  • ISBN:9787566311016
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:306
  • 出版时间:2014-09-01
  • 条形码:9787566311016 ; 978-7-5663-1101-6






part 1 world economic picture
 chapter 1 the global economic crisis
  supplementary reading ( 1 )
   the london summit
  supplementary reading (2)
   japan's economy
 chapter 2 american economy
  supplementary reading
   europe's economy
 chapter 3 china's economy
  supplementary reading ( 1 )
   china's trade
  supplementary reading (2)
   recalculating china's gdp--clipping the dragon's wings
part 2 international trade theories
 chapter 4 benefits of international trade
  supplementary reading ( 1 )
   national gains from international trade
  supplementary reading (2)
   take your partners
 chapter 5 modern trade theories (1)
  supplementary reading
   a marketing expert's comment on the theory of comparative
 chapter 6 modern trade theories (2)
  supplementary reading
   international trade product life-cycle
 chapter 7 arguments on government intervention in
   international trade
  supplementary reading
   the u.s. won't push japan on moves to weaken the yen,
   snow says
 chapter 8 international trade policies
  supplementary reading
   american trade sanctions
 chapter 9 regional economic integration
  supplementary reading
   china-asean summit to focus on regional trade,
   political trust
 chapter 10 exchange rate and international trade
  supplementary reading
   drowning in dollars
 chapter 11 the balance of payments
  supplementary reading
   china's export strength makes it a focal point of concern
   in theu.s.
 chapter 12 international investment and multinational enterprises
  supplementary reading
   foreign investment in china
 chapter 13 gatt
  supplementary reading
   the kennedy round
 chapter 14 wto (1)--a general introduction
  supplementary reading
   posturing in cancun
 chapter 15 wto (2)--chief wto rules
  supplementary reading ( 1 )
   tragedy at trade talks puts focus on plight of south korea's
   agricultural sector
  supplementary reading (2)
   the challenge for trade in canctun
 chapter 16 wto (3)--the doha round
  supplementary reading ( 1 )
   deadlocked in doha
  supplementary reading (2)
   the newest developments of the doha round
part 3 international trade practices
 chapter 17 export and import financing
  supplementary reading ( 1 )
   methods of payment in international trade
  supplementary reading (2)
   other forms of trade finance
 chapter 18 trade terms--incoterms
  supplementary reading
   the interrelation between incoterms and other contracts
 chapter 19 trade forms
  supplementary reading
 chapter 20 transportation of exports
  supplementary reading
   shipping documents
 chapter 21 insurance of exports
  supplementary reading
   the people's insurance company of china ocean marine cargo
   clauses (a sample)
 chapter 22 some important laws affecting foreign trade
  supplementary reading
   america must resist protectionism



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