

1星价 ¥22.8 (5.7折)
2星价¥22.8 定价¥39.9
  • ISBN:9787122400703
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:196
  • 出版时间:2022-01-01
  • 条形码:9787122400703 ; 978-7-122-40070-3


适读人群 :小学生,尤其是3-4年级小学生1、时间规划 跟小学生校历同步,以周为单位,每学年分为16周,每周包含同主题韵文3篇。 帮助家长做好时间规划,每周有规律地诵读三篇韵文,不会给孩子太多负担,给孩子更多成就感。 2、主题与教材同步 我们分析了全国主流英语教材PEP和新起点小学阶段的所有主题,提取两套教材高频主题32个。 孩子可以将本书作为学校课本的补充材料,既能够作为诵读读本,又可以复习课本所学,一举两得。 3、选材多样 为了丰富孩子的阅读体验,我们在选材时涵盖童谣、儿歌、绕口令、儿童诗、歌曲、经典作品节选等难易适度的短小篇目,让孩子读起来不乏味更有趣。 4、难度递进 本系列图书分为三册,第 一册面向一二年级低段孩子,第二册面向三四年级中段孩子,第三册面向五六年级高段孩子。虽然主题相同,但篇目难度递增,低段孩子主要选取童谣、儿歌、绕口令等更加朗朗上口,篇幅短小、生词量少的材料,中高段逐渐增加诗作、经典作品节选等更实用的段子,提升阅读品味。


1、时间规划 跟小学生校历同步,以周为单位,每学年分为16周,每周包含同主题韵文3篇。 帮助家长做好时间规划,每周有规律地诵读三篇韵文,不会给孩子太多负担,给孩子更多成就感。 2、主题与教材同步 我们分析了全国主流英语教材PEP和新起点小学阶段的所有主题,提取两套教材高频主题32个。 孩子可以将本书作为学校课本的补充材料,既能够作为诵读读本,又可以复习课本所学,一举两得。 3、选材多样 为了丰富孩子的阅读体验,我们在选材时涵盖童谣、儿歌、绕口令、儿童诗、歌曲、经典作品节选等难易适度的短小篇目,让孩子读起来不乏味更有趣。 4、难度递进 本系列图书分为三册,第 一册面向一二年级低段孩子,第二册面向三四年级中段孩子,第三册面向五六年级高段孩子。虽然主题相同,但篇目难度递增,低段孩子主要选取童谣、儿歌、绕口令等更加朗朗上口,篇幅短小、生词量少的材料,中高段逐渐增加诗作、经典作品节选等更实用的段子,提升阅读品味。


Week1 你好!你好! 002
See Ya 002
One Misty Moisty Morning 004
A Little Bird 006

Week2 我的身体 008
A Dimple on Your Cheek 008
That’s Me 010
Two Little Feet Go Tap 012

Week3 动物朋友 014
The Lion and the Unicorn 014
The Little Turtle 016
Bow Wow 018

Week4 数字王国 020
How Many Hours do You Sleep? 020
Five Little Monkeys 022
The Zoo 024

Week5 缤纷色彩 026
Colourful Rainbow 026
The Rose Is Red 028
Chook, Chook, Chook 030

Week6 健康的蔬果 032
You shall Have an Apple 032
Twelve Pears Hanging High 034

ter Piper 036

Week7 可口的点心 038
Come, Butter, Come 038
Hot Pies and Cold Pies 040
An Apple Pie 042

Week8 好喝的饮料 044
I Love Coffee 044
If All the World Was Apple Pie 046
Tea Pot 048

Week9 一日三餐 050
Fairy Bread 050
The Crust of Bread 052
Bread 054

Week10 我们买买买 056
Simple Simon Met a Pieman 056
Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit Pie 058
There Was a Crooked Man 060

Week11 季节之歌 062
Thirty Days Has September 062
Cuckoo, Cuckoo, What do You Do? 064
Here We Come Piping 066

Week12 亲爱的家人 068
There Was a Little Girl 068
I Know a Child 070
A Kiss When I Wake in the Morning 072

Week13 亲密的朋友 074
Polly Put the Kettle On 074

mmy Was a Pretty Girl 076
The Secret 078

Week14 有趣的日常 080
Tommy Kept a Chandler’s Shop 080
Hiccup, Hiccup, Go Away 082
The Animal Store 084

Week15 时时刻刻 086
The Tick-Tock Clock 086
Bedtime 088
If You Sneeze on Monday 090

Week16 变幻的天气 092
Five Little Snowmen 092
Falling Snow 094
Who has Seen the Wind? 096

Week1 兴趣与爱好 002
Dance Baby 002
Listen to My Big Drum 004
There Was a Jolly Miller 006

Week2 一起做游戏 008
The Hokey Pokey 008
Hide and Seek 010
Buff Says Buff to All His Men 012

Week3 珍贵的情谊 014
Five Fluffy Little Robins 014
The Arrow and the Song 016
Four Little Astronauts 018

Week4 有趣的人们 020
The Piper’s Son 020
I’ll Tell You a Story 022
Robin and Richard 024

Week5 方向方位 026
When the Wind Is in the East 026
The Man in the Moon 028
Trip and Go 030

Week6 交通工具 032
Cycling 032
Down at the Bus Stop 034
The Wheels on the Bus 036

Week7 假日愉快 038
Happy Birthday Poem 038
Little Robin Redbreast 040
Good Riddance, but Now What? 042

Week8 情绪开关 044
Let Dogs Delight to Bark and Bite 044
Love Between Brothers and Sisters 046
Baby Dolly 048

Week9 奇思妙想 050
Kite 050
An Old Woman Went up in a Basket 052
If All the Little Raindrops 054

Week10 晚安故事 056
The King Had Three Daughters 056
I Hear Bells 058
Hush Little Baby do Not Say a Word 060

Week11 奇妙的自然 062
If All the Seas 062
If Ever I See 064
Fog 066

Week12 一花一世界 068
Little Things 068
Auguries of Innocence 070
The Rainbow 072

Week13 伟大的建筑 074
A Well 074
Little Tom Tittlemouse 076
London Bridge Is Broken Down 078

Week14 工作与职业 080
If Your Job Is Small 080
Dolly Crib 082
Blue Bell Boy 084

Week15 生活教会我 086
If Wishes Were Horses 086
A Man of Words and Not of Deeds 088
As the Days Grow Longer 090

Week16 黄金法则 092
My Mother Said... 092
On the Gift of a Book to a Child 094
Golden Rules 096


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