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  • ISBN:9787568412506
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:307
  • 出版时间:2020-05-01
  • 条形码:9787568412506 ; 978-7-5684-1250-6




Part 1 Statics Chapter 1 General Principles of Statics 1.1 Fundamental Concepts 1.2 Fundamental Principles of Statics 1.3 Constraints and Support Reactions 1.4 Force Analysis of Rigid Body Chapter 2 System of Forces in a Plane 2.1 Coplanar System of Concurrent Forces 2.2 Moment of a Force in a Plane 2.3 Couple and Moment of a Couple 2.4 General System of Forces in a Plane 2.5 Equilibrium of the System of Bodies 2.6 Planar Trusses Chapter 3 System of Forces in Space 3.1 Spacial System of Concurrent Forces 3.2 The Moment Vector 3.3 General Systems of Forces in Space 3.4 Center of Gravity and Centroid Chapter 4 Friction 4.1 Sliding Friction 4.2 Angle of Static Friction and Self—Locking 4.3 Equilibrium Problems Involving of Friction 4.4 Rolling Resistance Part 2 Kinematics Chapter 5 Kinematics of a Particle 5.1 General Curvilinear Motion 5.2 Curvilinear Motion in Rectangular Coordinates 5.3 Normal and Tangential Coordinates Chapter 6 Translation and Rotation of Rigid Bodies 6.1 Translation 6.2 Rotation about a Fixed Axis 6.3 Motion of Point in Rotational Rigid Body Chapter 7 Composite Motion of Particles 7.1 Concepts of Composite Motion 7.2 Composition of the Velocities 7.3 Composition of the Accelerations Chapter 8 Plane Motion of Rigid Body 8.1 Planar Rigid Body Motion 8.2 Relative Velocity Analysis 8.3 Instantaneous Center of Zero Velocity 8.4 Relative Acceleration Analysis Part 3 Kinetics Chapter 9 Kinetics of a Particle 9.1 Newton's Laws of Morion 9.2 The Equation of Motion Chapter 10 Principle of Linear Momentum 10.1 Linear Momentum and Impulse 10.2 Principle of Linear Momentum 10.3 Motion of the Mass Center Chapter 11 Principle of Angular Momentum 11.1 Angular Momentum 11.2 Principle of Angular Momentum 11.3 Mass Moment of Inertia 11.4 Rotation about a Fixed Axis 11.5 Angular Momentum Theory about Mass Center 11.6 Kinetics of a Rigid Body in Plane Motion Chapter 12 Work and Kinetics Energy 12.1 The Work of a Force 12.2 Kinetic Energy 12.3 Principle of Work and Kinetics Energy 12.4 Power and Efficiency 12.5 Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy 12.6 Application of the General Theorems of Dynamics Chapter 13 D'Alembert's Principle 13.1 Inertial Force and D'Alembert's Principle 13.2 Simplification of the System of Inertial Forces Chapter 14 Principle of Virtual Work 14.1 Virtual Displacements and Virtual Work 14.2 Principle of the Virtual Work References Answers

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