

1星价 ¥60.0 (7.5折)
2星价¥60.0 定价¥80.0
  • ISBN:9787119119434
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:344
  • 出版时间:2018-05-01
  • 条形码:9787119119434 ; 978-7-119-11943-4


精选了童话大王郑渊洁作品中15个耳熟能详的中 短篇故事结集成册。不仅有脑洞大开的中篇故事《五 个苹果折腾地球》,也有情真意切的短篇散文《父与 子》,还有寓意深长的短篇《狼窝里安了 》《 斑虎与雪兔的故事》等等,除此之外,还收录了郑渊 洁的 新创作《本草纲目》。这些故事创作年代不一 ,始终得到一代代小读者的喜爱和认可。经过40年的 品牌沉淀,郑渊洁的作品拥有超过3亿的读者群,他用 创作的超过400个故事传递着他对世界的理解和对孩子 的善意。




1.A Little Bee and a Little Cricket
2.A Spot Tiger and a Snow Rabbit
3.Car Mouse Li the Second
4.A Bug at Wolves' Lair
5.A Cat Wearing a Wind Coat
6.A Plane Tree
7.Four Mice and a Cat
8.Father and Son
9.A Tiger Needs Dental Implants
10.An Actress and Princess Thumbtack
11.Pipilu and His Wood Monkey
12.The Last Egg on the Earth
13.A Mouse Making Phone Calls
14.The Vision of a Botanic Garden
15.Five Apples Causing Havoc on the Earth


  《郑渊洁作品选(英文)》:  With gritty personality inherited from his father, Li Hongzhi wanted to live a good life. He knew that living well meant owning a car. To achieve this goal, he had been among the best students until the first year of college.  After entering college, he thought that he could just relax. He tried to master the BASIC computer language in primary school, but it became useless in middle school. Computer had turned into an easy-to-use home appliance, like a TV set. He believed the most useful courses were health and sex education. One might never need math-ematics or sciences in their entire life, but health and sex education  coarse were useful for everyone and could make his life a happy one.  It was a pity however that the course was only a small part of the school curriculum.  Li went to study English in a foreign language college because he wanted to find a job in a foreign company.  After graduation, Li Hongzhi got his wish fulfilled and started working for a well-known foreign company. After going through a year ofpainful probation period, he finally knew how to communicate with foreigners. He knew it was hard to get a promotion in a large company, so he used his large company experience to find another job in a small foreign company. He quickly received recognition in the new company and was promoted to marketing manager in two years, and his salary rose from 1,500 yuan to 15,000 yuan per month.  Li's job was to help foreign products enter the Chinese market and compete with similar products in China. The ultimate goal was to crush the China-made products and dominate the market.  Li Hongzhi did well in his job until one day when he saw the word “comprador” in the Modern Chinese Dictionary. He then decided to quit. By the way, he already had enough savings to buy a car.  His foreign boss was very surprised at his resignation.  “Why?” asked the boss.  “I don't want to be a comprador,” said Li.  “You don't want to be what?” the boss didn't know this word.  Li didn't explain.  “What's your plan?”  “To help the Chinese products compete with foreign ones.”  Watching the man who deserted him walk out, the boss muttered,“China is about to be very strong... to be very strong……”  Li Hongzhi, with the money earned from his foreign boss, walked into a car dealership and drove out in a “Persian cat,” something he had wanted for a long time.  ……


郑渊洁,1955年出生,1978年开始童话创作。一个人写一本杂志30年世界纪录保持者,杂志名为《童话大王》。他笔下的文学形象皮皮鲁、鲁西西、罗克、舒克和贝塔影响了中国三代孩子。汶川和玉树地震时,他用稿费向灾区孩子捐款150万元, 授予郑渊洁“中华慈善楷模”称号。 2009年和2012年,郑渊洁两次荣登“中国作家富豪榜” 。 2008年,联合国向郑渊洁颁发“ 版权创意金奖”,郑渊洁成为中国作家获此殊荣 人。 在2011年联合国评出的世界十大图书中,郑渊洁的《皮皮鲁总动员》和《哈利波特》并列 第四名。 书刊总销量逾亿。

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