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  • ISBN:9787312041242
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:26cm
  • 页数:248页
  • 出版时间:2017-03-01
  • 条形码:9787312041242 ; 978-7-312-04124-2


李慧、谢道兵、赵燕宁编*的《实用英语阅读( 下)》的主要内容包括The Six Ways to Waste Time on the Internet、Japanese McDonald’s、 Advices for Flat Hunting、Finding the Right People、Ten Words i...


本书包含文章30篇。篇幅均介于400至600字之间。每篇文章后不仅配有词汇注释、短评语注释和文化背景注释, 还配有5道习题集。本册为下册。


PrefaceUnit 1 The Six Ways to Waste Time on the InternetUnit 2 Japanese McDonald'sUnit 3 Advices for Flat HuntingUnit 4 Finding the Right PeopleUnit 5 Ten Words in LifeUnit 6 Here Are Ten Tips to Help Your Travel Be EffortlessUnit 7 Alone for the Holidays Ten Ways to Lift Your SpiritsUnit 8 Americans' FamilyUnit 9 A Speech from Peng LiyuanUnit 10 Morning, Noon and Night--The Long-Hours Culture at WorkUnit 11 If I Were a Boy AgainUnit 12 Three Days to SeeUnit 13 Love Myself FirstUnit 14 The Art of Public SpeakingUnit 15 Mobile OfficeUnit 16 Stop Saying Things to Single WomenUnit 17 Marty Had a Little LambUnit 18 Americans' GreetingsUnit 19 Ten Tips on How to Lose Your WeightUnit 20 How to Protect Yourself from Sexual Harassment Unit 21 The Customs of Dragon Boat FestivalUnit 22 A Ten-Year Old Girl with an IQ Higher Than Albert EinsteinUnit 23 Read Fast, Read SmartUnit 24 Is Your Relationship Healthy Unit 25 Workplace Minefield: Six Topics, You Can't Talk with Your BossUnit 26 Five Lessons That Life has Taught Me at 30 Years of AgeUnit 27 How I Stole a Yale ChairUnit 28 Auditing ClassesUnit 29 Differences of College Students from China, ROK and JapanUnit 30 Don't Work for MoneyAppendix I Answer KeysAppendix II Translation

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