

1星价 ¥92.4 (5.5折)
2星价¥92.4 定价¥168.0
  • ISBN:9787503873553
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:29cm
  • 页数:232
  • 出版时间:2013-11-01
  • 条形码:9787503873553 ; 978-7-5038-7355-3






chapter 1: sustainable forest management (sfm): from concept to practice  1.1 concept and content of sfm  1.2 sfm: an important approach to address global challenges  1.3 international processes and national actions on sfmchapter 2: conservation of biological diversity  2.1 ecosystem diversity  2.2 species diversity  2.3 genetic diversitychapter 3: maintenance of productive capacity of forest ecosystems  3.1 area and percent of forest land and net area of forest land available for wood production  3.2 total growing stock and annual increment of both merchantable and non-merchantable tree species in forests available for wood production  3.3 area, percent, and growing stock of plantations of native and exotic species  3.4 annual harvest of wood products by volume and as a percentage of net growth or sustained yield  3.5 annual harvest of non-wood forest productschapter 4: maintenance of forest ecosystem health and vitality  4.1 area and percent of forest affected by biotic processes and agents (e.g. disease, insects, invasive species) beyond reference conditions  4.2 area and percent of forest affected by abiotic events (e.g. fire, storm, land clearance) beyond reference conditionschapter 5: conservation and maintenance of soil and water resources  5.1 protective function  5.2 soil  5.3 waterchapter 6: maintenance of forest contribution to global carbon cycles  6.1 total forest ecosystem carbon pools and fluxes  6.2 total hwp carbon pools and flux  6.3 avoided fossil fuel carbon emissions by using forest biomass for energychapter 7: maintenance and enhancement of long-term multiple socio- economic benefits to meet the needs of societies  7.1 production and consumption  7.2 investment in the forest sector  7.3 employment and community needs  7.4 recreation and tourism  7.5 cultural, social and spiritual needs and valueschapter 8: legal, institutional and economic framework for forest conservation and sustainable management  8.1 laws and policies supporting sustainable forest management  8.2 economic policies that support sustainable forest management  8,3 policies that support sustainable forest management  8.4 enhancing the management and application capacity of forests management and offering various forest products and services  8.5 monitoring and evaluation capacity of forest protection and sustainable managementchapter 9: promoting sustainable forest management in china by innovation  9.1 major challenges of sustainable forest management in china  9.2 promoting china's sustainable forest management through innovation  references

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