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  • ISBN:9787556303144
  • 装帧:一般轻型纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:510页
  • 出版时间:2017-01-01
  • 条形码:9787556303144 ; 978-7-5563-0314-4


这是继《美国语文》之后的另一套经典原版教材,了解英国人文历史、欣赏英国文学的优秀读本。全套共6册,分级编写,还附有大量插图,本书为第六册。充满趣味的英语故事与优美的英国文学相融合,让国内学生更好地感悟英国文化历史,并真正学好英语这门语言。无论是作为英语学习的课本,还是作为提高英语水平的课外读物,这套书都很有价值。   TheRoyalReaderswereeditedandpublishedbythefamousBritishpublisherandusedinschoolsuntilwellintothe20thcentury.TheyareeditedassixbooksintheRoyalSchoolSeries.Studentsprogressedfromtheveryeasylessonstoclassicreaders.   TheFirstBook,beginningwithsimilarlyeasylessons,consistedofrhymesandsimpleshortstorieswithplentyofillustrationsforyounglearners.Childrenlearnedlettersandeasyreading.Thefirstpartofthisbookfocusesexclusivelyonmonosyllabicwordsandthesecondpartintroducestwosyllablewords.   IntheSecondBookthereareshortselectionsofpoetryandprosedesignedtoencourageinterestinreading.Eachstoryisfollowedbyalessononpronunciation,simpledefinitionsofnewwordsandquestionsonitscontent.   TheThirdBookisverysimilarthoughslightlymoreadvancedandincludingmorewritingexercises.   TheFourthBookincludesphoneticexercises,modelcompositionsanddictationexercises,aswellasoutlinesofBritishHistoryfromRomanPeriodasfaras1400A.D.   TheFifthBookfeaturessectionsonhealthofthebody,plantsandtheiruses,aswellasquotesandstoriesofgreatmen.   BookSix,thefinalbookintheseries,containswordlessonsandpassageswithsectionsongreatinventions,classificationofanim


英汉双语全译本,经典插图,国内全面推出 《英国语文》这套书原名《皇家读本》,全套六册。本书为第六册。由英国教材出版公司编写出版。在20世纪初广泛用作学校教材。编写体例统一严谨、包括生词、课文、语音、词汇解释、课后问题等,同时还附加了书写与听写等,是一套完整的英语学习教材。这些选文,体现了英国丰富的历史文化知识和西方国家的道德价值观念。是中国学生学习英语、全面了解西方社会的很好途径。   ThissetofEnglishreaderspublishedinthebeginningof20thcenturywaseverpopularlyusedinthewesternschools.Ithasbeenconstructedwithaviewtoinducechildrentotakearealinterestinwhattheyread,andtomakethemdelighttoexercisetheirpowerofreading.   GreatusehasthereforebeenmadeoftheobjectsofNaturalHistory,andoftheincidentsandcommonthingsofdailylife,bywhichchildrenaremostlikelytobeattracted.   Bybeingmadetoframeeachanswerintheformofasentence,thechildthusunconsciouslyproducealittlecompositionexercise.  Furthermore,exercisesofspelling,pronunciationattachedtothetextarealsoofgreathelpforchildrentospeakStandardEnglish.   Goodreadingismorereadilyacquiredbypracticethanbyprecept.Themorechildrenread,theywillreadthemorefluently,intellige


Lesson 1 THE GREAT SIEGE OF GIBRALTAR/ 直布罗陀大围攻 …………………………………………………1 Lesson 2 BATTLE OF CORUNA AND DEATH OF MOORE/ 拉科鲁尼亚之战和莫尔爵士之死 ………………………………10 Lesson 3 THE BURIAL OF SIR JOHN MOORE/ 约翰·莫尔爵士的葬礼 …………………………………………16 Lesson 4 THE BED OF THE ATLANTIC/大西洋的海床 ………………19 Lesson 5 BINGEN ON THE RHINE/莱茵河畔的宾根 …………………24 Lesson 6 THE CLOUD/云 朵 …………………………………………29 Lesson 7 THE TRIAL BY COMBAT(I)/决斗裁判(I) ……………35 Lesson 8 THE TRIAL BY COMBAT(II)/决斗裁判(II) …………41 Lesson 9 DAMASCUS AND LONDON(I)/ 大马士革和伦敦(I) …………………………………………50 Lesson 10 DAMASCUS AND LONDON (II)/ 大马士革和伦敦(II) ………………………………………58 Lesson 11 BATTLE OF TRAFALGAR, AND DEATH OF NELSON(I)/ 特拉法加海战和纳尔逊之死(I) ……………………………67 Lesson 12 BATTLE OF TRAFALGAR, AND DEATH OF NELSON (II) 特拉法加海战和纳尔逊之死(II) …………………………75 Lesson 13 ROUND THE WORLD/环球航行 …………………………84 Lesson 14 NATURE/自 然 ……………………………………………96 Lesson 15 THE TROPICAL WORLD(I)/热带世界(I)……………98 Lesson 16 MAN AND THE INDUSTRIAL ARTS/ 人类和工业艺术 ……………………………………………109 Lesson 17 SOMEBODY’S DARLING/某人的亲爱的人 ……………116 Lesson 18 THE TROPICAL WORLD (II)/热带世界(II) ………120 Lesson 19 THE SONG OF THE SHIRT/衬衫之歌 …………………132 Lesson 20 LAND AND SEA BREEZES/陆地风与海洋风 …………135 Lesson 21 THE RELIEF OF LEYDEN/莱顿市的救援 ………………140 Lesson 22 THE GLOVE AND THE LIONS/手套与狮子 ……………147 Lesson 23 THE POLAR WORLD(I)/极地世界(I) ……………149 Lesson 24 THE BELLS/钟 声 ………………………………………156 Lesson 25 THE POLAR WORLD(II)/极地世界(II) …………159 Lesson 26 THE BURNING OF MOSCOW/莫斯科的大火 …………165 Lesson 27 THE RETREAT OF THE FRENCH ARMY FROM MOSCOW/ 法国军队从莫斯科撤退 ……………………………………174 Lesson 28 THE TEMPERATE REGIONS/温带地区 …………………180 Lesson 29 THE OVERLAND ROUTE/陆 路 ………………………190 Lesson 30 CAIRO AND THE PYRAMIDS/开罗和金字塔 …………201 Lesson 31 FAMILY WORSHIP/家庭敬拜 ……………………………207 Lesson 32 THE VALLEY OF THE NILE/尼罗河流域 ………………211 Lesson 33 PANEGYRIC ON MARIE ANTOINETTE/ 玛丽·安托瓦内特的颂歌 ……………………………………220 Lesson 34 CRUELTY TO ANIMALS/对动物的残忍行为 …………222 Lesson 35 THE DELUGE/大洪水 ……………………………………226 Lesson 36 WHAT IS WAR?/战争是什么 ……………………………229 Lesson 37 COLONIAL LOYALTY/殖民地的忠诚 …………………233 Lesson 38 JERUSALEM FROM THE MOUNT OF OLIVES/ 橄榄山上的耶路撒冷 ………………………………………235 Lesson 39 THE SIEGE OF JERUSALEM/公元70年 …………………241 Lesson 40 LEBANON/黎巴嫩 ………………………………………250 Lesson 41 GREAT OCEAN ROUTES/大洋航线 ……………………256 Lesson 42 THE LLANOS OF SOUTH AMERICA/南美大草原 ……266 Lesson 43 THE DEATH OF NAPOLEON AT ST. HELENA/ 拿破仑死于圣海伦娜 ………………………………………272 Lesson 44 HYMN BEFORE SUNRISE, IN THE VALE OF CHAMOUNI/ 日出之前的赞歌,于沙莫尼山谷 …………………………276 Lesson 45 “WITH BRAINS, SIR”/“先生,用脑子” …………282 Lesson 46 LIFE IN SAXON ENGLAND(I)/ 撒克逊时期英国的生活(I) ………………………………287 Lesson 47 LIFE IN SAXON ENGLAND(II)/ 撒克逊时期英国的生活(II) ……………………………296 Lesson 48 THE RELIEF OF LUCKNOW/勒克瑙的救援 ……………302 Lesson 49 THE BALACLAVA CHARGE/巴拉克拉瓦冲锋 …………308 Lesson 50 THE CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE/ 轻骑兵进击 …………………………………………………314 Lesson 51 THE DISCOVERY OF THE SEA ROUTE TO INDIA/ 通往印度海上航线的发现 …………………………………317 Lesson 52 GREECE/希 腊 …………………………………………323 Lesson 53 THERMOPYLÆ/塞莫皮莱 ………………………………328 Lesson 54 PAUL AT ATHENS/保罗在雅典 …………………………331 Lesson 55 EVIDENCES OF DESIGN IN CREATION/ 世界中设计的证据 …………………………………………336 Lesson 56 THE STORY OF HORATIUS/贺雷修斯的故事 …………343 Lesson 57 ROMAN GIRL’S SONG/罗马女孩之歌 …………………355 Lesson 58 REGULUS BEFORE THE ROMAN SENATE/ 雷古拉斯在罗马元老院前 …………………………………358 Lesson 59 THE SAHARA/撒哈拉沙漠 ………………………………365 Lesson 60 THE LIGHT-HOUSE/灯 塔 ……………………………374 Lesson 61 THE LAST FIGHT IN THE COLISÆUM/ 竞技场*后的战斗 …………………………………………379 Lesson 62 THE DESTRUCTION OF POMPEII/庞贝的毁灭 ………390 Lesson 63 THE SOUTH-WEST MONSOON IN CEYLON/ 锡兰的西南季风 ……………………………………………398 Lesson 64 THE SEVEN AGES OF MAN/人生七阶 …………………403 Lesson 65 LIFE IN NORMAN ENGLAND/诺曼时代的英国生活 …405 Lesson 66 SIR ROGER DE COVERLET/罗杰·德·克里夫爵士 …415 Lesson 67 OLD ENGLISH AND NORMAN-FRENCH/ 古英语与诺曼法语 …………………………………………421 Lesson 68 VENICE/威尼斯 …………………………………………429 Lesson 69 THE CIRCULATION OF WATER/水循环 ………………436 Lesson 70 GINEVRA/吉内乌拉 ………………………………………441 Lesson 71 THE DIGNITY OF LABOUR/劳动的尊严 ………………447 Lesson 72 THE PROBLEM OF CREATION/宇宙的问题 …………452 Lesson 73 EDUCATION AND THE STATE/教育与国家 …………455 Lesson 74 ENGLISH SELF-ESTEEM/英国的自尊 …………………461 Lesson 75 PLEASURES OF KNOWLEDGE/知识的快乐 …………464 Lesson76 THE BRITISH CONSTITUTIONAL SYSTEM OF CANADA/ 加拿大的英国宪法制度 ……………………………………469 Lesson77 THE SCHOOLMASTER AND THE CONQUEROR/ 教师与征服者 ………………………………………………473 Lesson78 BRITISH COLONIAL AND NAVAL POWER/ 英国殖民和海军的力量 ……………………………………476 Lesson79 KING JOHN/约翰王 ………………………………………481

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