- ISBN:9787030306289
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 开本:16开
- 页数:518
- 出版时间:2021-06-03
- 条形码:9787030306289 ; 978-7-03-030628-9
《战略管理(第2版 英汉双语)/高等院校工商管理类教材系列》的目的在于向学生、教师、经理人和执行官全面介绍战略管理的概念和原理,并详细讨论了这些概念和原理的实际应用。 《战略管理(第2版 英汉双语)/高等院校工商管理类教材系列》的编写建立在作者丰富的战略管理知识和教学经验的基础上,作者拥有在美国和中国(2001年起)讲授本科、MBA和执行官课程的广泛经验,并且曾经在40多个国家的企业中担任高级执行官和战略顾问。 《战略管理(第2版 英汉双语)/高等院校工商管理类教材系列》采用双语结构,英文和中文版本被分别做成两个完整独立的部分。它适合本科、MBA和执行官等的课程讲授,亦可作为教师、经理人和执行官的参考书籍使用。
Part 1 Understanding strategy
Section 1 The PSRT framework
Unit 1 Introduction
1. Definitions
2. The Chinese business model
2.a. Advanced management methods
2.b. Leadership
3. The study of strategic management
4. The PSRT framework
Unit 2 Policy
1. Definitions
1.a. In government
1.b. In business
2. The responsibility for policy
2.a. The responsibility for policy formulation
2.b. The responsibility for policy implementation
3. The purposes of corporate policy
3.a. Operational parameters
3.b. Priorities and goals
3.c. Constituency communication
4. Policy and strategy
5. Changes in corporate policy
5.a. Incremental change
5.b. Radical change
6. Policy-related terms
6.a. Policy positions
6.b. Operating or managerial policies
6.c. Policy slogans
6.d. Vision
6.e. Mission
Unit 3 Strategy
1. Definition
2. The primary characteristics
2.a. Strategies are situation specific
2.b. Strategy and structure
2.c. The multi-element characteristic
2.d. The non-linear characteristic
2.e. Complexity and difficulty
2.f. Mutually reinforcing and synergistic combinations
2.g. The responsibility for strategy
3. Applications
4. Secrecy
4.a. In plus-sum situations
4.b. In zero-sum situations
4.c. Obfuscation, disinformation, and simplistic answers
4.d. Secrecy and publicly listed companies
5. Strategy-related terms
5.a. Strategic
5.b. Strategic thinking
5.c. The misuse of the term
6. Corporate and business-unit strategies
6.a. Corporate strategies
6.b. Business units
6.c. Business-unit strategies
6.d. Manufacturing and marketing strategies
Unit 4 Resources and tactics
1. Resources
1.a. Definitions
1.b. Types of resources
1.d. Combinations
2. Tactics
2.a. Definitions
2.b. Resources and tactics
2.c. Applications
Unit 5 Causality in the PSRT framework
1. Definitions
1.a. Arrows of causality
1.b. Aristotelian classification
2. Policy and policy goals
3. Strategy
4. Resources
5. Tactics
6. The relative importance of the elements
6.a. The dependent variable
6.b. The weakest or missing element
6.c. Implications
Section 2 Design and decision factors
Part 2 Strategic elements
Section 1 Core elements
Section 2 Marketing elements
Section 3 Manufacturing elements
Part 3 Strategy formulation
Section 1 The PSRT framework
Unit 1 Introduction
1. Definitions
2. The Chinese business model
2.a. Advanced management methods
2.b. Leadership
3. The study of strategic management
4. The PSRT framework
Unit 2 Policy
1. Definitions
1.a. In government
1.b. In business
2. The responsibility for policy
2.a. The responsibility for policy formulation
2.b. The responsibility for policy implementation
3. The purposes of corporate policy
3.a. Operational parameters
3.b. Priorities and goals
3.c. Constituency communication
4. Policy and strategy
5. Changes in corporate policy
5.a. Incremental change
5.b. Radical change
6. Policy-related terms
6.a. Policy positions
6.b. Operating or managerial policies
6.c. Policy slogans
6.d. Vision
6.e. Mission
Unit 3 Strategy
1. Definition
2. The primary characteristics
2.a. Strategies are situation specific
2.b. Strategy and structure
2.c. The multi-element characteristic
2.d. The non-linear characteristic
2.e. Complexity and difficulty
2.f. Mutually reinforcing and synergistic combinations
2.g. The responsibility for strategy
3. Applications
4. Secrecy
4.a. In plus-sum situations
4.b. In zero-sum situations
4.c. Obfuscation, disinformation, and simplistic answers
4.d. Secrecy and publicly listed companies
5. Strategy-related terms
5.a. Strategic
5.b. Strategic thinking
5.c. The misuse of the term
6. Corporate and business-unit strategies
6.a. Corporate strategies
6.b. Business units
6.c. Business-unit strategies
6.d. Manufacturing and marketing strategies
Unit 4 Resources and tactics
1. Resources
1.a. Definitions
1.b. Types of resources
1.d. Combinations
2. Tactics
2.a. Definitions
2.b. Resources and tactics
2.c. Applications
Unit 5 Causality in the PSRT framework
1. Definitions
1.a. Arrows of causality
1.b. Aristotelian classification
2. Policy and policy goals
3. Strategy
4. Resources
5. Tactics
6. The relative importance of the elements
6.a. The dependent variable
6.b. The weakest or missing element
6.c. Implications
Section 2 Design and decision factors
Part 2 Strategic elements
Section 1 Core elements
Section 2 Marketing elements
Section 3 Manufacturing elements
Part 3 Strategy formulation
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