  • ISBN:9787560593821
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:23cm
  • 页数:278
  • 出版时间:2017-02-01
  • 条形码:9787560593821 ; 978-7-5605-9382-1


黑玉琴主编的《中级英语写作(第2版21世纪英语专业系列教材)》以英语各类作文写作为主,基本上每一章由四大部分构成:(1)写前阶段的文章阅读和分析;(2)写作中的内容组织、结构形式和相关语言特点的详细讲解;(3)学生习作的评价;(4 )写作练习。同其他教材相比,本教材的主要特点是在阅读分析的基础上,让学生先建立起一定的认识,然后再教授具体的写作技巧和方法。另外,学生范文的评价和分析也有助于学生发现和认识自己写作中存在问题。课后练习丰富多样。本教材供一学期使用。


《中级英语写作》以英语各类作文写作为主, 基本上每一章由四大部分构成, 主要内容包括: 写前阶段的文章阅读和分析 ; 写作中的内容组织、结构形式和相关语言特点的详细讲解 ; 学生习作的评价 ; 写作练习。


Chapter 1 OverviewWarming up ExercisesWriting as a Process of DiscoveryThe Three Stages of Writing ProcessWriting as Both a Linear and Circular ActivityThe Purpose Behind Your WritingThe Audience of Your WritingThe Dynamics of WritingAssignments Chapter 2 Pre-writingAssessing the Writing SituationGenerating IdeasOrganizing ideasAssignments Chapter 3 ComposingDrafting an Introduction with a ThesisDrafting the BodyDrafting a ConclusionRule of Thumb for ComposingAssignments Chapter 4 RevisingGlobal RevisionEditingProofreadingTwo Types of TitlesSuggestions for Titling an EssayAssignments Chapter 5 Thesis StatementPre-writingIntroduction to an EssayOrganization of an EssayThesis and Thesis StatementHow to Write a Good Thesis StatementEvaluation of Student SamplesAssignments Chapter 6 IntroductionPre-writingIntroduction to an EssayHow to Write an IntroductionEvaluation of Student SamplesAssignments Chapter 7 BodyPre-writingBody of an EssayHow to Write Good Body ParagraphsEvaluation of Student SamplesAssignments Chapter 8 ConclusionPre-writingConclusion of an EssayHow to Write a ConclusionEvaluation of Student SamplesAssignments Chapter 9 NarrationPre-writingWriting a Narrative EssayStructure of a Narrative EssayEvaluation of Student SamplesAssignments Chapter 10 DescriptionPre-writingWriting a Descriptive EssayEvaluation of Student SamplesAssignments Chapter 11 IllustrationPre-writingWriting an Illustrative EssayStructure of an Illustrative EssayEvaluation of Student SamplesAssignments Chapter 12 Cause-EffectPre-writingWriting a Cause-and-Effect EssayEvaluation of Student SamplesAssignments Chapter 13 Comparison-ContrastPre-writingWriting a Comparison/Contrast EssayEvaluation of Student SamplesAssignments Chapter 14 ProcessPre-writingWriting a Process EssayStructure of a Process EssayEvaluation of Student SamplesAssignments Chapter 15 ArgumentationPre-writingWriting an Argumentative EssayEvaluation of Student SamplesAssignments Chapter 16 Passage summaryUses of Short SummariesTypes of SummariesProcess of Writing a SummaryMethods of Summary WritingAssignments

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