

1星价 ¥27.0 (7.5折)
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  • ISBN:9787307102590
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:大16开
  • 页数:299
  • 出版时间:2013-01-01
  • 条形码:9787307102590 ; 978-7-307-10259-0




     张小红所著的《全球化语境下的英语课程改革》以现象学和重构主义为方法论,通过一项个案研究,探索了英语课程改革与全球化之间的内在联系。《全球化语境下的英语课程改革》以我国加入wto和成功举办北京 2008年奥运会这两个重大事件作为切入点,展现了我国政治、经济、文化、教育等方面的巨大变化和发展,探讨了我国英语课程改革的进步和发展,分析了改革过程中存在的问题和不足,为我国的英语教育改革研究,特别是英语课程改革方面的研究提供了新的视角和相关文献积累。


chapter 1 setting the scene 1.1 introduction 1.2 research questions 1.3 traditional approaches 1.4 background to the research wto and beijing 2008 olympicgames 1.5 purpose of the research 1.6 the significance of the research 1.7 the structure of the bookchapter 2 globalization and china's development 2.1 introduction 2.2 globalization 2.2.1 economics 2.2.2 politics 2.2.3 culture 2.2.4 education 2.3 economic-political development 2.4 education development 2.5 the role of english 2.6 the development of english language education 2.7 conclusionchapter 3 consideration of curriculum 3.1 introduction 3.2 the notion of curriculum used in the research 3.3 curriculum development 3.3.1 goals 3.3.2 syllabus 3.3.3 textbooks 3.3.4 teaching methods 3.3.5 evaluation and assessment 3.4 curriculum implementation 3.5 framework for language pedagogy in efl curriculum reform 3.5.1 transformational grammar 3.5.2 approaches based on sociocultural perspectives 3.5.3 link to current efl teaching and learning in china 3.5.4 task-based approaches 3.6 conclusionchapter 4 methodological framework 4.1 introduction 4.2 the starting point: ontological position 4.3 epistemological position 4.4 an interpretive paradigm: qualitative research embracinginterpretivism 4.5 phenomenology 4.5.1 the selection of phenomenology 4.5.2 intentionality 4.5.3 lived experience 4.5.4 lived space 4.5.5 lived time 4.5.6 lived other 4.5.7 lived body 4.6 trustworthiness 4.6.1 triangulation 4.6.2 bracketing 4.6.3 reflexivity 4.7 reconstructionism 4.7.1 reconstructionism and education 4.7.2 reconstruetionism and curriculum 4.7.3 reconstruetionism and participants 4.8 conclusionchapter 5 conducting case study 5.1 introduction 5.2 case study method 5.3 selection of sites for research 5.4 selection of participants for research 5.5 data collection 5.6 data analysis 5.7 ethics issues 5.8 conclusionchapter 6 new efl curriculum intent and its features: thecurriculum documents 6.1 introduction 6.2 new efl curriculum intent 6.3 features of new efl curriculum 6.3.1 resetting the role of english 6.3.2 an emphasis on students' all-round development in eflteaching and learning 6.3.3 a new curriculum: continuity and flexibility 6.3.4 an emphasis on task-based learning and improvingcurriculum materials 6.3.5 establishing an effective assessment system 6.3.6 an emphasis on teachers' professional development 6.4 conclusionchapter 7 lived experience: the questionnaire 7.1 introduction 7.2 efl teachers 7.2.1 site a 7.2.2 siteb 7.2.3 across both sites 7.3 lived time 7.3.1 past experience 7.3.2 the present experience 7.4 lived and felt space 7.5 lived other 7.6 conclusionchapter 8 lived space: lived experience and the interviews 8.1 introduction 8.2 interviewees 8.2.1 sitea 8.2.1 siteb 8.3 felt space 8.3.1 the global context 8.3.2 the chinese context 8.3.3 the school context 8.4 conclusionchapter 9 lived other: lived experience and the interviews 9.1 introduction 9.2 students 9.3 parents 9.4 principals 9.5 governments 9.6 conclusionchapter 10 lived time: lived experience and the interviews 10.1 introduction 10.2 past experience 10.2.1 "a word class" and "passive listeners" 10.2.2 "spoon-fed mode" 10.2.3 divergence and the "directing stick" 10.2.4 teacher education programs 10.3 present experience 10.3.1 role shifts 10.3.2 changes in teaching 10.3.3 modem, relevant and realistic 10.3.4 continuity 10.3.5 adjusting the "directing stick" 10.3.6 emphasizing teachers' professional development 10.4 expectations 10.4.1 hoping for relevant textbooks 10.4.2 seeking sufficient sources and opportunities fortraining 10.4.3 looking forward to a thorough reform on assessmentsystem 10.5 conclusionchapter 11 conclusions and implications 11.1 introduction 11.2 fullan's elements of successful changebibliography



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