

1星价 ¥19.5 (4.9折)
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  • ISBN:9787569209426
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:599
  • 出版时间:2017-09-01
  • 条形码:9787569209426 ; 978-7-5692-0942-6





Chapter 1 A Small Town
Chapter 2 A Mayor
Chapter 3 The Bread of the Poor
Chapter 4 Father and Son
Chapter 5 Driving a Bargain
Chapter 6 Dullness
Chapter 7 Elective Affinities
Chapter 8 Minor Events
Chapter 9 An Evening in the Country
Chapter 10 A Large Heart and a Small Fortune
Chapter 11 Night Thoughts
Chapter 12 A Journey
Chapter 13 Open-work Stockings
Chapter 14 The English Scissors
Chapter 15 Cock-crow
Chapter 16 The Day After
Chapter 17 The Principal Deputy
Chapter 18 A King at Verreres
Chapter 19 To Think Is to Be Full of Sorrow
Chapter 20 The Anonymous Letters
Chapter 21 Conversation with a Lord and Master
Chapter 22 Manners and Customs in 1830
Chapter 23 The Sorrows of an Official
Chapter 24 A Capital
Chapter 25 The Seminary
Chapter 26 The World, or What the Rich Lack
Chapter 27 First Experience of Life
Chapter 28 A Procession
Chapter 29 The First Step
Chapter 30 Ambition

Chapter 1 Country Pleasures
Chapter 2 First Appearance in Society
Chapter 3 First Steps
Chapter 4 The Hotel de La Mole
Chapter 5 Sensibility and a Pious Lady
Chapter 6 Pronunciation
Chapter 7 An Attack of Gout
Chapter 8 What Is the Decoration That Confers Distinction?
Chapter 9 The Ball
Chapter 10 Queen Marguerite
Chapter 11 The Tyranny of a Girl
Chapter 12 Another Danton
Chapter 13 A Plot
Chapter 14 A Girl's Thoughts
Chapter 15 Is it a Plot?
Chapter 16 One o'clock in the Morning
Chapter 17 An Old Sword
Chapter 18 Painful Moments
Chapter 19 The Opera-Bouffe
Chapter 20 The Japanese Vase
Chapter 21 The Secret Note
Chapter 22 The Discussion
Chapter 23 The Clergy, their Forests, Liberty
Chapter 24 Strasbourg
Chapter 25 The Office of Virtue
Chapter 26 Moral Love
Chapter 27 The Best Positions in the Church
Chapter 28 ManonLescaut
Chapter 29 Boredom
Chapter 30 A Box at the Bouffes
Chapter 31 Making Her Afraid
Chapter 32 The Tiger
Chapter 33 The Torment of the Weak
Chapter 34 A Man of Spirit
Chapter 35 A Storm
Chapter 36 Painful Details
Chapter 37 A Castle Keep
Chapter 38 A Man of Power
Chapter 39 Intrigue
Chapter 40 Tranquillity
Chapter 41 The Trial
Chapter 42 In the Prison
Chapter 43 Last Adieux
Chapter 44 The Shadow of the Guillotine
Chapter 45 Exit Julien



  《红与黑(英文版)/英文全本典藏》:  "I too should be very sorry to lose mine," replied the worthy cur6, in a voice swayed by ever increasing emotion.  "What a difference ! " the gaoler answered promptly; "why you, M. le cur6, we know that you have an income of 800 livres, a fine place in the sun...  Such are the events which, commented upon, exaggerated in twenty different ways, had been arousing for the last two days all the evil passions of the little town of Vemares. At that moment they were serving as text for the little discussion which M. de Renall was having with his wife. That moming, accompanied by M. Valenod, the governor of the poorhouse, he had gone to the cure's house, to inform him of their extreme displeasure. M. Ch61an was under no one's protection; he felt the full force of their words.  "Well, gentlemen, I shall be the third parish priest, eighty years of age, to be deprived of his living in this district. I have been here for six and fifty years; I have christened almost all the inhabitants of the town, which was no more than a village when I came. Every day I marry young couples whose grandparents I married long ago. Verrieres is my family, but I said to myself, when I saw the stranger: 'This man, who has come from Paris, may indeed be a Liberal, there are far too many of them; but what harm can he do to our poor people and our prisoners? '"  The reproaches of M. de Renall, and above all those of M. Valenod, the governor of the poorhouse, becoming more and more bitter:  "Very well, gentlemen, have me deprived," the old cure had cried, in a quavering voice. "I shall live in the town all the same. You all know that forty-eight years ago I inherited a piece of land which brings me 800 livres; I shall live on that income. I save nothing out of my stipend, gentlemen, and that may be why I am less alarmed when people speak of taking it from me. "  M. de Renall lived on excellent terms with his wife; but not knowing what answer to make to the question, which she timidly repeated: "What harm can this gentleman from Paris do to the prisoners?" he was just about to lose his temper altogether when she uttered a cry. Her second son had climbed upon the parapet of the wall of the terrace, and was running along it, though this wall rose more than twenty feet from the vineyard beneath. The fear of alarming her son and so making him fall restrained Madame de Renal from calling him. Finally the child, who was laughing at his own prowess, tumed to look at his mother, noticed how pale she was, sprang down upon the avenue and ran to join her. He was well scolded.  ……



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