

1星价 ¥41.8 (8.4折)
2星价¥41.8 定价¥49.8
  • ISBN:9787305245770
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:256
  • 出版时间:2021-07-01
  • 条形码:9787305245770 ; 978-7-305-24577-0


根据《大学英语教学指南》(2020版)以及《普通高等学校本科外国语言文学类专业教学指南》相关要求,为满足学生专业学习、靠前交流、继续深造、工作就业等方面的需求,以及现阶段我国大学生在英语写作中所面临的瓶颈问题,我们特地编写了《地道英语写作教程》(上、下册)。 本书是上册,主要介绍基础写作要素及写作体裁,包括部分和第二部分,共9个单元。部分为写作要素分析,内容包括单词、句式、标点、段落、修辞;第二部分为基本文体特点分析,内容包括记叙文、描写文、说明文、议论文。本书理论和实用(实践和应试)相结合,在中英对比的基础上,充分分析英语写作的特点;在详尽介绍写作要素和基本文体写作特点的基础上,进一步分析实践写作和应试写作的特点和注意事项。 本书可以作为大学英语的公共课教材,也可以作为英语专业写作课专用教材,还可以作为广大英语爱好者自学使用的教材。


Part Ⅰ Basic Elements of English Writing
Unit One Words and Phrases
1.l Correct Uses of Words
1.1.1 The singular and plural forms of a special group of nouns
1.1.2 Abstract nouns
1.1.3 Collective nouns
1.1.4 Synonyms
1.1.5 Transitional words
1.2 Precise Uses of Words
1.2.1 Synonyms
1.2.2 General and specific words
1.2.3 Words similar in spelling
1.2.4 Formal and informal words
1.2.5 The emotional coloring
1.3 Terse Uses of Words
1.4 Identification of Phrases
1.4.1 Idioms
1.4.2 Free phrases
Unit Two Sentence Writing
2.1 Contrasts Between Chinese and English Sentence Writing
2.1.1 Synthesis vs.analysis
2.1.2 Contrasts : subjective awareness vs.objective awareness
2.1.3 Contrasts : straightforward vs.periphrastic
2.2 Principles for English Sentence Writing
2.2.1 English simple sentence patterns
2.2.2 An extension of English simple sentences
2.2.3 Varied English sentences
2.3 Improvements in English Sentence Qualities
2.3.1 Avoidance of redundant words
2.3.2 Avoidance of cliches
2.3.3 Precise construction
2.3.4 Compact sentences
2.3.5 Common errors of non-native students
2.4 Typical Sentence Errors
2.4.1 Sentence fragments
2.4.2 Choppy sentences
2.4.3 Stringy sentences
2.4.4 Disturbing inconsistency
2.4.5 Incomplete constructions
Unit Three Punctuation
3.1 The Comma
3.1.1 The main uses of comma
3.1.2 Comma errors in students' essays
3.2 The Period
3.2.1 Main uses of the period
3.2.2 Mistakes on the period
3.3 The Colon
3.3.1 Main uses of the colon
3.3.2 Mistakes on the colon
3.4 The Semicolon
3.5 The Dash
3.5.1 Main uses of the dash
3.5.2 Mistakes on the dash
3.6 Parenthesis
Unit Four Paragraph Writing
4.1 General Introduction
4.1.1 Definition
4.1.2 Contrastive analysis
4.2 Components of a Paragraph
4.2.1 A topic sentence
4.2.2 Supporting sentences
4.2.3 The concluding sentence
4.3 Paragraph Development
4.3.1 Development by listing
4.3.2 Development by examples
4.3.3 Development by definition
4.3.4 Development by comparison and contrast
4.3.5 Development by cause and effect
4.3.6 Development by classification and division
4.3.7 Development by process analysis
4.3.8 The combined pattern of development
4.4 Special Paragraphs
4.4.1 Introductory paragraphs
4.4.2 Concluding paragraphs
4.4.3 Transitional paragraphs or emphatic paragraphs
4.4.4 Paragraphs in a conversation
4.5 Building Effective Paragraphs
4.5.1 Unity
4.5.2 Coherence
4.6 Tips to Avoid Ineffective Paragraph Writing
4.6.1 No hesitation to show your main point in the first place
4.6.2 Maintaining coherence by using transitional means
4.6.3 No subjective assumption in paragraph development
Unit Five Figures of Speech
5.1 Parallelism
5.1.1 Three main uses of parallelism
5.1.2 Two applications of parallelism
5.1.3 Some misuses of parallelism
5.2 Simile and Metaphor
5.2.1 Simile
5.2.2 Metaphor
5.2.3 Applications of metaphor
5.3 Personification
5.3.1 Definition of personification
5.3.2 Kinds of personification
5.4 Hyperbole
5.5 Metonymy
5.6 Synecdoche
5.7 Euphemism
5.8 Antithesis
5.9 Alliteration
Part Ⅱ Essay Writing
Unit Six Narrative Essay Writing
6.1 General Introduction
6.l.1 Definition
6.1.2 Modes of narration
6.1.3 Characteristics of narration
6.1.4 The basic pattern of narrative writing
6.2 Constructing Process
6.2.1 Abstract a theme
6.2.2 Theme expressing
6.2.3 An outline listing
6.2.4 Selections of meaningful incidents and appropriate de



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