IN CHINA WE TRUST-我和我的中国员工-英文

包邮IN CHINA WE TRUST-我和我的中国员工-英文

1星价 ¥49.4 (5.6折)
2星价¥49.4 定价¥88.0
  • ISBN:9787508538754
  • 装帧:一般轻型纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:159
  • 出版时间:2018-05-01
  • 条形码:9787508538754 ; 978-7-5085-3875-4




“外国专家看中国”系列包含7本书,《不与民争利》为阿文,其余6本均为英文。该系列旨在从不同的外国人的视角给国外读者呈现一个立体、真实而丰富的中国形象。 该书讲述了跨国运输公司中国分部在通过创造以价值为导向的企业文化和传递美好客户体验的过程中,是怎样从基于“恐惧”的组织转变为以“信任”为基础的组织的。在这一路上,你会结识一批真正鼓舞人心的中国伙伴,他们是中国复兴道路的代表,是真正为中国复兴事业做贡献的人民。他们正在通过自己的努力去创建一个之前不可想象的工作的栖息地。 通过描述这些个体的性格和行为方式以及公司通过不同寻常的方法建立的商业合作,该书将从一个崭新的维度揭示中国的故事,即人类关系中的创新和创造力。四年以来,该书的作者Iman Stratenus作为该公司中国分部的负责人,一直受到来自身边同事的鼓励。Iman一直坚信,他的角色就是为中国团队的同事们提供一种可以让他们创造自己做事方式的自由。他同时相信,世界需要聆听更多关于中国的积极的故事,包括他们的恐惧,梦想和他们人生奇妙的旅途。


Preface Linda Pan -- building a company based on the experience of the customer Andrew Yang -- our values and our culture Max Sun -- epiphany in Shenyang during the Culture Trip Alex Xiang -- connector in the human network Yu Bo -- building trust in reality Angelina Wan -- trying new things Maggie Han -- touching people and connecting China to the world Robert Yao -- soft on the people, hard on the subject Paul Woolley Cecilia Yeung -- the ability to change Helena Yang -- the role of HR Annie Ren -- engaging Generation Y A final lesson from Lee Yan Thanks Inspiration


[荷]伊曼·斯塔尼,Iman stratenus was born in 1 970 in Deventer.the NetherIands.He studied law in the Netherlands(Unive rsity of Utrecht)and in USA(University of Pennsylvania).After working as a corporatelawyer with De Brawn Blackstone Westbroek,hejoined the consulting firm McKinsey&Company,in the Amsterdam Office.1n 2003 he ioined TNT where he initially worked as a strategy and M&Aadviso r to the Boa rd Of Management.Iman became the COUntry General Manager for TNT Vietnam in 2005.He moved to China In 2007.initiaIIY as Marketing&SaIes Director and.as of 2008,as Managing Di rector(Greater)China.In 2001.1man left TNT.After a year as GeneraI Manager of International SOS in Beiiing。Iman decided to devote his professional Iife to makingthe"world a better Place.He ioined the World Business CounciI for Sustainable Development.

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