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  • ISBN:9787560569116
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:441
  • 出版时间:2014-12-01
  • 条形码:9787560569116 ; 978-7-5605-6911-6




  ◆ 解析sat阅读、数学及写作各部分的题型,总结解题技巧与备考策略   ◆ 精编6套完整冲刺试题,包含近千道题目,充分体现sat考试特点   ◆ 每道题目均提供答案和详细的解析,考生可逐一对照,查漏补缺   ◆ 各部分特设分数转换表,助考生准确换算成绩,更有针对性地备考   ◆ essay部分包含作文评估标准说明及具体步骤,实现短时快速评分


sat format v
countdown to the sat vii
before the test vii
during the test vii
tips for the critical reading questions viii
tips for the mathematics questions viii
tips for the writing skills questions x
acknowledgments xi
introduction: let's look at the sat
what is the sat?
what is score choice?
what is the format of the sat?
the critical reading sections
the mathematics sections
the writing skills sections
winning tactics for the sat
an afterword: more on guessing
advice on taking the 6 practice sat tests in this book
the practice tests
practice test 1
answer key
score your own sat essay
scoring practice test 1
critical reading conversion table
math conversion table
writing conversion table
answers explained
practice test 2
answer key
score your own sat essay
scoring practice test 2
critical reading conversion table
math conversion table
writing conversion table
answers explained
practice test 3
answer key
score your own sat essay
scoring practice test 3
critical reading conversion table
math conversion table
writing conversion table
answers explained
practice test 4
answer key
score your own sat essay
scoring practice test 4
critical reading conversion table
math conversion table
writing conversion table
answers explained
practice test 5
answer key
score your own sat essay
scoring practice test 5
critical reading conversion table
math conversion table
writing conversion table
answers explained
practice test 6
answer key
score your own sat essay
scoring practice test 6
critical reading conversion table
math conversion table
writing conversion table
answers explained

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