  • ISBN:9787512150966
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:275
  • 出版时间:2023-11-01
  • 条形码:9787512150966 ; 978-7-5121-5096-6




"《教育学专业英语教程》在内容编排上力图反映当代教育学的发展趋势与新特征,注重教育学专业知识与英语学习的有机结合,所包括的课文涉及当代教育学的主要方面,不仅注重英语能力的培养,也强调教育学专业知识的传授和技能的训练。 《教育学专业英语教程》除适合高等师范院校本科生、研究生使用外,也可供各级各类教育学院教育学、教育心理学、英语教学法等专业的本科生和研究生学习教育学专业英语之用。此外,对于大、中、小学教师了解教育学理论知识,提高教育学专业英语水平也是难得的参考书。 "


Unit 1 Origin & History of Education 教育的起源和历史 1
Text A The History of Compulsory Education in Europe 1
Text B A History of American Higher Education 6
Useful phrases and expressions 13
Unit 2 Education & Social Development 教育与社会发展 16
Text A Open and Distance Education: a Better Way of Competence Building
and Sustainable Development 16
Text B Higher Education within a Knowledge-based Society 23
Useful phrases and expressions 30
Unit 3 Education & People’s Overall Development 教育与人的全面发展
Text A Role of Education in the Developmental Process 33
Text B Social Skills Development in Primary Education 38
Useful phrases and expressions 45
Unit 4 Educational System & Educational Law 教育制度与教育法 47
Text A E-learning and Evaluation in Modern Educational System 47
Text B Legislation and Equality in Basic Education 52
Useful phrases and expressions 58
Unit 5 Educational Justice 教育公平 60
Text A Educational Justice in Schools 60
Text B Efficiency and Equity of European Education and Training
Policies 65
Useful phrases and expressions 71
Unit 6 Educator & Educational Thoughts 教育家与教育思想 74
Text A Disciples of Confucius 74
Text B Educational Thought and Teaching 79
Useful phrases and expressions 85
Unit 7 Educational Objectives 教育目的 87
Text A Aims and Objectives of Education 87
Text B Education, Basics of Education and Educational Objectives 96
Useful phrases and expressions 104
Unit 8 Teacher & Student 教师与学生 107
Text A The Teacher, the Student and the Classroom 107
Text B Teacher-Student Attachment and Teachers’ Attitudes towards
Work 117
Useful phrases and expressions 127
Unit 9 School & Family 学校与家庭 129
Text A School and Family Cooperation Models for Reducing Social
Problems 129
Text B The Effects of Family, School, and Classroom Ecologies on Changes
in Children’s Social Competence and Emotional and Behavioral
Problems in First Grade 139
Useful phrases and expressions 146
Unit 10 Moral Education 道德教育 149
Text A Education as a Moral Enterprise 149
Text B Moral Education of Youth in the Information Age 154
Useful phrases and expressions 161
Unit 11 Extra-curricular Activities 课外活动 163
Text A Extra-curricular Activity and the Transition from Higher Education to
Work 163
Text B Extra-curricular Physical Activity and Socioeconomic Status in
Italian Adolescents 171
Useful phrases and expressions 180
Unit 12 School Management 学校管理 183
Text A What is School-based Management? 183
Text B Comparative Case Study on School Management Practices in Two
Schools in the United States and Türkiye 192
Useful phrases and expressions 201
Unit 13 Teaching Methods 教学方法 204
Text A Refuting Misconceptions about Classroom Discussion 204
Text B Brainstorming: a Creative Way to Learn 212
Useful phrases and expressions 219
Unit 14 Materials & Test 教材与考试 221
Text A Materials and Media 221
Text B In Defense of Teaching “Outdated” Material 229
Useful phrases and expressions 236
Unit 15 Educational Evaluation 教育评价 238
Text A Integration of Technology and Educational Assessment 238
Text B Sustainable Assessment and Evaluation Strategies for Open and
Distance Learning 246
Useful phrases and expressions 253
Keys to Exercises 练习答案 255
References 参考文献 265


董晓波,南京师范大学外国语学院教授,法学博士、博士生导师,博士后合作导师,中国法律英语教学与测试研究会副会长、江苏省法律语言研究会会长、江苏省比较法学研究会副会长、江苏国际法治动态研究中心主任、首席专家,美国佐治亚大学法学院Dean Rusk Center 博士后,国家高校百强智库中国法治现代化研究院特邀研究员,浙江越秀外国语学院“稽山讲座学者”。主要从事法律语言学、商务法律翻译、语言战略与规划、跨文化交际等方面的研究。曾参与“国家海上丝绸之路”申报世界文化遗产和国家“一带一路”埃塞俄比亚东方园建设法律文件的翻译译审工作,兼任江苏省地方性法规译审首席专家10多年等。

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