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  • ISBN:9787830022792
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:24cm
  • 页数:191
  • 出版时间:2016-01-01
  • 条形码:9787830022792 ; 978-7-83002-279-2




本书是通过词典学途径研究翻译的专著。作者结合翻译学和词典的特征、内容和方法, 系统探讨了翻译学词典的内容来源和展现形式。本书还探讨了翻译学词典研究的理论框架, 以及翻译学词典研究对整个翻译学学科发展的功能和意义。


  目录 contents 前言 chapter 1 introduction / 1 1.1 literature review / 1 1.2 research object / 10 1.3 research objective / 12 1.4 research methodology / 13 1.4.1 ontological method / 13 1.4.2 lexicographical method / 14 1.5 significance of the research / 14 1.5.1 translation studies / 14 1.5.2 compilation of translatological dictionaries / 16 1.5.3 lexicographical study of translation / 16 1.6 structure of the research / 17 1.7 originality of the research / 18 1.7.1 probe into the sources of translatological dictionaries / 18 1.7.2 probe into the functions of translatological dictionaries / 19 chapter 2 lexicographical source of translatological dictionaries / 20 2.1 development of lexicography / 20 2.2 characteristics of lexicography / 29 2.2.1 multidiscipline integration / 29 2.2.2 open perspective / 31 2.2.3 pragmatic tendency / 35 2.3 summary / 38 chapter 3 translatological source of translatological dictionaries / 40 3.1 multivariate paradigms of translation studies / 40 3.1.1 paradigm of creativity / 41 3.1.2 paradigm of equivalence / 46 3.1.3 post-structuralist translation theories / 50 3.2 systematicness of translation studies / 55 3.3 openness of translation studies / 60 3.4 summary / 62 chapter 4 constituents of translatological dictionaries / 64 4.1 name and nature of translatological dictionaries / 64 4.2 materials of translatological dictionaries / 67 4.2.1 translatological concepts / 68 4.2.2 translatological terms / 70 4.2.3 translatological proper nouns / 77 4.3 forms of translatological dictionaries / 80 4.3.1 macrostructure / 81 4.3.2 microstructure / 83 4.3.3 physical features / 90 4.4 production of translatological dictionaries / 91 4.4.1 noumenon / 92 4.4.2 phenomenon / 95 4.4.3 unification between noumenon and phenomenon / 97 4.5 purpose of translatological dictionaries / 98 4.6 summary / 101 chapter 5 theories of translatological dictionaries / 102 5.1 compilers / 102 5.1.1 perception / 103 5.1.2 understanding / 104 5.1.3 rationality / 106 5.1.4 professionalism / 108 5.2 inner system of translatological dictionaries / 110 5.2.1 nature of translatological dictionaries / 110 5.2.2 typology of translatological dictionaries / 112 5.2.3 compilation principles of translatological dictionaries / 116 5.2.4 structure of translatological dictionaries / 121 5.2.5 criticism of translatological dictionaries / 123 5.2.6 functions of translatological dictionaries / 125 5.2.7 history of translatological dictionaries / 128 5.3 users / 129 5.3.1 users' consciousness / 129 5.3.2 users' cognitive competence / 131 5.3.3 users' communication / 134 5.4 social background / 137 5.4.1 publication of translatological dictionaries / 137 5.4.2 science and technology / 139 5.4.3 ideology / 142 5.5 summary / 144 chapter 6 discipline functions of std / 146 6.1 study of translatological dictionaries as a sub-discipline / 146 6.1.1 inner impetus / 147 6.1.2 discipline environment / 148 6.1.3 discipline index system / 151 6.2 lexicographical approach to translation studies / 160 6.3 summary / 165 chapter 7 conclusion / 167 7.1 main findings / 167 7.1.1 std as an interdisciplinary research / 167 7.1.2 contributions / 171 7.1.3 ideas of discipline ecology / 176 7.2 limitations of the research / 177 7.2.1 limitation in empirical study / 177 7.2.2 limitation in case study / 178 7.2.3 limitation in research literature / 178 7.3 future study / 179 7.3.1 compilation of more translatological dictionaries / 179 7.3.2 attaching importance to translatological dictionaries and their study / 180 7.3.3 making out criticism specification of the translatological dictionary / 182 bibliography / 187 后记


  《翻译研究的词典学途径》:  A forerunner of the western translation theories, Cicero thought that translation was a kind of artistic creation, which emphasized the effect of a translation.Cicero himself translated many sages' masterpieces in the ancient Greece, such as Homer's Odyssey and Plato's works.In terms of Cicero's artistic viewpoint on translation,Shen Yuping (申雨平) wrote,  Cicero aiso proposed that translation was a kind of literary creation, which should accord with the practice of the target language so as to move the prospective readers.Therefore, we should turn to paraphrase.Metaphrase meant that we lacked skills of translation.(Shen Yuping 2002: 156)  From the statement above, we can understand that in Cicero's opinion.translation means creation.This is a kind of ontological understanding of translation.His proposition of paraphrase in translation shows that translation methods accord with ontological understandings of translation.Horace, a famous poet and statesman in the ancient Rome, also proposed that translation should be free instead of rigid imitation of the source language.His proposition is closely related to his temperament as a poet.Generally speaking, most of the arts should be a kind of creative activitv rather than a passive one.  ……



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