小学英语无障碍学习丛书英语小故事课后读 3年级

包邮小学英语无障碍学习丛书英语小故事课后读 3年级

1星价 ¥11.4 (5.7折)
2星价¥11.4 定价¥20.0
  • ISBN:9787550509214
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:A5
  • 页数:232
  • 出版时间:2015-11-01
  • 条形码:9787550509214 ; 978-7-5505-0921-4






英语幽默小故事 (1)Drunk(喝醉)/1 (2)What a Big Deal (大订单)/3 (3)Write a Composition (写作文)/5 (4)Is He Dying? (他要死了吗?)/7 (5)Such a Long Dog (好长的一条狗)/9 (6)Who Is More Polite? (谁更有礼貌?)/11 (7)What Was It She Wanted? (她要什么?)/13 (8)Who Is Stupid? (谁愚蠢?)/15 (9)Who Won the Game? (谁赢了?)/17 (10)A Physics Examination (物理测试)/19 (11)To Profit from a Misfortune (从不幸中获利)/21 (12)It Would Hurt You (它会伤到你)/23 (13)The Smart Old Lady (聪明的女士)/25 (14)Half or Five Tenths? (一半还是十分之五?)/27 (15)Set the Table (布置餐桌)/29 (16)Dead Seagull (死去的海鸥)/31 (17)Baby or Monkey? (孩子还是猴子?)/33 (18)Two Apples (两个苹果)/35 (19)Put Your Feet In (把脚放进去)/37 (20)Don'tWorry (不要担心)/39 (21)Hospitality(好客)/41 (22)One Side(一面)/43 (23)Fool(傻瓜)/45 (24)As a Gift (作为礼物)/47 (25)Which One to Carry Out? (带走哪个?)/49 (26)Have Changes for a Reward (有零钱作为奖励)/51 (27)Each Match Is Good (每根火柴都是好的)/53 (28)Your Head Is Empty (你的大脑是空的)/55 (29)Run after a Bus (跟着汽车跑)/57 (30)The Thinker (思考者)/59 英语生活小故事 (1)Introduce Myself (介绍自己)/61 (2)My Grandfather (我的爷爷)/63 (3)My Father's Day (爸爸的一天)/65 (4)My Birthday (我的生日)/67 (5)My Friend (我的朋友)/69 (6)Delicious Food (美食)/71 (7)MyBedroom (我的卧室)/73 (8)My Day (我的一天)/75 (9)What Is Family? (家庭是什么?)/77 (10)My Hobby (我的爱好)/79 (11)A Warm-hearted Man (热心的人)/81 (12)My Lovely Dog (我的可爱的狗)/83 (13)Good Parents (优秀家长)/85 (14)Don't Waste Water (不要浪费水)/87 (15)The Spring Festival (春节)/89 (16)My Winter Holiday (我的寒假)/91 (17)Twenty Dollars(20 美元)/93 (18)The Bathing Boy (洗澡的男孩)/95 (19)The Sports Meeting in the Forest (森林运动会)/97 (20)Two Dogs (两只狗)/99 (21)Where Is the Hat? (帽子在哪里?)/101 (22)A Clever Farmer (聪明的农民)/103 (23)My Alarm Clock (我的闹钟)/105 (24)A Beautiful Doll (漂亮的洋娃娃)/107 (25)Betty and Kitty(贝蒂和凯蒂)/109 (26)How Lucky the Man Is! (多么幸运的人!)/111 (27)The First Day of School (开学**天)/113 (28)Christmas Day (圣诞节)/115 (29)My Family Is Very Poor (我家很穷)/117 (30)Don't Bother Me (别烦我)/119 英语哲理小故事 (1)The Driver (司机先生)/121 (2)He's Just Been to the Zoo (他刚去过动物园)/123 (3)I Have His Ear in My Pocket (他的耳朵在我的口袋里)/125 (4)Too Dark to See (伸手不见五指)/127 (5)Cry(哭泣)/129 (6)Now I Can Go Home (我可以回家了)/131 (7)Don't Need the Money Then (那时并不需要钱)/133 (8)No Cavities (我没有蛀牙)/135 (9)Needles Are Not Nice (惧针)/137 (10)A School Report (学校成绩单)/139 (11)The Author's Son (作家的儿子)/141 (12)A Precocious Boy (早熟的小男孩)/143 (13)Prize(奖品)/145 (14)Things Have Been Okay (一切都正常)/147 (15)Naive Reasoning (天真的推理)/149 (16)Can You Eat Any More? (你还能吃吗?)/151 (17)This Is My Seat (这是我的位子)/153 (18)A Waste of Time (浪费时间)/155 (19)Two Holes for the Dogs (两个狗洞)/157 (20)Wolf! Wolf! (狼来了!)/159 (21)The Emperor's New Clothes (国王的新衣)/161 (22)A Lion and a Wolf (狮子和狼)/163 (23)A Great Mountain (一座大山)/165 (24)Goose(鹅)/167 (25)A Little Fish (一条鱼)/169 (26)Adding Feet to a Snake (画蛇添足)/171 (27)A Clever Man Has Little Hair (聪明的人头发少)/173 (28)The Fire Dog (火焰狗)/175 (29)Little Boy and Scorpion (小男孩与蝎子)/177 (30)A Wolf (狼)/179 英语寓言小故事 (1)The Blind Man and the Cub (盲人与小野兽)/181 (2)The Laborer and the Snake (工人和蛇)/183 (3)The Cage-bird and the Bat (笼子里的鸟与蝙蝠)/185 (4)The Pack-ass and the Wild Ass (家驴和野驴)/187 (5)The Bee-keeper (养蜂人)/189 (6)A Lazy Horse (一匹懒马)/191 (7)A Crooked Tree (一棵弯曲的树)/193 (8)Spear and Shield (矛与盾)/195 (9)The Kid on the Housetop (屋顶的孩子)/197 (10)The Traveler and His Dog (游客和他的狗)/199 (11)An Unhappy Fish (不高兴的鱼)/201 (12)The Hound and the Hare (猎犬和野兔)/203 (13)If You Want Nothing (如果你什么也不要)/205 (14)The Ant (蚂蚁)/207 (15)The Crab and the Fox (螃蟹和狐狸)/209 英语成语小故事 (1)Relying on Another's Power to Bully or Frighten Others (狐假虎威)/211 (2)Change Your Mind Frequently (经常改变一下想法)/213 (3)Doing Evil Things in Collusion with Others (狼狈为奸)/215 (4)Fail the Examination (名落孙山)/217 (5)Riding on the Back of a Tiger (骑虎难下)/219 (6)Beyond One's Ability (螳臂当车)/221 (7)Pulling up Seedlings to Help Them Grow (揠苗助长)/223 (8)Plugging One's Ears While Stealing a Bell (掩耳盗铃)/225 (9)Frightening Bird (惊弓之鸟)/227 (10)Going South by Driving the Chariot North (南辕北辙)/229 参考答案/231 英语幽默小故事 (1)Drunk(喝醉)/1 (2)What a Big Deal (大订单)/3 (3)Write a Composition (写作文)/5 (4)Is He Dying? (他要死了吗?)/7 (5)Such a Long Dog (好长的一条狗)/9 (6)Who Is More Polite? (谁更有礼貌?)/11 (7)What Was It She Wanted? (她要什么?)/13 (8)Who Is Stupid? (谁愚蠢?)/15 (9)Who Won the Game? (谁赢了?)/17 (10)A Physics Examination (物理测试)/19 (11)To Profit from a Misfortune (从不幸中获利)/21 (12)It Would Hurt You (它会伤到你)/23 (13)The Smart Old Lady (聪明的女士)/25 (14)Half or Five Tenths? (一半还是十分之五?)/27 (15)Set the Table (布置餐桌)/29 (16)Dead Seagull (死去的海鸥)/31 (17)Baby or Monkey? (孩子还是猴子?)/33 (18)Two Apples (两个苹果)/35 (19)Put Your Feet In (把脚放进去)/37 (20)Don'tWorry (不要担心)/39 (21)Hospitality(好客)/41 (22)One Side(一面)/43 (23)Fool(傻瓜)/45 (24)As a Gift (作为礼物)/47 (25)Which One to Carry Out? (带走哪个?)/49 (26)Have Changes for a Reward (有零钱作为奖励)/51 (27)Each Match Is Good (每根火柴都是好的)/53 (28)Your Head Is Empty (你的大脑是空的)/55 (29)Run after a Bus (跟着汽车跑)/57 (30)The Thinker (思考者)/59 英语生活小故事 (1)Introduce Myself (介绍自己)/61 (2)My Grandfather (我的爷爷)/63 (3)My Father's Day (爸爸的一天)/65 (4)My Birthday (我的生日)/67 (5)My Friend (我的朋友)/69 (6)Delicious Food (美食)/71 (7)MyBedroom (我的卧室)/73 (8)My Day (我的一天)/75 (9)What Is Family? (家庭是什么?)/77 (10)My Hobby (我的爱好)/79 (11)A Warm-hearted Man (热心的人)/81 (12)My Lovely Dog (我的可爱的狗)/83 (13)Good Parents (优秀家长)/85 (14)Don't Waste Water (不要浪费水)/87 (15)The Spring Festival (春节)/89 (16)My Winter Holiday (我的寒假)/91 (17)Twenty Dollars(20 美元)/93 (18)The Bathing Boy (洗澡的男孩)/95 (19)The Sports Meeting in the Forest (森林运动会)/97 (20)Two Dogs (两只狗)/99 (21)Where Is the Hat? (帽子在哪里?)/101 (22)A Clever Farmer (聪明的农民)/103 (23)My Alarm Clock (我的闹钟)/105 (24)A Beautiful Doll (漂亮的洋娃娃)/107 (25)Betty and Kitty(贝蒂和凯蒂)/109 (26)How Lucky the Man Is! (多么幸运的人!)/111 (27)The First Day of School (开学**天)/113 (28)Christmas Day (圣诞节)/115 (29)My Family Is Very Poor (我家很穷)/117 (30)Don't Bother Me (别烦我)/119 英语哲理小故事 (1)The Driver (司机先生)/121 (2)He's Just Been to the Zoo (他刚去过动物园)/123 (3)I Have His Ear in My Pocket (他的耳朵在我的口袋里)/125 (4)Too Dark to See (伸手不见五指)/127 (5)Cry(哭泣)/129 (6)Now I Can Go Home (我可以回家了)/131 (7)Don't Need the Money Then (那时并不需要钱)/133 (8)No Cavities (我没有蛀牙)/135 (9)Needles Are Not Nice (惧针)/137 (10)A School Report (学校成绩单)/139 (11)The Author's Son (作家的儿子)/141 (12)A Precocious Boy (早熟的小男孩)/143 (13)Prize(奖品)/145 (14)Things Have Been Okay (一切都正常)/147 (15)Naive Reasoning (天真的推理)/149 (16)Can You Eat Any More? (你还能吃吗?)/151 (17)This Is My Seat (这是我的位子)/153 (18)A Waste of Time (浪费时间)/155 (19)Two Holes for the Dogs (两个狗洞)/157 (20)Wolf! Wolf! (狼来了!)/159 (21)The Emperor's New Clothes (国王的新衣)/161 (22)A Lion and a Wolf (狮子和狼)/163 (23)A Great Mountain (一座大山)/165 (24)Goose(鹅)/167 (25)A Little Fish (一条鱼)/169 (26)Adding Feet to a Snake (画蛇添足)/171 (27)A Clever Man Has Little Hair (聪明的人头发少)/173 (28)The Fire Dog (火焰狗)/175 (29)Little Boy and Scorpion (小男孩与蝎子)/177 (30)A Wolf (狼)/179 英语寓言小故事 (1)The Blind Man and the Cub (盲人与小野兽)/181 (2)The Laborer and the Snake (工人和蛇)/183 (3)The Cage-bird and the Bat (笼子里的鸟与蝙蝠)/185 (4)The Pack-ass and the Wild Ass (家驴和野驴)/187 (5)The Bee-keeper (养蜂人)/189 (6)A Lazy Horse (一匹懒马)/191 (7)A Crooked Tree (一棵弯曲的树)/193 (8)Spear and Shield (矛与盾)/195 (9)The Kid on the Housetop (屋顶的孩子)/197 (10)The Traveler and His Dog (游客和他的狗)/199 (11)An Unhappy Fish (不高兴的鱼)/201 (12)The Hound and the Hare (猎犬和野兔)/203 (13)If You Want Nothing (如果你什么也不要)/205 (14)The Ant (蚂蚁)/207 (15)The Crab and the Fox (螃蟹和狐狸)/209 英语成语小故事 (1)Relying on Another's Power to Bully or Frighten Others (狐假虎威)/211 (2)Change Your Mind Frequently (经常改变一下想法)/213 (3)Doing Evil Things in Collusion with Others (狼狈为奸)/215 (4)Fail the Examination (名落孙山)/217 (5)Riding on the Back of a Tiger (骑虎难下)/219 (6)Beyond One's Ability (螳臂当车)/221 (7)Pulling up Seedlings to Help Them Grow (揠苗助长)/223 (8)Plugging One's Ears While Stealing a Bell (掩耳盗铃)/225 (9)Frightening Bird (惊弓之鸟)/227 (10)Going South by Driving the Chariot North (南辕北辙)/229 参考答案/231



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