  • ISBN:9787300283746
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:28cm
  • 页数:398页
  • 出版时间:2020-07-01
  • 条形码:9787300283746 ; 978-7-300-28374-6


  《消费者行为学(英文版·第12版)/工商管理经典丛书·市场营销系列》是消费者行为学领域的经典著作。  《消费者行为学(英文版·第12版)/工商管理经典丛书·市场营销系列》作了大幅修订和更新,以网络消费社会环境为背景,充分讨论了信息技术和网络技术对消费者行为的影响,更加注重伦理和消费者权益保护,也扩展了对消费者个性心理和社会心理的讨论,内容更加丰富有趣。  《消费者行为学(英文版·第12版)/工商管理经典丛书·市场营销系列》关注社交媒体以及数字技术对消费者行为的影响。  《消费者行为学(英文版·第12版)/工商管理经典丛书·市场营销系列》广泛涉及新近的重要话题,如大数据、数字自我、游戏化、情境对购买决策的影响等。  《消费者行为学(英文版·第12版)/工商管理经典丛书·市场营销系列》新增“学术观点”专栏,呈现众多研究者的前沿研究成果,为读者提供新的视角甚至新的研究方向。


Section 1 Foundations of Consumer Behavior
Chapter 1 Buying, Having, and Being: An Introduction to Consumer Behavior
Chapter 2 Consumer and Social Well-Being

Section 2 Internal Influences on Consumer Behavior
Chapter 3 Perception
Chapter 4 Learning and Memory
Chapter 5 Motivation and Affect
Chapter 6 The Self: Mind, Gender, and Body
Chapter 7 Personality, Lifestyles, and Values

Section 3 Choosing and Using Products
Chapter 8 Attitudes and Persuasive Communications
Chapter 9 Decision Making
Chapter 10 Buying, Using, and Disposing

Section 4 Consumers in Their Social and Cultural Settings
Chapter 11 Groups and Social Media
Chapter 12 Income and Social Class
Chapter 13 Subcultures
Chapter 14 Culture


I love to people-watch, don’t you? People shopping, people flirting, people consuming. Consumer behavior is the study of people and the products that help to shape their identities. Because I’m a consumer myself, I have a selfish interest in learning more about how this process works—and so do you. In many courses, students are merely passive observers; they learn about topics that affect them indirectly, if at all. Not everyone is a plasma physicist, a medieval French scholar, or a marketing professional. But we are all consumers. Many of the topics in this book have both professional and personal relevance to the reader, regardless of whether he or she is a student, professor, or businessperson. Nearly everyone can relate to the trials and tribulations of last-minute shopping; primping for a big night out; agonizing over an expensive purchase; fantasizing about a week in the Caribbean; celebrating a holiday or commemorating a landmark event, such as graduating or getting a driver’s license; or (dreaming about) winning the lottery. In this edition, I have tried to introduce you to the latest and best thinking by some bright scientists who develop models and studies of consumer behavior. But that’s not enough. Consumer behavior is an applied science, so we must never lose sight of the role of “horse sense” when we apply our findings to life in the real world. That’s why you’ll find a lot of practical examples to back up these fancy theories.


迈克尔·所罗门(Michael R. Solomon) 美国圣约瑟夫大学Haub商学院营销学教授、消费者研究中心主任,英国曼彻斯特大学消费者行为学教授。在学术期刊上发表大量论文,其研究得到美国广告学会、美国营销学会、美国农业部、美国商务部等的资助。担任Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice等期刊编委。所罗门教授被公认为行为科学/时尚类学术文献中15位高被引学者之一,以及广告与营销传播领域10位多产的学者之一。

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