- ISBN:9787561571774
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 开本:其他
- 页数:333
- 出版时间:2021-10-01
- 条形码:9787561571774 ; 978-7-5615-7177-4
本书为外语课堂教学领域的研究专著,关注教师课堂提问的设计与实施的效率问题。全书分为8个章节,根据教育学界的“提问序列”(questioning sequences)和“学习空间”(the space for learning)两个新近理论概念,开展一个学期内开展三轮行动研究以及小组访谈、问卷调查求证在课堂教学中使用提问序列来创设学习空间的影响因素。研究者在总结本研究主要发现的基础上,提出了对课堂教学研究、教师提问实践和教材提问设计等方面的启示,指出了研究存在的不足之处,并对将来的研究做出了展望。
List of Abbreviations
List of Tables
List of Figures
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation for the study
1.1.1 Importance of teacher questions in classroom instruction
1.1.2 Ineffective teacher questions due to lack of explicit goals
1.1.3 Neglect of instructional objectives in research on teacher questions
1.2 Rationale for the study
1.2.1 Questioning sequences
1.2.2 Learning space
1.3 Overview of the action research
1.4 Structure of the dissertation
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Taxonomies of teacher questions
2.1.1 Taxonomies based on forms
2.1.2 Taxonomies based on functions
2.1.3 Taxonomies based on multiple dimensions
2.2 Research on language teacher questions
2.2.1 Interaction analysis
2.2.2 Discourse analysis
2.2.3 Conversation analysis
2.3 Questioning sequences as units of planning and analysis
2.3.1 Questioning sequences as sequences of questions
2.3.2 Questioning sequences as a series of core and processing questi
2.3.3 Questioning sequences as the framework for a unit
2.4 Leaming space as the measure of questioning sequences
2.4.1 Learning as the experience of variation
2.4.2 The object of learning
2.4.3 The critical aspects of the object of learning
2.4.4 Ways to create the space of learning.
2.5 Questioning sequences for the extension of L2 learning space
2.5.1 The objects of learning of a language course
2.5.2 Questioning sequences in the light of L2 learning space
2.6 Summary
Chapter 3 Methodology
3.1 Preliminary work
3.1.1 Context
3.1.2 Procedures
3.1.3 Findings
3.1.4 Summary
3.2 Action research
3.2.1 Action research in language teaching
3.2.2 A proactive/structured action research design
3.2.3 Interactional organizations as a tool for reflection
3.3 Research design
3.3.1 Research questions
3.3.2 Participants
3.3.3 Procedures
3.4 Data collection and analysis
3.4.1 Data collection and analysis during AR
3.4.2 Data collection and analysis after AR
3.5 Validity concerns and ethical issues
3.6 Summary
Chapter 4 First Cycle of Action Research
4.1 Focusing
4.2 Planning
4.3 Implementing
4.3.1 Identifying the objects of learning
4.3.2 Designing questions
4.3.3 Enacting questions
4.4 Evaluating
4.4.1 Students' learning logs
4.4.2 Peer observation feedback.
4.4.3 Group discussion notes
4.4.4 Stimulated reflection journals
4.4.5 Implications
Chapter 5 Second Cycle of Action Research
5.1 Focusing
5.2 Planning
5.3 Implementing
5.3.1 Identifying the objects of learning
5.3.2 Designing questions
5.3.3 Handing out the questions as a guide for preview
5.3.4 Enacting questions
5.4 Evaluating
5.4.1 Students' learning logs.
5.4.2 Peer observation feedback.
5.4.3 Group discussion notes
5.4.4 Stimulated reflection journals
5.4.5 Implications
Chapter 6 Third Cycle of Action Research
6.1 Focusing
6.2 Planning
6.3 Implementing
6.3.1 Identifying the objects of learning
6.3.2 Designing questions
6.3.3 Incorporating student questions
6.3.4 Enacting questions
6.4 Evaluating
6.4.1 Students' learning logs
6.4.2 Peer observation feedback.
6.4.3 Group discussion notes
6.4.4 Stimulated reflection journals
6.4.5 Implications
Chapter 7 Further Discussion
7.1 Design and implementation of teacher questions
7.1.1 Identifying appropriate instructional objectives
7.1.2 Sequencing questions by varying acts and contents
7.1.3 Adapting design and implementation based on reflections
7.2 Contributions to student learning
7.2.1 Development of autonomous learning
7.2.2 Improvement of text comprehension
7.2.3 Increased willingness to participate
List of Tables
List of Figures
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation for the study
1.1.1 Importance of teacher questions in classroom instruction
1.1.2 Ineffective teacher questions due to lack of explicit goals
1.1.3 Neglect of instructional objectives in research on teacher questions
1.2 Rationale for the study
1.2.1 Questioning sequences
1.2.2 Learning space
1.3 Overview of the action research
1.4 Structure of the dissertation
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Taxonomies of teacher questions
2.1.1 Taxonomies based on forms
2.1.2 Taxonomies based on functions
2.1.3 Taxonomies based on multiple dimensions
2.2 Research on language teacher questions
2.2.1 Interaction analysis
2.2.2 Discourse analysis
2.2.3 Conversation analysis
2.3 Questioning sequences as units of planning and analysis
2.3.1 Questioning sequences as sequences of questions
2.3.2 Questioning sequences as a series of core and processing questi
2.3.3 Questioning sequences as the framework for a unit
2.4 Leaming space as the measure of questioning sequences
2.4.1 Learning as the experience of variation
2.4.2 The object of learning
2.4.3 The critical aspects of the object of learning
2.4.4 Ways to create the space of learning.
2.5 Questioning sequences for the extension of L2 learning space
2.5.1 The objects of learning of a language course
2.5.2 Questioning sequences in the light of L2 learning space
2.6 Summary
Chapter 3 Methodology
3.1 Preliminary work
3.1.1 Context
3.1.2 Procedures
3.1.3 Findings
3.1.4 Summary
3.2 Action research
3.2.1 Action research in language teaching
3.2.2 A proactive/structured action research design
3.2.3 Interactional organizations as a tool for reflection
3.3 Research design
3.3.1 Research questions
3.3.2 Participants
3.3.3 Procedures
3.4 Data collection and analysis
3.4.1 Data collection and analysis during AR
3.4.2 Data collection and analysis after AR
3.5 Validity concerns and ethical issues
3.6 Summary
Chapter 4 First Cycle of Action Research
4.1 Focusing
4.2 Planning
4.3 Implementing
4.3.1 Identifying the objects of learning
4.3.2 Designing questions
4.3.3 Enacting questions
4.4 Evaluating
4.4.1 Students' learning logs
4.4.2 Peer observation feedback.
4.4.3 Group discussion notes
4.4.4 Stimulated reflection journals
4.4.5 Implications
Chapter 5 Second Cycle of Action Research
5.1 Focusing
5.2 Planning
5.3 Implementing
5.3.1 Identifying the objects of learning
5.3.2 Designing questions
5.3.3 Handing out the questions as a guide for preview
5.3.4 Enacting questions
5.4 Evaluating
5.4.1 Students' learning logs.
5.4.2 Peer observation feedback.
5.4.3 Group discussion notes
5.4.4 Stimulated reflection journals
5.4.5 Implications
Chapter 6 Third Cycle of Action Research
6.1 Focusing
6.2 Planning
6.3 Implementing
6.3.1 Identifying the objects of learning
6.3.2 Designing questions
6.3.3 Incorporating student questions
6.3.4 Enacting questions
6.4 Evaluating
6.4.1 Students' learning logs
6.4.2 Peer observation feedback.
6.4.3 Group discussion notes
6.4.4 Stimulated reflection journals
6.4.5 Implications
Chapter 7 Further Discussion
7.1 Design and implementation of teacher questions
7.1.1 Identifying appropriate instructional objectives
7.1.2 Sequencing questions by varying acts and contents
7.1.3 Adapting design and implementation based on reflections
7.2 Contributions to student learning
7.2.1 Development of autonomous learning
7.2.2 Improvement of text comprehension
7.2.3 Increased willingness to participate
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