  • ISBN:9787513574679
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:56
  • 出版时间:2016-05-01
  • 条形码:9787513574679 ; 978-7-5135-7467-9






introduction..........1recommended design featuresidea 1: design instruction so that students engage in routine practice in internalizing and applyingthe concepts they are learning (and in evaluating their understanding of each).... 2idea 2: teach students how to assess their reading..........4idea 3: teach students how to assess their writing..........5idea 4: teach students how to assess their speaking..........7idea 5: teach students how to assess their listening..........9idea 6: design tests with the improvements of student thinking in mind..........10idea 7: make the course "work-intensive" for the students, but not for you..........12idea 8: use engaged lecture..........13idea 9: require an intellectual journal (when it is relevant to your class)..........14orientation (first few days)idea 10: give students a thorough orientation to the course..........15idea 11: develop a syllabus which highlights your expectations for the students..........17idea 12: give students grade profiles..........25idea 13: use a "student understandings" form..........29idea 14: explain to the students, when orienting them to the class, what will happen on a typicalclass day (and why)..........31idea 15: explain the key concepts of the course explicitly during the first couple of classmeetings..........32idea 16: discuss class time as a time in which the students will practice thinking (within thecontent) using the fundamental concepts and principles of the field..........33idea 17: make the point that the content is a system of interconnected ideas..........34idea 18: think of yourself as a coach..........35idea 19: discuss the textbook as the thinking of the author..........37daily emphasisidea 20: encourage students to think—quite explicitly—about their thinking..........38idea 21: encourage students to think of content as a form of thinking..........39idea 22:<


Richard Paul:思辨研究专家,国际思辨研究运动主要负责人,已发表200余篇与思辨研究相关的论文、出版20部论述思辨研究的著作。Linda Elder:教育心理学专家、思辨研究专家,在美国多所大学任教,主要教授课程为教育心理学、思辨能力培养;思辨研究协会会长、思辨中心执行主任。

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