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1星价 ¥154.4 (7.8折)
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  • ISBN:9787308186865
  • 装帧:精装
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:402
  • 出版时间:2020-04-01
  • 条形码:9787308186865 ; 978-7-308-18686-5


改革开放以来,浙江由小商品、手工艺活动开始,积跬步而千里,从不太发达的区域迅速成长为经济社会发展靠前于全国的省份。浙江如何开发自己独特的区域发展战略,进而形成所谓的“浙江模式”? 许多学者试图从经济和政治政策角度来解释,但其背后的文化和精神因素却缺乏足够的研究。本书从文化社会学角度,来理解和解释浙江从传统向现代社会转型,呈示所谓“诱致性”变迁的特点,就当代浙江区域文化发展与社会发展的互动问题进行探索。本书自2007年初版以来,引起了学界广泛关注,社会各界对于“浙江模式”文化社会学视角的探讨持续不断,比如家庭工厂的兴起和繁荣的家族企业、区域集群,以及遍布全国甚至全世界的“浙江城镇”等。当前,随着“一带一路”倡议的提出,“浙江模式”的内涵更具丰富,也更具现代性。本书计划在初版的基础上进行修订,试图在当前语境下剖析“浙江模式”的文化社会学因素。


Introduction Chapter 1 Regional Culture and Spiritual Engine for the Economic and Social Development of Zhejiang Province 1.1 The Origin of the Problem 1.2 Characteristics of the Regional Development Pattern of Contemporary Zhejiang 1.2.1 Government-Improved Model of Regional Institution Innovation and Economic and Social Development 1.2.2 The People-Induced Model of Regional Institution Innovation and Economic and Social Development 1.3 The Marginal Area of the Planned Economy and People- Induced Spiritual Motivation 1.3.1 A Question that Needs Clarification 1.3.2 The Marginal Area of the Planned Economy and the Self-Entrepreneurial Spirit 1.4 Large Population with Limited Land and the People- Induced Spiritual Motivation 1.4.1 Influence of the Natural Environment on the Spirit 1.4.2 The Contradiction between People and Land and the Spirit of Self-Entrepreneurship Chapter 2 The Cultural Tradition of"Striving for Practical Results" and the Zhejiang's Economic and Social Development 2.1 The Spirit of"Striving for Practical Results" and the Contemporary Phenomena of Zhejiang Economic Society 2.1.1 The Spirit of"Striving for Practical Results" under the Planned Economy 2.1.2 The Spirit of"Striving for Practical Results" Since the Reform and Opening-up 2.2 Regional Great Tradition and the Cultural Spirit of "Striving for Practical Results" . 2.2.1 A Dilemma That is Hard to Justify 2.2.2 The Confucian Cultural Tradition and the Spirit of "Striving for Practical Results" . 2.3 Regional Folk Tradition and the Cultural Spirit of "Striving for Practical Results" . 2.3.1 Practice of the Folk Industry and Commerce and the Spirit of"Striving for Practical Results" . 2.3.2 The Folk Social Psychology and the Spirit of "Striving for Practical Results" . Chapter 3 The Cultural Tradition of Industry and Commerce and the Economic and Social Development of Contemporary Zhejiang 3.1 Great Cultural Tradition of Industry and Commerce of Ideologists 3.1.1 Industry and Commerce Being Equally Important 3.1.2 Four Social Classes Engaging in Different Work Share the Same Purpose of Being Conscientious 3.2 Little Traditions of Folk Industrial and Commercial Culture 3.2.1 Little Folk Cultural Traditions as Life Policy 3.2.2 Little Cultural Industrial Traditions of Zhejiang Folks 3.2.3 Little Cultural Traditions of Commerce of Zhejiang Folks 3.3 Cultural Tradition of Industry and Commerce and Path of Zhejiang's Economic and Social Development 3.3.1 Regional Cultural Tradition of Industry and Commerce and Contemporary Zhejiang Economic Evolution 3.3.2 Regional Cultural Tradition of Industry and Commerce and the Development of Contemporary Zhejiang Society 3.4 Differences in Traditional Business and Contemporary Relations with Economic and Social Development in Zhejiang, Huizhou and Shanxi 3.4.1 Comparison of Traditional Commercial Culture in Zhejiang, Shanxi and Huizhou 3.4.2 Cultural Traditions of Businessmen in Zhejiang, Shanxi and Huizhou, and the Contemporary Political Environment 3.4.3 Features and Subsequent Effects of Zhejiang, Huizhou and Shanxi Merchants' Cultural Traditions 3.4.4 The Evolution and Expansion of the Cultural Tradition of Zhejiang Merchants in the Contemporary Era Chapter 4 Trust, Social Network and Zhejiang's Economic and Social Development 4.1 Particularistic Trust and Family Culture in the Region of Zhejiang 4.1.1 Family Culture, Particularistic Trust and Differential Mode of Association 4.1.2 Family Culture and Particularistic Trust Pattern in the Region of Zhejiang and Their Revival 4.2 Trust Pattern, Network of Relationships and Economic and Social Behaviors in Contemporary Zhejiang 4.2.1 Particularistic Trust, Network of Relationships and Performance of Regional Responsibility System in Agriculture 4.2.2 Particularistic Trust, Network of Relationships and Regional Social and Economic Activities 4.3 Particularistic Trust, Network of Relationships and Zhejiang's Business Organizations 4.3.1 Particularistic Trust, Network of Relationships and Village and Township Collective Enterprises 4.3.2 Particularistic Trust, Network of Relationships and Private Enterprise Organizations 4.3.3 Particularistic Trust, Network of Relationships and State-Owned Enterprise Organization 4.3.4 Particularistic Trust, Network of Relationships and Organizational Performance of Enterprises Bibliography

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