

1星价 ¥34.9 (7.0折)
2星价¥34.9 定价¥49.8
  • ISBN:9787302209492
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:394
  • 出版时间:2009-01-01
  • 条形码:9787302209492 ; 978-7-302-20949-2


  《新编饭店实用英语听说教程》从培养高级应用型人才的总体目标出发,根据国际旅游饭店业发展的新形势和新特点,依照旅游饭店服务与管理活动的全过程,主要介绍旅游饭店各相关部门的服务与管理工作等知识技能,并结合学生毕业后就业的实际需求,注重实践应用。  由于《新编饭店实用英语听说教程》构思独特、知识系统、结构合理、流程清晰、内容翔实、突出实用性、注重旅游饭店服务全过程应用能力的培养,且采用新颖、统一的格式化体例设计,因此该书可以作为普通高等院校本科旅游管理专业的教材,也可以作为高职、高等教育自学考试、成人教育以及旅游饭店从业人员的岗位培训用书。


Unit One Front Office
Part A: Reservation & Check-in
Part B: Bell Service
Part C: Information Desk & Switchboard
Part D: Check-out
Part E: Handling Complaints

Unit Two Housekeeping
Part A: Guiding the Guests to Their Rooms
Part B: Chamber Service
Part C: Laundry Service
Part D: Room Service
Part E: Handling Complaints

Unit Three Food and Beverages
Part A: Receiving the Reservation
Part B: Taking the Order
Part C: Table Service
Part D: Taking the Bill
Part E: Handling Complaints

Unit Four Shopping Arcade
Part A: Inquiries about Shopping Arcade
Part B: At the Gift Shop
Part C: At the Souvenir Shop
Part D: At the Food Shop
Part E: Handling Complaints

Unit Five Recreation and Fitness Center
Part A: Introducing the Facilities
Part B: Explaining the Membership Policy
Part C: Filling Out the Application Form for Becoming a Member
Part D: Offering Help
Part E: Handling Complaints

Unit Six Beauty Parlor
Part A: Inquiries about the Beauty Parlor
Part B: At the Hairdresser's
Part C: At the Barber's
Part D: Facial Massage
Part E: Handling Complaints

Unit Seven Hotel Service
Part A: Taking Messages
Part B: Wake-up Call Service
Part C: Booking Tickets
Part D: Special Service
Part E: Handling Complaints

Key to Unit 1
Key to Unit 2
Key to Unit 3
Key to Unit 4
Key to Unit 5
Key to Unit 6
Key to Unit 7
Tapescript for Unit 1
Tapescript for Unit 2
Tapescript for Unit 3
Tapescript for Unit 4
Tapescript for Unit 5
Tapescript for Unit 6
Tapescript for Unit 7

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