  • ISBN:7811021587
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:132
  • 出版时间:2005-08-01
  • 条形码:9787811021585 ; 978-7-81102-158-5


新天地高职高专英语规划教材《综合教程》共分四册,分别与对应册数的《读写教程》和《听说教程》相配套,是十个单元,是读写、听说能力训练的继续,旨在进一步提高学生的综合能力。该书附有对应册数的《读写教程》和《听说教程》中所有练习题的答案以及课文译文和听说部分的录音文字材料;还有题型与高等学校英语应用能力考试完全一致的训练题,意在让学生熟悉题型、提高水平,为以后参加A,B级考试打好基础。 本书是《综合教程1》,由孔繁萍、王立婷、郭湛然主编。




unit 1 college
part i tapescripts and key for listening and speaking book
part ⅱ key for reading and writing book
part ⅲ comprehensive exercises

unit 2 family
part i tapescripts and key for listening and speaking book
part ⅱ key for reading and writing book
part ⅲ comprehensive exercises
unit 3 shopping
part i tapescripts and key for listening and speaking book
part ⅱ key for reading and writing book
part ⅲ comprehensive exercises

unit 4 weather and climate
part i tapescripts and key for listening and speaking book
part ⅱ key for reading and writing book
part ⅲ comprehensive exercises

unit 5 travel
part i tapescripts and key for listening and speaking book
part ⅱ key for reading and writing book
part ⅲ comprehensive exercises

unit 6 happiness
part i tapescripts and key for listening and speaking book
part ⅱ key for reading and writing book
part ⅲ comprehensive exercises

unit 7 friendship
part i tapescripts and key for listening and speaking book
part ⅱ key for reading and writing book
part ⅲ comprehensive exercises

unit 8 celebration of holidays
part i tapescripts and key for listening and speaking book
part ⅱ key for reading and writing book
part ⅲ comprehensive exercises

unit 9 sports and hobbies
part i tapescripts and key for listening and speaking book
part ⅱ key for reading and writing book
part ⅲ comprehensive exercises

unit 10 food and drink
part i tapescripts and key for listening and speaking book
part ⅱ key for reading and writing book
part ⅲ comprehensive exercises

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