

¥32.9 (5.1折) ?
1星价 ¥32.9
2星价¥32.9 定价¥65.0
  • ISBN:9787302434146
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:296
  • 出版时间:2019-09-16
  • 条形码:9787302434146 ; 978-7-302-43414-6


  《旅游专业英语实用教程(第2版)/普通高校专业英语教程系列》是“普通高校专业英语教程系列”中的一本,为切实提高读者的专业英语能力而设计。  《旅游专业英语实用教程(第2版)/普通高校专业英语教程系列》分13个单元,每个单元包括对话、阅读、词汇、缩略语、难句讲解、习题、技能训练、旅游小百科、著名景点介绍等。《旅游专业英语实用教程(第2版)/普通高校专业英语教程系列》还提供配套的音频,能够帮助提高读者的听说能力。  《旅游专业英语实用教程(第2版)/普通高校专业英语教程系列》既可作为高等本科院校、高等专科院校旅游相关专业的专业英语教材,也可以作为旅游从业人员自学或者相关行业的培训教材。


Unit 1 Introduction to Tourism Industry
Part One Dialogues
Part Two Text A Tourism Industry
Part Three Text B Tourism in China
Part Four Skill Training Forms
Practical Writing
Part Five Related Information
Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight

Unit 2 Preparations Before Tour
Part One Dialogues
Part Two Text A Prepare for a Tour
Part Three Text B A Guide to China Tour
Part Four Skill Training Forms
Practical Writing
Part Five Related Information
Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight

Unit 3 Travel Agency
Part One Dialogues
Part Two Text A Introduction to Travel Agency
Part Three Text B How to Choose the Best Travel Agency
Part Four Skill Training Forms
Practical Writing
Part Five Related Information
Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight

Unit 4 Airport
Part One Dialogues
Part Two Text A Procedures of Boarding a Plane
Part Three Text B Check-in Online
Part Four Skill Training Forms
Practical Writing
Part Five Related Information
Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight

Unit 5 En Route
Part One Dialogue and Broadcasting
Part Two Text A En Route
Part Three Text B Air Transportation
Part Four Skill Training Forms
Practical Writing
Part Five Related Information
Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight

Unit 6 Arrival
Part One Dialogues
Part Two Text A Entering the Country
Part Three Text B Learn About the Airport
Part Four Skill Training Forms
Practical Writing
Part Five Related Information
Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight

Unit 7 Ground Transportation
Part One Dialogues

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