  • ISBN:9787564144562
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:514
  • 出版时间:2013-10-01
  • 条形码:9787564144562 ; 978-7-5641-4456-2


    《php编程(影印版第3版)》将为你讲解在使用php 5.x*新特性创建高效web应用时所需要知道的一切内容。你将首先有个初步的印象,然后通过一些正确用法和常见错误的演示来深入了解语言的语法、编程技巧和其他细节。 如果你熟悉html,本书作者塔特罗等的诸多风格提示和实践编程建议将可以帮助你成为一名**php程序员。


forewordpreface1. introduction to php what does php do? a brief history of php the evolution of php the widespread use of php installing php a walk through php configuration page forms databases graphics2. language basics lexical structure case sensitivity statements and semicolons whitespace and line breaks comments literals identifiers keywords data types integers floating-point numbers strings booleans arrays objects resources callbacks null variables variable variables variable references variable scope garbage collection expressions and operators number of operands operator precedence operator associativity implicit casting arithmetic operators string concatenation operator auto-increment and auto-decrement operators comparison operators bitwise operators logical operators casting operators assignment operators miscellaneous operators flow-control statements if switch while for foreach try...catch declare exit and return goto including code embedding php in web pages standard (xml) style sgml style asp style script style echoing content directly3. functions calling a function……4. strings5. arrays6. objects7. web techniques8. databases9. graphics10. pdf11. xml12. security13. application techniques14. php on disparate platforms15. web services16. debugging php17. dates and timesappendix: function referenceindex

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