  • ISBN:9787115405715
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:214
  • 出版时间:2016-01-01
  • 条形码:9787115405715 ; 978-7-115-40571-5




计算机英语教程(第2版)是目前市场上**的计算机英语教材,内容既包含新的科研成果、业界前沿课题和发展趋势,又有计算机文化典故和名人轶事。   特色之一:在对话场景的编排上以3位计算机专业大学本科生mark、henry和sophie的学习生活为主要背景,围绕各章主题展开他们交流的话题,并在对话中丰富各章主题,将全书内容巧妙地联系在一起。   特色之二:信息容量大,知识性强,注重英语的听、说、读、写、译能力的全面培养和实际应用。各章内容均分为阅读与翻译、写作和听说3大部分。   特色之三:采用场景式教学和体验式学习相结合的方式,教材中设计的听力、口语、阅读与翻译和写作练习融合了角色扮演、多人会话和小组讨论等行之有效的训练方法,能较好地满足课堂教学的需要。   特色之四:有配套的mp3听力材料,听力录音均聘请专业人员编录,可为学生提供非常有价值的短文和口语模板。配套的mp3听力材料和教学ppt可以在网站上的本书网页中免费注册下载。


unit 1 the fundamentals of computers 1 part 1 reading and translating 1 section a cloud computing 1 section b tomorrow never knows 5 part 2 simulated writing: memo 9 part 3 listening and speaking 12 dialogue: buying a new notebook computer 12 listening comprehension: roadrunner 13 dictation: john von neumann 14 unit 2 computer hardware 16 part 1 reading and translating 16 section a wearable technology 16 section b 3—d printing 20 part 2 simulated writing: notices 24 part 3 listening and speaking 26 dialogue: referring to websites or online forum for microsoft developer 26 listening comprehension: intel 27 dictation: father of the mouse—doug engelbart 28 unit 3 computer software 30 part 1 reading and translating 30 section a cloud software 30 section b shared virtual spaces 34 part 2 simulated writing: report 38 part 3 listening and speaking 42 dialogue: making an electronic album using multimedia editing software 42 listening comprehension: the software giant—microsoft 44 dictation: embedded systems 44 unit 4 operating system 46 part 1 reading and translating 46 section a mobile versus desktop operating systems 46 section b linus torvalds and the software nobody knows 50 part 2 simulated writing: meeting minutes 54 part 3 listening and speaking 56 dialogue: choosing a linux distribution and free trials for free software 56 listening comprehension: open source software 58 dictation: apple mac os 59 unit 5 computer programming 60 part 1 reading and translating 60 section a mobile app development 60 section b the future of programming 64 part 2 simulated writing: outline 68 part 3 listening and speaking 70 dialogue: getting to know java runtime environment (jre) and java virtual machine (jvm) 70 listening comprehension: ide 72 dictation: ada lovelace, the first programmer 72 unit 6 databases 74 part 1 reading and translating 74 section a cloud database 74 section b big data 78 part 2 simulated writing: summary 82 part 3 listening and speaking 84 dialogue: installing oracle database software 84 listening comprehension: data mining 86 dictation: data warehouse 87 unit 7 local area network 88 part 1 reading and translating 88 section a ethernet(802.3) 88 section b wi—fi(802.11) 92 part 2 simulated writing: instructions 96 part 3 listening and speaking 101 dialogue: setting up wireless network 101 listening comprehension: ipv6—the next generation internet protocol 103 dictation: router 104 unit 8 the internet and the world wide web 106 part 1 reading and translating 106 section a arpanet pioneers build a reliable network out of unreliable parts 106 section b social networking sites 110 part 2 simulated writing: proposal 115 part 3 listening and speaking 119 dialogue: enhancing your computer security 119 listening comprehension: history of google 121 dictation: how web search engines work 122 unit 9 e—commerce 123 part 1 reading and translating 123 section a jeff bezos takes amazon into the cloud 123 section b e—commerce tomorrow: the never—ending game 127 part 2 simulated writing: e—mail 131 part 3 listening and speaking 133 dialogue: protecting buyers' privacy with online payment services 133 listening comprehension: online shopping 135 dictation: ebay—global buying hub 136 unit 10 computer security 138 part 1 reading and translating 138 section a computer virus: delivery, infection, and avoidence 138 section b evolving technology,evolving security 142 part 2 simulated writing: business letter 147 part 3 listening and speaking 150 dialogue: using anti—virus software 150 listening comprehension: hacker and cracker 152 dictation: trojan horses 152 unit 11 software engineering 154 part 1 reading and translating 154 section a how software engineering work 154 section b people and the way they build systems 157 part 2 simulated writing: resume 161 part 3 listening and speaking 164 dialogue: using object—oriented analysis and design method 164 listening comprehension: extreme programming 166 dictation: unified modeling language (uml) 167 unit 12 digitial world 168 part 1 reading and translating 168 section a mobile internet 168 section b the internet of things 172 part 2 simulated writing: cover letter 177 part 3 listening and speaking 178 dialogue: interview 178 listening comprehension: quantum computer 180 dictation: native xml database 181 glossary 182 abbreviation 191 answers 193 bibliography 214


吕云翔 北京航空航天大学副教授 软件学院SAP ERP 咨询顾问专业主任,比利时布鲁塞尔大学应用科学学院应用信息技术专业硕士、经济学院工商管理专业硕士。具有多年的软件开发、项目管理、计算机教学经验。对IT行业具有较全面的认识。2003至今任北航软件学院副教授。目前研究领域包括:软件工程 IT项目管理。 著有《计算机导论实践教程》(高等院校计算机教材系列),《软件工程》,译有《计算机文化》(原书第8版)

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