

¥30.9 (9.1折) ?
1星价 ¥30.9
2星价¥30.9 定价¥34.0
  • ISBN:9787308048620
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:305
  • 出版时间:2006-08-01
  • 条形码:9787308048620 ; 978-7-308-04862-0




Unit 1 Business
Part One Warm-up
Part Two Reading-centered Activities
Text A The Coca-Cola Story
Text B Who Gets to Be a Millionaire
Text C Bill Gate's 11 Rules Not Taught at School
Part Three Grammar Focus
Part Four Reading Skills
Part Five Reading for Fun

Unit 2 Manners
Part One Warm-up
Part Two Reading-centered Activities
Text A A World Guide to Good Manners
Text B Men's Liberation from Etiquette
Text C Lessons in Class
Part Three Grammar Focus
Part Four Reading Skills
Part Five Reading for Fun

Unit 3 Attitude towards Work
Part One Warm-up
Part Two Reading-centered Activities
Text A Why I Enjoyed Being a School Bus Driver
Text B Find the Job That's MADE FOR YOU
Text C You Just Might Be a Workaholic
Part Three Grammar Focus
Part Four Reading Skills
Part Five Reading for Fun

Unit 4 Culture
Part One Warm-up
Part Two Reading-centered Activities
Text A What' s Globalization
Text B Superstitions: Just Whistling in the Dark
Text C The Heart of Paris
Part Three Grammar Focus
Part Four Reading Skills
Part Five Reading for Fun

Unit 5 Traveling
Part One Warm-up
Part Two Reading-centered Activities
Text A Benefits from Traveling
Text B Summer Plans
Text C Tourist or Traveler?
Part Three Grammar Focus
Part Four Reading Skills
Part Five Reading for Fun

Unit 6 Communication
Part One Warm-up
Part Two Reading-centered Activities
Text A Communication and Language
Text B Immigrants Suffer from Losing Their Identity
Text C Body Language——the Most Trusted Language in the World
Part Three Grammar Focus
Pert Four Reading Skills
Part Five Reading for Fun

Unit 7 Personal Relationship
Pert One Warm-up
Part Two Reading-centered Activities
Text A Building Relationships
Text B Neighbours
Text C Personal Relationships
Part Three Grammar Focus
Part Four Reading Skills
Part Five Reading for Fun

Unit 8 Internet
Part One Warm-up
Part Two Reading-centered Activities
Text A Agog over Google
Text B Inside the Internet
Text C Online Smiley Face
Part Three Grammar Focus
it 的用法
Part Four Reading Skills
Part Five Reading for Fun

Unit 9 Honesty
Part One Warm-up
Part Two Reading-centered Activities
Text A Lies and Truth
Text B Honesty...What Would You Do?
Text C Should Doctors Lie to Their Patients Who Are
Terminally Ill?
Part Three Grammar Focus
Part Four Reading Skills
Part Five Reading for Fun

Unit 10 Creativity
Part One Warm-up
Part Two Reading-centered Activities
Text A Inventor of the Future
Text B The Doubt That Haunts
Text C An Odd Student
Part Three Grammar Focus
Part Four Reading Skills
Part Five Reading for Fun
New Words
Phrases and Expressions

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