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  • ISBN:9787308054652
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:272
  • 出版时间:2007-08-01
  • 条形码:9787308054652 ; 978-7-308-05465-2




Unit 1 Shopping
Part One Warm-up
Part Two Reading-centered Activities
Text A You'd Better Shop Around
Text B The Mystery Customer Is Around
Text C Going Shopping? Go Global!
Part Three Reading for Fun
Unit 2 Special Love
Part One Warm-up
Part Two Reading-centered Activities
Text A Words from the Heart
Text B She Remembers
Text C The Golden Box
Part Three Reading for Fun
Unit 3 Men and Sports
Part One Warm-up
Part Two Reading-centered Activities
Text A World Cup Dad
Text B Michael Jordan's Farewell Letter to basketball
Text C Run, Patti, Run
Part Three Reading for Fun
Unit 4 Future
Part One Warm-up
Part Two Reading-centered Activities
Text A What Will Our Offices Look Like
Text B An Average Day in a Self-sufficient Home
Text C Tomorrow's Kitchen
Part Three Reading for Fun
Unit 5 Psychology
Part One Warm-up
Part Two Reading-centered Activities
Text A Ways to Distress Your Home Life
Text B Pressure Benefits Study
Text C Pioneering Peace of Mind
Part Three Reading for Fun
Unit 6 Gender Difference
Part One Warm-up
Part Two Reading-centered Activities
Text A Why Girls Worry More than Boys
Text B The Gender Trap
Text C Words from the Heart
Part Three Reading for Fun
Unit 7 Medical Science
Part One Warm-up
Part Two Reading-centered Activities
Text A The Cloning Controversy
Text B How Alike Are Identical Twins
Text C Curing Doctors' Fears about Catching AIDS
Part Three Reading for Fun
Unit 8 Appearance
Part One Warm-up
Part Two Reading-centered Activities
Text A Beauty Is in the Eye of the Beholder
Text B The Social Conceptions of Beauty
Text C Physical Appearance and Attraction
Part Three Reading for Fun
Part One Warm-up
Part Two Reading-centered Activities
Text A People and Their Money
Text B Teaching Your Children to Manage Money
Text C Money Is Power
Part Three Reading for Fun
Unit 10 Personality
Part One Warm-up
Part Two Reading-centered Activities
Text A Choose Optimism
Text B Behavior Characteristics
Text C True Generosity
Part Three Reading for Fun
附录 Glossary
New Words
Phrases and Expressions

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