003 My Favourite Weather / 004 The Weather in (写写你家乡的天气) / 六、 地点篇 / 001 Signs in the Park / 002 A Visit to (写写你去过的地方) / 003 s New Home(写写某人的新家) / 004 An Interesting Country / 005 Our Neighbourhood / 七、 生活篇 / 001 Good Habits / 002 Road Safety / 003 s Day(写写某人的一天) / 004 My Week / 005 My Weekend / 006 Protect the Environment / 八、 学校篇 / 001 A Plan for the New Term / 002 Our School / 003 Rules for Art Class / 004 Our Classroom Rules / 005 My School Life / 006 My Science Teacher / 九、 应用文篇 / 001 An Email / 002 A Letter / 003 An Invitation / 004 A Note / 005 A Diary (日记) / 006 Lost and Found / 十、 看图作文 / 001 Freds Timetable / 002 Save Water / 003 At the Beach / 004 Save the Cat / 参考答案 / 单独成册



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