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  • ISBN:9787548707806
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:211
  • 出版时间:2013-05-01
  • 条形码:9787548707806 ; 978-7-5487-0780-6


《难利用含铝资源可利用性研究(英文版)》由赵恒勤、胡四春、赵宝金、冯安生所著。 The results showed: 1 ) Medium temperature metallization roasting and then magnetic separation, and gas reduction metallization roasting and then magnetic separation are effective for processing the high iron diasporic bauxite; 2) Dry magnetic separation, wet magnetic separationoand medium temperature magnetization roasting and then magnetic separation are not effective for processing the highiron diasporic bauxite; 3 ) Digestion at atmospheric conditions and high caustic alkali concentration is effective for processing the low A/S and high iron gibbsite bauxite; 4) Desulfurization flotation and desulfurization with barium aluminate are both effective for processing the high sulfur bauxite. However, each of these methods has their own advantages and disadvantages and must he evaluated; 5 ) The soda-lime sintering process is suitable for processing the Linzhou potassic sandy shale.


《难利用含铝资源可利用性研究(英文版)》由赵恒勤、胡四春、赵宝金、冯安生所著。 The results showed: 1 ) Medium temperature metallization roasting and then magnetic separation, and gas reduction metallization roasting and then magnetic separation are effective for processing the high iron diasporic bauxite; 2) Dry magnetic separation, wet magnetic separationoand medium temperature magnetization roasting and then magnetic separation are not effective for processing the highiron diasporic bauxite; 3 ) Digestion at atmospheric conditions and high caustic alkali concentration is effective for processing the low A/S and high iron gibbsite bauxite; 4) Desulfurization flotation and desulfurization with barium aluminate are both effective for processing the high sulfur bauxite. However, each of these methods has their own advantages and disadvantages and must he evaluated; 5 ) The soda-lime sintering process is suitable for processing the Linzhou potassic sandy shale.


1  introduction
 1.1  status and investigation of aluminium resources, aluminaand aluminium
  1.1.1   status of aluminium resources, alumina andaluminium in the world
  1.1.2  status of aluminium resources, alumina and aluminiumin china
  1.1.3  summary
 1.2  background of china's sub-economic aluminiumresources
  1.2.1   introduction
  1.2.2  high iron diasporic, low a/s, and high iron gibbsitebauxites
  1.2.3  high sulfur bauxite
  1.2.4  potassic sandy shale
 1.3  questions, research objectives and main researchcontents
 1.4  significance of this study
 1.5  sponsorship
 1.6  major innovations
 1.7  assay, rock and mineral identification and citationexplanation
 1.8  outline of this mork
2  investigation of china's aluminium resources
 2.1  status of shanxi aluminium resources
  2.1.1   general status of aluminium resources in shanxiprovince
  2.1.2  status of development of aluminium resources inshanxi province
  2.1.3  status of sub-economic aluminium resources in shanxiprovince
  2.2  status of aluminium resources in henan province

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