  • ISBN:9787566312884
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其它
  • 页数:362
  • 出版时间:2015-06-01
  • 条形码:9787566312884 ; 978-7-5663-1288-4






lesson 1 layout of a business letter (1) lesson 2 layout of a business letter (2) review and highlight 1 lesson 3 establishing business relations lesson 4 sales promotion & business commercials lesson 5 letter oflnvitation lesson 6 advice ofltinerary review and highlight 2 lesson 7 credit enquiry lesson 8 specific enquiry lesson 9 offer lesson 10 inquiry & non—firm offer lesson 11 confirming a non—firm offer lesson 12 counter—offer lesson 13 reply to a counter—offer lesson 14 firm offer lesson 15 first order lesson 16 refusing the request to reinstate an order lesson 17 goods on approval lesson 18 goods on consignment review and highlight 3 lesson 19 proforma invoice lesson 20 transferring business relations lesson 21 requesting special allowance lesson 22 refusing price reduction lesson 23 accounts balance lesson 24 accounts settlement lesson 25 terms of payment lesson 26 documents against payment lesson 27 documents against acceptance lesson 28 urging establishment of a letter of credit lesson 29 requesting l/c amendment lesson 30 l/c amendment lesson 31 extension of an l/c lesson 32 shipping instructions review and highlight 4 lesson 33 shipment lesson 34 urginglmmediate shipment lesson 35 shipping advice lesson 36 packing and shipping marks lesson 37 delayin transportation strike lesson 38 insurance (1) lesson 39 insurance (2) lesson 40 insurance claim review and highlight 5 lesson 41 sending replacement lesson 42 agent's complaint of poor quality goods lesson 43 exporter's reply to the complaint lesson 44 a claim for shortweight lesson 45 settlement of a claim lesson 46 new agent lesson 47 exclusive agency lesson 48 establishing a permanent office lesson 49 processing trade lesson 50 compensation trade lesson 51 joint venture lesson 52 leasing trade lesson 53 sales agreement review and highlight 6 lesson 54 business memo lesson 55 email and fax lesson 56 business minutes lesson 57 business forms and graplucs lesson 58 main types of graphics and charts lesson 59 question naire lesson 60 short business reports 附录一 销售确认书 附录二 信用证


诸葛霖,对外经济贸易大学商务英语资深教授,外贸英语函电写作创始人。精通进出口外留实务和进出口运输业务,曾在日本和美国等国的研究生院讲学交流,主编了一系列有广泛影响的外贸英语经典书籍,深受广大读者好评。 王燕希,对外经济贸易大学商务英语系副教授,曾赴美研修,多年来一直从事商务英语的教学工作。研究范围有商务联系学、商务修辞、广告营销等,发表过不少有关论文。主要作品有《实用商务英语写作大全一本通》、《广告英语》、《融入美国——*新美国口语》、《商务沟通》、《商贸英语》等。

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