  • ISBN:9787301249536
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:364
  • 出版时间:2014-12-01
  • 条形码:9787301249536 ; 978-7-301-24953-6


《词义消歧---算法与应用(英文影印版)》是"计算语言学与语言科技原文丛书"中的一册。对于计算机来说,要理解人类语言就必须消除歧义,在计算语言学领域,词义消歧(word sense disambiguation,简称wsd)一直是研究者探索的内容。本书是近年来国际学术界关于词义消歧研究成果的一部集成之作。几乎覆盖了词义消歧研究各个题目,具有重要学术价值。




1 introduction
eneko agirre and philip edmonds
1。1 word sense disambiguation
1。2 a brief history of wsd research
1。3 what is a word sense?
1。4 applications of wsd
1。5 basic approaches to wsd
1。6 state-of-the-art performance
1。7 promising directions
1。8 overview of this bok
1。9 further reading

2 word senses
adam kilgarriff
2。1 introduction
2。2 lexicographers
2。3 philosophy
2。3。1 meaning is something you do
2。3。2 the fregean tradition and reification
2。3。3 two incompatible semantics?
2。3。4 implications for word senses
2。4 lexicalization
2。5 corpus evidence
2。5。1 lexicon size
2。5。2 quotations
2。6 conclusion
2。7 further reading

3 making sense about sense
nancy ide and yorick wilks
3。1 introduction
3。2 wsd and the lexicographers
3。3 wsd and sense inventories
3。4 nlp applications and wsd
3。5 what level of sense distinctions do we need for nlp, if any?
3。6 what now for wsd?
3。7 conclusion

4 evaluation of wsd systems
martha palmer, hwee tou ng and hoa trang dang
4。1 introduction
4。1。1 terminology
4。1。2 overview
4。2 background
4。2。1 wordnet and semcor
4。2。2 the line and interest corpora
4。2。3 the dso corpus
4。2。4 open mind word expert
4。3 evaluation using pseudo-words
4。4 senseval evaluation exercises
4。4。1 senseval-1
evaluation and scoring
4。4。2 senseval-2
english all-words task
english lexical sample task
4。4。3 comparison of tagging exercises
4。5 sources of inter-annotator disagreement
4。6 granularity of sense: groupings for wordnet
4。6。1 criteria for wordnet sense grouping
4。6。2 analysis of sense grouping
4。7 senseval-3
4。8 discussion

5 knowledge-based methods for wsd
rada mihalcea
5。1 introduction
5。2 lesk algorithm
5。2。1 variations of the lesk algorithm
simulated annealing
simplified lesk algorithm
augmented semantic spaces
5。3 semantic similarity
5。3。1 measures of semantic similarity
5。3。2 using semantic similarity within a local context
5。3。3 using semantic similarity within a global context
5。4 selectional preferences
5。4。1 preliminaries: learning word-to-word relations
5。4。2 learning selectional preferences
5。4。3 using selectional preferences
5。5 heuristics for word sense disambiguation
5。5。1 most frequent sense
5。5。2 one sense per discourse
5。5。3 one sense per collocation
5。6 knowledge-based methods at senseval-2
5。7 conclusions

6 unsupervised corpus-based methods for wsd
ted pedersen
6。1 introduction
6。1。1 scope
6。1。2 motivation
distributional methods
translational equivalence
6。1。3 approaches
6。2 type-based discrimination
6。2。1 representation of context
6。2。2 algorithms
latent semantic analysis (lsa)
hyperspace analogue to language (hal)
clustering by committee (cbc)
6。2。3 discussion
6。3 token-based discrimination
6。3。1 representation of context
6。3。2 algorithms
context group discrimination
mcquitty's similarity analysis
6。3。3 discussion
6。4 translational equivalence
6。4。1 representation of context
6。4。2 algorithms
6。4。3 discussion
6。5 conclusions and the way forward

7 supervised corpus-based methods for wsd
8 knowledge sources for wsd
9 automatic acquisition of lexical information and examples
10 domain-specific wsd
11 wsd in nlp applications


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