雅思英语应试策略:听说篇:Listening and speaking

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  • ISBN:9787560390710
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:26cm
  • 页数:106页
  • 出版时间:2021-07-01
  • 条形码:9787560390710 ; 978-7-5603-9071-0




《雅思英语应试策略——听说篇》 Unit One An Introduction to IELTS Listening Part I Structure and question types Part II Band scores and listening situations Part III Introduction & tips to IELTS listening Unit Two Strategies to Crack IELTS Listening Part I Skills and tips required in the listening Part II Question types and strategies Part III Unit summary: listening gapfills Unit Three IELTS Listening Situations and Test Part I Situation-based listening Part II Situations and vocabulary Part III Simulation test Unit Four An Introduction to IELTS Speaking Part I Structure and examples Part II Band criteria Part III Speaking topics and activities Unit Five Strategies to Crack IELTS Speaking Part I Skills and tips required in the speaking module Part II Question types and strategies Part III Unit summary Unit Six IELTS Speaking Test and Vocabulary Part I Five principles that help to organize answers to Part 2 & 3 Part II Speaking practice Part III Topic-related expression Answer Keys References 《雅思英语应试策略——读写篇》 Unit One An Introduction to IELTS Reading Part I Structure and question types Part II Band scores Part III Reading subjects and sources Part IV Introduction and tips to IELTS reading Unit Two Strategies to Crack IELTS Reading Part I Skills and tips required in IELTS reading Part II Question types and strategies Unit Three IELTS Reading Practice and Vocabulary Part I Test 1 Part II Test 2 Part III Words and expressions in Test 1 and Test 2 Part 1g Prefixes and root Unit Four An Introduction to IELTS Writing Part I Structure and question types Part II Band criteria and scores Unit Five Strategies to Crack IELTS Writing Part I Skills and tips required in the writing module Part II Writing Task 1 : Report Writing Part III Writing Task 2:Essay Writing Answer Keys Unit One An Introduction to IELTS Reading Unit Two Strategies to Crack IELTS Reading Unit Three IELTS Reading Practice and Vocabulary Unit Four An Introduction to IELTS Writing Unit Five Strategies to Crack IELTS Writing Appendix References



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