

1星价 ¥43.1 (7.3折)
2星价¥43.1 定价¥59.0
  • ISBN:9787117258050
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:大16开
  • 页数:349
  • 出版时间:2019-01-01
  • 条形码:9787117258050 ; 978-7-117-25805-0




绪论 专业英语文体特点与翻译技巧

Chapter 1 Fundamentals of medical devices
Section 1 Basic Introduction to medica]devices
Text 1 Introduct,ion to medica]devices
Text 2 FDA:definition and classification of medica]devices
Text 3 Globa]medical device market
Section 2 Fundamentals of medical devices
Text 1 A brief Introduction to electronic basics
Text 2 A brief introduction to biological basics
Text 3 A brief introduction to mlcr00rganlsms

Chapter 2 Introduction to typical products
Section 1 Consumer products
Text 1 Contact 1enses
Text 2 Blood pressure meters
Text 3 Glucose meters
Text 4 Hearing aids
Section 2 Electrocardlograph(ECG)monitors
Text 1 Introduction to e]ectrocardlograph(ECG)monitors
Text 2 How an ECG monitor works
Section 3 Ultrasound 1maging
Text 1 Introduction to ultrasound imaging
Text 2 Fundamentals of ultrasound imaging
Section 4 X-ray imaging
Text 1 Introduction to medical X-ray imaging
Text 2 Radiography(Plain X-rays)
Text 3 Computed tomography(CT)
Section 5 Magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)
Text 1 Introduction to magnetic resonance imaglng(MRI)
Text 2 Physics of magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)
Section 6 Clinical laboratory equipment
Text 1 Hematology analyzer
Text 2 Biochemistry analyzer
Text 3 Urine analyzer
Section 7 Biomateria ls
Text 1 Medical dressing materials
Text 2 Dental materials
Text 3 Metallic biomaterials in orthopaedic surgery

Chapter 3 Medical devices regulations
Section 1 Globa]medical device regulatory harmonization
Text 1 Global regulations of medical devices
Text 2 Global harmonization of medical devices
Section 2 US FDA regulations
Text 1 How to market your medical devices in U.S.?
Text 2 FDA:Premarket notification(PMN)510(k)
Section 3 NMPA regulations
Text 1 Regulations on supervisory management of medical devices
Text 2 Provisions for medical device registration
Section 4 Quality management system(QMS)for medical device
Text 1 Quality management system(QMS)for medical devices
Text 2 ISO 1 3485:2003 Medical devices-quality management systems-requirements for regulatory purposes

Chapter 4 Medical device standards and practices
Section 1 Medical device standards
Text 1 ISO 1 0993—5:Test for in vitro cytotoxicity
Text 2 Heavy metals impurities test methods in United States pharmacopeia
Text 3 IEC 60601—1-2—2014:Medical electrical equipment-General requirements for basic safety and essential performance
Section 2 Appl ication cases
Text 1 Classes and types of medical electrical equipment
Text 2 The AK 96 dialysis machine
Text 3 Maintenance manual of the AK 96 dialysis machine

Chapter 5 Medical device marketing and management
Section 1 Business etiquette
Text 1 Business etiquette tips everyone should follow
Text 2 Customer service etiquette
Section 2 Marketing
Text 1 Medical device sales jobs
Text 2 How medical device companies can strategically sell products to customers?
Section 3 Business negotiation
Text 1 How to win price negotiations?
Text 2 Meet goals in negotiation

Chapter 6 Industrial communication
Section 1 Job hunting
Text 1 Resume for employment
Text 2 Job—hunting 1etter
Text 3 Interview skl]Is
Section 2 Technica]cOmmunlcatlOn
Text 1 How to become a successful medical device sales representatlve?
Text 2 The Internet-where the customers are?

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