

¥22.6 (5.4折) ?
1星价 ¥22.6
2星价¥22.6 定价¥42.0
  • ISBN:9787302370772
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:250
  • 出版时间:2020-11-01
  • 条形码:9787302370772 ; 978-7-302-37077-2


  《商务英语笔译》系统介绍了商务词汇、商号与商务名片、品牌与商标、商务广告、商品说明书、商务演讲、商务信函、商务合同与协议、国际商务信用证、备忘录、商务报告、上市公司年报、企业介绍、宣传资料等知识,并配以大量翻译实例进行说明,以达到学以致用的目的。  《商务英语笔译》既适用于本科国际贸易、工商管理、经济管理、金融保险、税务会计等专业的教学,也可作为商务翻译工作者的岗位培训教材,对于广大社会读者也是一本非常有益的自学读物。


Unit 1 Introduction to Business English Translation

Unit 2 Vocabulary for Business English
Section 1 Background Knowledge
Section 2 Translation Warm-up
Section 3 Concept Introduction and Translation Principles
Section 4 Translation Skills
Section 5 Translation Examples
Section 6 Translation Training
Section 7 Useful Words and Phrases

Unit 3 Company Names and Business Cards
Section 1 Background Knowledge
Section 2 Translation Warm-up
Section 3 Concept Introduction and Translation Principles
Section 4 Translation Skills
Section 5 Translation Examples
Section 6 Translation Training
Section 7 Useful Words and Phrases

Unit 4 Brands and Trademarks
Section 1 Background Knowledge
Section 2 Translation Warm-up
Section 3 Concept Introduction and Translation Principles
Section 4 Translation Skills
Section 5 Translation Examples
Section 6 Translation Training
Section 7 Useful Words and Phrases

Unit 5 Business Advertisement
Section 1 Background Knowledge
Section 2 Translation Warm-up
Section 3 Concept Introduction and Translation Principles
Section 4 Translation Skills
Section 5 Translation Examples
Section 6 Translation Training
Section 7 Useful Words and Phrases

Unit 6 Commodity Specifications
Section 1 Background Knowledge
Section 2 Translation Warm-up
Section 3 Concept Introduction and Translation Principles
Section 4 Translation Skills
Section 5 Translation Examples
Section 6 Translation Training
Section ? Useful Words and Phrases

Unit 7 Ceremonial Address
Section 1 Background Knowledge
Section 2 Translation Warm-up
Section 3 Concept Introduction and Translation Principles
Section 4 Translation Skills
Section 5 Translation Examples
Section 6 Translation Training
Section 7 Useful Words and Phrases

Unit 8 Business Correspondence (Ⅰ)
Section 1 Background Knowledge
Section 2 Translation Warm-up
Section 3 Concept Introduction and Translation Principles
Section 4 Translation Skills
Section 5 Translation Examples
Section 6 Translation Training
Section 7 Useful Words and Phrases

Unit 9 Business Correspondence (Ⅱ)
Section 1 Background Knowledge
Section 2 Translation Warm-up
Section 3 Concept Introduction and Translation Principles
Section 4 Translation Skills
Section 5 Translation Examples
Section 6 Translation Training
Section 7 Useful Words and Phrases

Unit 10 Business Contracts and Agreements
Section 1 Background Knowledge
Section 2 Translation Warm-up
Section 3 Concept Introduction and Translation Principles
Section 4 Translation Skills
Section 5 Translation Examples
Section 6 Translation Training
Section 7 Useful Words and Phrases

Unit 11 International Business Credit
Section 1 Background Knowledge
Section 2 Translation Warm-up
Section 3 Concept Introduction and Translation Principles
Section 4 Translation Skills
Section 5 Translation Examples
Section 6 Translation Training
Section 7 Useful Words and Phrases

Unit 12 The Memorandum
Section 1 Background Knowledge
Section 2 Translation Warm-up
Section 3 Concept Introduction and Translation Principles
Section 4 Translation Skills
Section 5 Translation Examples
Section 6 Translation Training
Section 7 Useful Words and Phrases

Unit 13 Business Reports
Section 1 Background Knowledge
Section 2 Translation Warm-up
Section 3 Concept Introduction and Translation Principles
Section 4 Translation Skills
Section 5 Translation Examples
Section 6 Translation Training
Section 7 Useful Words and Phrases

Unit 14 The Annual Report of Listed Companies
Section 1 Background Knowledge
Section 2 Translation Warm-up
Section 3 Concept Introduction and Translation Principles
Section 4 Translation Skills
Section 5 Translation Examples
Section 6 Translation Training
Section 7 Useful Words and Phrases

Unit 15 Company Profile and Publicity Materials
Section 1 Background Knowledge
Section 2 Translation Warm-up
Section 3 Concept Introduction and Translation Principles
Section 4 Translation Skills
Section 5 Translation Examples
Section 6 Translation Training
Section 7 Useful Words and Phrases

Unit 16 Tourist Publicity Materials
Section 1 Background Knowledge
Section 2 Translation Warm-up
Section 3 Concept Introduction and Translation Principles
Section 4 Translation Skills
Section 5 Translation Examples
Section 6 Translation Training
Section 7 Useful Words and Phrases


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